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The Donators
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Status Updates posted by TEOL

  1. It was alright. Modest to average.

  2. YOU... SNOOZE, YOU... LOSE.

  3. You snooze, you lose.

  4. A baseball has stitches running down the middle. Are you saying a BASEBALL is suspicious?!


  6. RP diaries are on the downward trend in the Cube for ages now, so I haven't had a chance. Still got it planned out in my head, though, and things are swinging back, so I may try it soon.

  7. I was stalking you, though.

    Still am.

  8. What have I done now? <_<

  9. That's a scarily good point.

  10. Says you. Don't let yourself be tied down by convention. Or the English language.

  11. I don't know.

    Clearly I just want your attention and possibly your babies also.

  12. I was browsing my old profile comments from a few months ago and found this from you: "To celebrate our new friendship, we must collaborate for an RP diary that keeps people's mind off Mafia diaries. My awesomeness plus TEOL's writing = One helluva diary." You're probably thinking 'was that a few months ago?' It was OVER A YEAR, buddy.

  13. Even I have a life, y'know. <_<

  14. I would, but I can't remember why either.

  15. I didn't think you still visited my profile. <_<

  16. Never give up. Never surrender.

  17. I honestly thought I'd fear you even a little after that, but... nope. I guess Silent Hill really did desensitise me.

  18. ... whatever you're doing on my profile, stop it. >_>

  19. You already know. <_<

  20. Evil Guy needs more love, and I'm here to deliver it.

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