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Everything posted by FLiam

  1. Figo will probably end up joining Bolton. Only if they got in the Champion's League though.
  2. Iker Casillas is the best keeper in the world right now by a distance. I have lost count of the amount of games that he has saved for Madrid, so many times. Petr Cech is 2nd in my opinion, and to think, he could be playing for us. And about Drogba. That is what you get when you spend £24m on a £9m striker.
  3. I read on goal.com that we are going to sign Morgan de Sanctis in the summer from Udinese for €10m. I haven't seen him in real life, I have only seen hin on FM, and he is brilliant on that. Anyone seen him in real life before? Is €10m too much for him?
  4. Look through this thread I am sure you will find all of those requests.
  5. Could someone PM me the link please? The link I had is dead.
  6. I saw bits of it earlier, it is fucking genius. SPOILERS Pinnochio bit was awesome, fucking funny. 2 And A Half Men part was also classic and had me in stitches. The Passion of the Christ 2 trailer was genius. The bit when Peter said it was more intense than when he forgot how to sit down, then cuts to a clip of him looking at a chair then he just throws himself at it and it breaks, that bit was fucking hilarious. END SPOILER Anyone know when it is on in UK yet? I havent seen anything of when it will be shown, all I know is that it will be on BBC.
  7. On the subject of Phillipe Senderos. This guy is going to be a fucking legend. Senderos > * 11 clean sheets in a row for him now, if you include his two Swiss games. That is a fucking awesome record for someone just coming into the side.
  8. Only if we played like this all through the season. I thought we were brilliant today, 8 clean sheets in 9 games. Sorry Sol, no way back in the side this season by the looks of it. Everyone today played brilliant, even Reyes and Lauren. And Edu just has to stay, when he came on, he was top class and fitted right inot the pace of the game even though he has been out for god knows how long.
  9. Holy fucking shit. That was a goal and a half. He just hit it so fucking hard and it curled and dipped so much too. Not sure if it is goal of the season, but in the top 3 for sure.
  10. No you don't. Arjen Robben plus Damien Duff = Fucking brilliant. Duh.
  11. In my experience, the best left winger bar none is Reyes. He is always winning player of the year, bagging 20 goals and 20 assists from the wing too. I have had Robben, Reyes, Downing and Ronaldo all before but Reyes was clearly the better of the four. Robben is close behind though, he is awesome on this game.
  12. West Brom will stay up, I have never really liked them tbh. I like Southampton, I feel a bit sorry for them being so shit and conceding goals when they are winning all the time. But WBA will definatley stay up this season, and Zoltan Gera is quality.
  13. Don't open it, you don't need to. Place it in your C:\WINDOWS\system folder.
  14. The season before Wenger arrived iirc. Because Wenger has never finished outside the top 2. Yeh, I remember now, his first season he took over kind of half way through and got us in the UEFA cup. Since then, runners-up or champions. Quite a good record for someone who the bookies had as first manager to be sacked the year he took over.
  15. Got that off Arseblog. Ferguson only didn't talk to BBC but he never does, but he didn't speak to any media against Norwich and doesn't speak to media when something goes against him, so it is a good point. That is another thing that I like about Wenger.
  16. I realised, I have had this exact same argument with Utd fans so many times. It is late so we are going to have to agree to disagree. You think Arsenal are bigger cheats, I don't. But I win.
  17. About the Fulham reversed decision. The fact is, it WASN'T A PENALTY! That is why, if it was a penalty, fair enough, but it wasn't. And yes, I didn't see it. Seriously thogh, when the fuck was that? And on the subject of ending careers. Roy fucking Keane. How mancs can worship a guy that went out there to purposely end somebody's career is a fucking joke. I don't care how good he is, that is just wrong. So we have players karate kicking fans, players kicking balls at fans, players ending a players career on purpose. I haven't seen an Arsenal player do any of those things.
  18. Well did we try to cheat to win a game today? Did Man Utd try to cheat to draw a game today? Exactly. And that Pires "dive". On that occasion, he clearly got tugged on his arm a little, fair enough little contact but he is running fast and then loses his footing. Come on, you could have at least had the Pompey one. But once again, I never said we didn't ever ever cheat did I? And how are you all forgetting Blackburn?
  19. Well most people I know who are non Man Utd fans agree with me also that Man Utd are the scum of the English league. I don't know how so many people don't see it. Yes, fair enough we cheat sometimes, but with Man utd, it is so often and it is so blatant it is untrue. Ronaldo diving constantly to try and win penalties, who tried to win a penalty for Arsenal tonight when we needed a win? No-one, because we don't want to win a game like that. And better yet. Who was the team that offered to replay a fucking game in the FA Cup when Kanu set up that goal for Overmars? We didn't want to go through like that, so we replayed a game which we could have just as easily said "Fuck off we aren't replaying" On the RvN matter, fuck off. did you know WHY that happened. He has gotten away with fucking murder playing us. Elbowing Keown, elbowing Lauren, punching Freddie in the stomach in FRONT of the referee! (which by the way, nothing has been about that STILL). He nearly ended Ashley Cole's fucking career this season. There was a reason for that pushing and it is because he has been elbowing and punching Arsenal players in almost every game he plays against us.
  20. I knew that would come up, but once again, I just said Vieira dives, I know he does. It is just that I see it so much more from Man Utd. Just for the record, how many neutrals are discussing this at the moment?
  21. But Arsenal never go out onto a football pitch and try to kick the shit out of the opponents. Man Utd do. And it is fact because it HAPPENS. I never see that happen because that is not our game to beat our opponent like that, we beat them playing football. Just like Chelsea and others. Man Utd too often go out onto a pitch and fight. And on the subject of diving. I love that picture. And by the way, Vieira doesn't kick the ball at fans. That is totally different, for example, today, he got booked. Did he moan? Exactly. That is what i mean, Man Utd being fucking wrong when it comes to discipline sometimes. Example: Eric Cantona.
  22. How much by you think? Because he probably shouldn't be on a higher wage than £20,000 a week really.
  23. To be fair Monkey, Vieira goes down an awful lot this season. Because he is shit probably. But I don't care what you say about other players. Regular divers in the Arsenal team are Pires, Vieira and maybe Cole every now and then. But Man Utd are the biggest cheats I have seen, everyone knows it, just watch some Utd games and watch the way they approach certain games, for instance the game at Old Trafford this season. Here is their points before a game: 1) Attack players off the ball, try to take them out. 2) Play football. They did the same in the semi last season, taking out Reyes again, as they did this season. When Arsenal/Man Utd meet in a game, it's a fucking war. When we play Chelsea it isn't. It is a game of football where everyone is trying to play fair, like tonight, and the game at Highbury. Which is why I have some respect for Chelsea.
  24. Aston Villa suck. No, what i really meant to say was on the Hitzelsberger issue, has anyone been impressed by him this season? I think he has been thinking about leaivng all year because when I see him this season he hasn't been as good as he was previous seasons. I have always rated him, but this year he has been below average in my eyes anyway.
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