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Everything posted by FLiam

  1. But everytime I go and see Arsenal I know I'll get my moneys worth, seeing the team trying to score goals, not getting a 2 goal lead then taking all our attacking players off, Chelsea.
  2. So, we have more evidence of Chelsea ruining football. Basically, this guy believes he was tricked into signing for Utd, how the fuck can you be tricked? Now he has gone AWOL and there is a Lyn player that Chelsea have on trial and are now refusing to send him back and saying they are going to keep him. Something needs to be done about Chelsea's transfer dealings. They are basically scaring this guy into signing for Utd in order to get him to sign for them. First the russian mafia takes care of Anders Frisk and now this poor kid is being chased.
  3. I really do have to get a PSP, FM06 on the PSP looks awesome, it really does. And would be great for when I travel.
  4. Games like these is when I love being an Arsenal supportter. Forget your Chelsea's winning the league and your Liverpools getting to the European cup final. When it comes to style of play, we are still in a league of our own. The amount of times we see peformances like this in a season is amazing, Arsene Wenger is god for gracing us with this kind of football, I just hope it continues in the second half.
  5. But surely you should be happy with £80,000 a week? Why would you need more?
  6. Apparently they are offering Rio about £80,000 a week but he is demanded at least £20,000 or £30,000 a week more. That is just plain fucking greedy, £80,000 is more than enough, he should count him self lucky he can get the kind of money that the average person can't even get half of in a whole year. Arrogant bastards footballers are.
  7. Yeh, sorry about that, it is just Ferguson really gets on my tits these days. His stupid ass comments, like the one when he said we were going into liqudation, I mean, what the fuck is that all about. Onto the game today, that Tiago goal was fucking class. And I couldn't help but smile when they were doing their "Eaaasssy!" thing, I feel so dirty. and my mate went to the game, who is a Utd fan, and went all the way to see them lose, he was one who stayed behind though, but when I was talking to him on the phone, he didn't sound happy at all, he is going to be back at about 6am. He also said loads of Utd fans were talking about how they want Rio gone, because £125,000 is a joke, what do you all think?
  8. Why was that done again? Oh yeh, Ruud got Vieira sent off through cheating. If you watch Arsenal/Utd games, it is always them who start it, always. The other year in the FA Cup I remember they commited about 8 fouls in the first 5 minutes. I wish games between us were played like proper games, but they aren't because when they play us, football comes second, they have the Nevilles there to kick lumps out of Reyes. Did we target anyone on purpose this season? No, we didn't.
  9. Ferguson has now come out and said he hopes we play fair like Chelsea. Fuck off Ferguson you fucking prick is all I can say. How he has the nerve to say that is beyond me, we are the ones who try and play, not beat the shit out of Reyes. Ferguson is a cock, end of.
  10. No, we really really don't. Those kits are horrible and if Arsenal ever have them kits I swear I will cry.
  11. Another picture of the new kit. Not as bad as I first thought, not too bad. But I still think it should have been red and white.
  12. I have one question. WHEN THE FUCK IS IS ON OVER IN THE UK!?! I really want to see the new episodes, it probably won't be on until November.
  13. According to SI, it will be toned down a lot, and seem more similar to the CM3 series, thats what I read anyway. It will still fucking own, playing FM whilst on the move.
  14. I have been reading today that Wenger is looking to bring Paul le Guen in, as he stepped down as Lyon manager the other day, he wants him to be a coach at Arsenal with him as a possible succesor to Wenger himself. I have to say, that would be fucking awesome, le Guen has proved himself to be a great coach from what he has done with Lyon, I am not sure if he has been there for the four years that they have won the French league in a row, but if he was then that isn't bad. He also plays attacking football much like us, it wouldn't be a bad thing at all. If that happens, in the future, le Guen as manager and Wenger upstairs would be awesome as Wenger could still look for the young talent.
  15. FM06 on PSP? Hell, I need to get one now, that will give me something to do on the coach on the way up to Arsenal games, and for all the other travelling, that would be fucking sweet.
  16. Has anyone ever been Gretna? I read on sigames that they are Scotlands version of Chelski. How much cash do they have?
  17. He is 18 now. And just for the record, did anyone else see Arsenal players diving every 5 minutes? According to my Man Utd "supporting" friend, we were, especially Reyes and van Persie, however I failed to see any of it.
  18. Nadal and Coria. And I think Henman lost in the third round.
  19. Yeh, the freekick was a bit soft, but we won, so I don't care all that much. Fabregas is fucking awesome and I have no idea how he wasn't nominated for Young Player of the Year, he has been just as good as any of those who were. Reyes and van Persie played well again too, Reyes has his hunger back it seems (maybe the sunshine has something to do with that), and if those two continue, who knows, Henry has a job to get in the cup final side if he is fit, but I am sure he will get in. At the moment though, I don't think Sol will start and Freddie may have a job taking Fabregas' place but I think he will if he recovers.
  20. Did anyone see it? I only caught the last set because of the football but it was a bloody epic! It lasted 5 hours and the commentators were both saying it was one of the best tennis matches they have watched. I am going to have to catch the repeat. Nadal will be the number 1 soon and I think he will stay there for a long time, he is amazing.
  21. I finally have my internet back. Anyway, I have read lots linking Beckham with us lately, but why do we need him? First off, we would have to pay £15m plus for him, and he is 30 years old. Not a good deal and secondly he is way past his prime. Do any of you see the need for him?
  22. I saw this film a while back, I thought it was average at best. But that little robot dude is the man, he rules!
  23. I read on thisislondon that Dein said he isn't for sale and that Reyes has said that he is willing to now stay and fight for his place in the side and show how Spaniards can fight. This whole situation is fucking annoying. If we were to get Owen if Reyes was to go, it would soften the blow a little. But I don't want Reyes to leave. In other news, here is a new picture of the new kit: I don't mind it, it is available to buy from June 22nd.
  24. Figo will probably end up joining Bolton. Only if they got in the Champion's League though.
  25. Iker Casillas is the best keeper in the world right now by a distance. I have lost count of the amount of games that he has saved for Madrid, so many times. Petr Cech is 2nd in my opinion, and to think, he could be playing for us. And about Drogba. That is what you get when you spend £24m on a £9m striker.
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