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The EWRiddler

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    Riddle me this, riddle me that, I've got an easy one for you, EWBats: I am the past, brought to life by the present, for my understanding in the future.

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  1. Riddle me this, riddle me that, I've got an easy one for you, EWBats: If a picture is worth a thousand words, my three-letter name is worth thousands more.

  2. Riddle me this, riddle me that, I've got an easy one for you, EWBats: Like small planets in the palm of a child, scattered about like the stars of the universe.

  3. Riddle me this, riddle me that, I've got an easy one for you, EWBats: I am the stars of the earth.

  4. Riddle me this, riddle me that, I've got an easy one for you, EWBats: One letter has the power to widen the road.

    1. StevenRichardsRules



    2. EWB's Best Poster.

      EWB's Best Poster.

      oh, I know. Its B. Broad.

  5. Alas, EWB, you have foiled my plans. I wished to restore your thread, and be the better man! Instead, the site vanished, and I could not fix things at all. But now I've returned to get things back on the ball. Your thread is restored, I hope you enjoy it. But trust that next time you'll lose against my wit!
  6. A winner is you, and it stabs me through the heart! To think that my riddle was beaten, right from the start! Have you grown wise to my games? Have I become so well expected? Have my secrets truly gone so greatly unprotected? Congratulations are in order, so for you I'll tip my hat... but will you solve my riddle next time? Hmph! We'll see about that.
  7. An impressive win again, EWBats, I'll give you credit where credit is due. You did well on this riddle, sure... but the next won't be easy for you! Here's your thread back, once again... I'm growing tired of all this stealing. The things I've planned for when our fun begins sound much, much more appealing! Still, there's another one in store for you regardless of if you're ready. To keep you on your toes, EWBats, I shall keep my riddles steady! Soon you will see what I've planned all along, and this man you've complained of will suddenly belong!
  8. Thanksgiving day's passed, and for some, you're quite full. You're growing quite tired, you can feel the Sandman's pull. But not so fast, EWBats, you've a riddle you must answer.At least, if you plan to cure the X-BAWKS Megathread of its cancer. Did you think I'd go quietly, when last I was defeated? Did you think I'd just give up, that my desire would be depleted? What a foolish thing to think, EWBats, but at least now I'll prove you wrong. My riddle for tonight shall make you think hard twice as long! Just remember one thing, EWBats, these riddles aren't just random. They piece together nicely; why, they really work in-tandem. So now I ask you, EWBats, to riddle me this and riddle me that: will your answers to my third riddle inevitably fall flat? Let's find out: Most people seem to curse my name, even though I'm not alive. And when I come upon them, most people want to hide. I'm the first of many like me; or second, according to some. I travel in a pack of seven, you can trust we'll always come. I'm immortal, innevitable, unavoidable, and unstoppable. And to try and avoid me would be sadly quite impossible. You know me quite well, why, you even know my name. So who am I, EWBats? Have you beaten my little game? Once again, EWBers, each poster has one guess. Try not to waste your answers, if you expect to pass my test. The X-BAWKS Megathread is mine now, until my riddle's mastered. For now though, in its place, my riddle thread will be plastered. Who among you will answer this time, will it be one of the same? Or will yet another new face step up to win my game? Only time will tell, of this do I well know. Until then, however, I fear that I must go. So long, EWBats, good luck and good guessing; oh, and trust me that in time, these riddles may be your blessing!
  9. Kliq, stop arsing about with your rhyming dictionary and fix the fucking board.

  10. I say you're Keith! He was doing all rhyming and shit in donators earlier.

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