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Everything posted by FLiam

  1. I still can't find it. Do Arsenal not have them on this? I can see other teams ones like Man Utd.
  2. I don't get how to view your own feeder clubs and send people on loan there etc. I can other teams feeder clubs, but not mine. Maybe I am just stupid, how do you do it? I hope the injury bug is fixed, I have about 9 players out injured, had to play Denilson and Song in midfield in my last game and Walcott and Aliadiere up front. Yikes.
  3. I'm stuck on a mission, it is pissing me off. Think it a Los Carnanas one or whatever they are called. I have to blow up the plane that the gang leader guy is flying in, but they keep blowing my car up.
  4. Anyone got the Kennedy intro uploaded somewhere else? That ones been taken down.
  5. Finlay and Lashley are up, both look awesome. Lashley's intro doesn't work for some reason though, it is all zoomed in.
  6. Cactus Jack, Bam Bam Bigelow. *marks out* Glad I can finally be Shane McMahon as well. Does anyone know if we will be able to use our own theme music on the 360 version yet? I'll be really pissed if we can't. I'm gonna want to use King of King's for Triple H's theme music.
  7. Starship Titanic on PC. Didn't get it one bit. Has anyone else played it? It doesn't make sense at all.
  8. Anyone else got it? Got it today, lots of fun. Very over the top but that is what makes it fun, parachuting from everywhere. The map is insanely big, you don't realise how big it is until you play it. It took me must have been about 30-40 minutes to get from side of the island to the other.
  9. I got to the Carlito bit when he is shooting loads, I can't beat him. I don't know where to get an SMG or shotgun, I've heard you need to beat other bosses to get them but I can't or the time for the Carlito mission will end I think.
  10. COME ON!!!! Of all people, had to be Adebayor didn't it? Fucking hell, beating Utd at Old Trafford is great.
  11. I got this game today and I love it. I got to the clown and I can't beat him, he keeps killing me, any advice?
  12. OK, strange bit of news. Gallas was offered the number 3 shirt but now doesn't want it. He is number 10. I saw about 20 people at the Brazil game on Sunday with Gallas and 3 on the back. Bwahahahaha. Why take Dennis' number though?
  13. Anyone picked it up yet? Got my copy yesterday, pretty good. The customization is great, so much different things to wear etc. And so many different things to do to the car. Already 12% into it, the missions vary quite a bit too so it isn't the same old thing. I love starting gang wars, it is great fun. The insurance fraud activity is awesome too.
  14. Well, we are much better off than we were a couple of days ago. Two players who didn't want to be here out and two players who have something to prove and wanted to be here, in. We also signed some 4 year old called Denilson. Wonder when we are going to stop signing them, there has been so many recently. We've signed Merida, O'Cauhall (or whatever his name is), van den Berg, Vela, Denilson and Traore. All seem to have very bright futures.
  15. Full Metal Jacket - 9/10: Finally watched it after hearing so much about it, the first 20 or so minutes is the best part of the film though. Snakes on a Plane - 8/10: I loved it, ridiculous film, but it is great. I hated the part when the guy got trampled on and got heel stuck in his ear. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith - 9/10: The best of the first 3 films by far.
  16. Anyone got an updated pic for Kevin Thorn?
  17. The best one's I have seen are Downfall, Brotherhood and La Haine.
  18. Just got back from the game. Man is the atmosphere better. Theo got a huge reception and he looks pretty damn good. I think he will start on Wednesday. On another day we would have won that 4 or 5-nil. They had one chance which went in, it was all one way traffic, we had roughly 104 corners as well, which shick horror we didn't score from any of. We need some banners or something on the tiers too as it looks shit at the moment, it is just brown concrete, we need something to make it feel more like home. And I don't know why Wenger insists on starting Adebayor instead of van Persie, I really don't. I haven't really been impressed by Adebayor at all.
  19. Chelski are getting Khalid Boularouz apparently. He isn't that great, and BBC Sport says he is 24, he looks about 35.
  20. Brotherhood: 9/10 Awesome. Just about the only word to describe it really, I think it is better than Saving Private Ryan. These foreign war films always seem to be amazing, the battle scenes in this are breathtaking as well. I fully recomend it to anyone. Except people who are offended by violence, because this has a lot.
  21. I picked this up today for £9.99. I saw the trailer on a DVD that came with Empire a while ago, I didn't realise it had alreayd been in the cinemas, I really wanted to see it. Anyone seen it? Is it any good? I haven't got time to watch it until tomorrow.
  22. Is that Martin's age thing still not sorted? I read something about 6 months ago about that, apparently he has a fake passport which makes him older, come to think of it, he does look older than 21.
  23. Tommy Dreamer would be great to include. I think they may just include Sabu, maybe as an unlockable though. The other ECW guys I don't really mind that much if they are included, can always create the others. Which is another reason I hope we can add our own theme music so I can put Enter Sandman for Sandman's theme etc.
  24. I want the wrestler of the day countdown to start. If Kennedy isn't in, I will cry too. He has to have his own intro too.. I also hope Boogeyman and Umaga make it.
  25. So many that I am looking foward to: Call of Duty 3. Brothers in Arms 3. Smackdown vs. RAW 2007 - I share Zero's point about ripping your own soundtracks. Dead Rising. Saint's Row. FM '07. Lego Star Wars. Pro Evo 6. Gears of War. Just Cause. Forza 2. All for 360, that is a lot of money. Also, apprently a Lost game is coming out next year, could be cool.
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