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Everything posted by FLiam

  2. And another thing, is Djimi Traore the worst player to ever appear in a European cup final? He is barely Division 1 quality tbh. And have no idea how Chelsea didn't exploit that side in the semi. And he should have brought Cissé on for Kewell, not Smicer, Baros is a pile of shit up front on his own. Get's outmuscled and outheaded, he is shit there. And García is quite poor too, stupid attempts at skills, wasting shots, passing astray. Bloody hell, how the fuck did they get here? To add to that, Gerrard is choking.
  3. Flight Ticket to Istanbul - £200 Ticket from a tout - £300 Seeing your team butt raped by Milan - Priceless.
  4. What a goal by Crespo. What a goal. that was just stunning. Goodnight Liverpool.
  5. Gameover. That was harsh, hardly a free kick.
  6. Dodgeball - 8.5/10 I liked this film, I thought it would be a let down but it wasn't, great stuff. Love the part when they are getting hit by wrenches, classic. And the necrophilia comment was great. Only bad thing imo was that it was so short.
  7. I don't make noises when I play tennis. Only if I am going to hit a shot which is hard to get to or I need that little extra power.
  8. I usually aim just beside the wall if I am like 30 or more yards out, if closer, I'll aim a bit to the wall, although I haven't scored a regular first time freekick yet on PES4, they are fucking hard, I only ever score the ones when you lay it off, I suck.
  9. About Sharapova, yeh, she is extremly noisy nowadays, every single shot she plays she screams at the top of her lungs. She never used to, last year she would occasionally but now it is like every shot.
  10. Anybody see Agassi's match today? Man, that was hard to watch, fair play to him and he deserves a load of credit for finishing the match, top class.
  11. Zoolander - 8/10 Another film high on my favourites list, has me in stitches in places still. The "Where'd all the file go?" comment from Owen Wilson always cracks me up and the bit when Ben Stiller throws the model of his center to the floor and shouts "What is this?! A center for ants!!" I love it, great film.
  12. The Dutch prodigy who has been chased by Arsenal, Barcelona, Man Utd, Liverpool, Real Madrid, Lyon, PSV who goes by the name of Rafael van der Vaart is set to join............ HSV Hamburg. For around £4 fucking million!
  13. FLiam


    You know any sites by any chance?
  14. The Frighteners - 8.5/10 I really like this movie, it is up there with my favourites, Michael J. Fox is a great actor and the guy who plays the pyscho detective man is brilliant in this film. I recommend it to anyone. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope - 9.5/10 The third best Star Wars movie behind Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Just awesome.
  15. I think they may have twisted his words, it did come from the News of the World. And didn't see it in any other paper. Anyway, if he does leave, that would suck bigtime and we would need someone brilliant to replace him, and I can't think of many that we could get. Perhaps le Guen but I can't think of anyone else.
  16. Hleb is very likely to join Arsenal in the next month.
  17. Well, yeh. But Lehmann made some important saves and if he let them in, we wouldn't have won.
  18. Lehmann did make a few stunning saves. The one from Scholes, the one from Rooney, the other one from Rooney, the clearence he made from Giggs and his penalty save. If it wasn't for him, we would have lost, end of.
  19. I watched it yesterday and thought it was pretty awesome, the special effects are just, wow. And when Anakin heel turned I marked like a bitch, I knew it was coming obviously but when it happened, it fucking ruled. Yoda is my new favourite thing in the whole world. And one bit that really made me laugh was when R2-D2 zapped the gun out of the guards hand and then the guard kicked him over, I loved that, it was classic. I can't wait to get my hands on the whole trilogy, not the one that is out now called 'The Trilogy'. It's not really now is it? As it is forgetting one part.
  20. coughFAcupagainstchelseacough. But seriopsuly though, I think Chelsea are now on a higher level than Utd when you compare people Chelsea have the better players in certain postitions in Cudicini, Bridge, Duff, Lampard and Kezman (if you compare him with Saha). I think the season will be the same end, Arsenal 1st, Chelsea 2nd and Utd 3rd. Imo, Utd are on the way down, the replacemtns for these brilliant players of the past are nothing. Except Howard and Ronaldo. I mean Djemba or Kleberson, you have to be kidding, Bellion? No comment. Forlan, don't get me started. Next season could very easily be an even worse season than last for Utd. And I think it will. ← I was half right. B)
  21. I love it. So glad we got the win. I am suprised, no-one has mentioned Arsene Wengers shitty tactics today. I mean, what the fuck was he doing? I have never seen us use a 4-5-1 formation before, it wasn't working but he wouldn't change it. I hope he doesn't want to use it next season. Anyway, Man Utd completley pissed all over us, but Lehmann was out to prove a point I think, he will be our number 1 next season, he was sensational today. So glad we got the win. Bring on next season already.
  22. Star Wars: Episode 3 - 10/10 Much better than the other two, I still think Empire Strikes Back is the best but this one is 2nd in my list. The special effects are bloody amazing.
  23. Draw has been made. So, who is everyone's picks? I am disapointed that Hewitt didn't recover in time from him being an idiot and falling over. I was looking foward to seeing him return. Anyway, my pick for the tournament is Federer or Coria. Both men I think will reach at least the quarter's if they don't win it. Nadal is of course in with a shout of winning it but I am not sure if he can last thorughout the whole two weeks to be honest, but hey, he could prove me wrong. And I hope Henman can match his result from last year, unlikely that he will, but here's hoping.
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