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Everything posted by Mick

  1. How must I prepare?' You must ask yourself! 'Should I jump off the tallest building in the world? Should I lay on the lawn and let 'em run over me with lawnmowers? Should I go to Africa and let 'em trample me with raging elephants?'

  2. My biggest complaint with Ninja vs Spartan is they totally ignored the Black Egg. A while back I was at Tijuana Flats. I tried their hottest sauce, and made the idiotic mistake of rubbing my eyes. I can honestly say that my eyeballs felt like they were melting, and I then spent the next ten minutes washing my eyes out in the restroom. Now, since the Spartan doesn't really have that kind of time advantage, the fight would've been over right there. As for the Pirate vs Knight... The Pirate had guns. The Knight did not. Once guns showed up, it's no coincidence that armor became less of a factor. The knight was also honor bound, while the Pirate could've cared less. And as far as the damn Zombie vs Vampire, the only way a Vampire can lose is if the Zombie dumbs the vampire down enough to make an insanely stupid move; the Vampire will figure out that you have to go for the Zombie's head. You think a zombie can figure out that it can use a fucking stake on the Vampire?
  3. Sucks to be Washington then. As for the premise, yeah it's bullshit, but I just want to see things get fucked up. One of my favorite weapons was the Maori's Mere. Yeah, the Maori got his ass kicked, but look at what that damn thing did. Though to be fair, let's look at it like this: Winner's write the history books. Maybe it's less BULLSHIT and more reality....
  4. My first cassette that I remember getting was Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap by AC/DC. The first CD's came on...my 12th birthday I think? Anyway, my sister got them for me and it was the soundtracks to Twister, Mission Impossible, Independence Day, and Eponymous by REM. I wasn't much of a CD collector, thanks to technology. Why buy when I could download?
  5. Last game I did was the same scenario I did before, playing once again as Rome. In case you forgot or you're too lazy to scroll up, here's the deal: Real world map, real starting locations. The following nations are in play: Germany (w/Frederick), Egypt (w/Hasmowhatsit), Greece (w/AlexCnder), Persia (w/Cyrus), India (w/Asoka), China (w/Qin), Mongolia (w/Genghis Khan) and Japan (w/Tokugawa). I modify my early strategy just a bit, instead of running towards Iron Working right away, I get Poly and Monotheism. Then I research Iron Working and began to expand to 4 cities. Once I have Iron Working, I have each city pump out four Praetorians. Conquer Germany, Greece, Persia, and Egypt, and go to work on India. India becomes a vasaal, and I proceed to get most of the other religions (Alexander beat me to Buddhism, but no matter), and I proceed to start going crazy with expansion. Eventually, China loses it's mind and goes to war with the Japanese and Mongols (The Japanenese being seclued to Japan ); somehow Japan managed to get a small foothold in Korea and Vietnam, spreading south. Genghis contacts me offering to become my vasaal (Which I accept, amazingly, he's the number two guy) and by this point I have Riflemen, and I begin my assault on China. After they lose Southeast Asia to me, they lose Shangai, and agree to become my vasaal, while I still have a war with Japan. This ends when I take Korea and 'Nam, and I win the game. My score was something like 69000, making me, Julius Caesar, display the leadership skills of....Augustus Caesar . I then kept playing the game. Japan spread into Australia, India set up a colony in Argentina, and I colonized North America, and when I saw my vasaals doing that, I decided to nuke the land outside their territory to keep them in check
  6. I wonder how far you can get without Scientific Method... "Sir, we've just developed a high tech device called a 'Laser'!" "Praise Ganesh!" "We are now working on an idea called the scientific method " "Sounds good! (Y) " *later* "Sir, there are no gods." "FIRE THE 'LASER'! "
  7. I've found religion to be the game breaker. Consider the research bonus that the monasteries provide, as well as both the worker bonus you get under Organized and the birth rate bonus under Pacifism; all one really needs to do is make a rush towards all the religions (You may miss Buddhism and Hinduism, though), and until you reach Astronomy, you've got it made.
  8. Yeah, this. I don't really understand the graphics complaint, though; are you really playing a turn-based strategy game for that? Yep. Graphics aren't too important to me; I'm playing Civ IV because 1) Civ II will not work on my computer, and 2) Alpha Centauri's getting boring.
  9. But the Stack o' Doom is fun! Just ask the Greeks, Persians, Egyptians, and Germoh that's right those countries don't exist any more
  10. Awesome game yesterday; Same Earth map as before, playing as Rome with Julius, opponents being Egypt, Germany, India, Persia, Japan, China, Mongolia, and Greece. I make an early run towards Iron Working so I can crank out the Praetorians, and I proceed to steamroll the Greeks and Germans, then moving on towards the Persians and Egyptians (Thus giving me solid control of Europe, Africa and the Middle East). India for whatever reason offers to be my vassal, and I decide at this point to just expand and build up. I decide a domination victory is a bad idea (though getting the population for it is easy, getting the land isn't ), so I decide on culture, and I manage to found every religion except for Taoism and Buddhism. Technology then went ape shit, I think I won by the mid 19th century. Fun things that happened: Two captured Persian cities kept asking to join India (Which I thought was bullshit) up until the very end. The Egyptians and Greeks resurfaced as Japanese vassals, though oddly, they were repsented by the Koreans and Malinese. Deciding not to bother with them (in spite of me bullying Tokugawa around, and his cronies), when they finally declare war on me, I bribe the Chinese and Mongolians to take care of them. Things didn't go so well for the Koreans. I might give the game another go and try for a conquest victory with Rome. Also, where are you guys finding the real world maps? Only one I could find was a scenario, and I'd like to give a game a shot where I start as an American power (Natives, Americans, Aztecs, Incans, or Mayans) and put everyone else in Europe
  11. Lousy Romans.... I'm doing a game as the Egyptians, on the Earth map. I've got the Germans, Romans and Greeks on Europe, the Persians, Chinese, Indians, Mongols, and Japanese in Asia, and Africa all to myself. So I'm thinking I'll be nice and isolationist. I realize things begin to go bad when Julius demands marble in tribute (which I refuse), and so the game goes on. I also understand the threat, to I decide to keep my boarders with Rome closed (for now) and then deal with things later on; the only way into Africa by land is through the Sinai, which is blocked off. Well, out of the blue, Rome (and the Mongols) declare war on me. I hover over the units approaching the Sinai...Four Praetorians. My army consists of Warriors for garrisons. Needless to say, the writing was on the wall >_< I didn't finish the game, deciding to close the window rather than watch my nation get obliterated.
  12. General Kala — Flash Gordon approaching.

    1. jrhodes


      What do you mean, "Flash Gordon approaching"?

  13. Maaaaaan, I don't know why you went to the trouble of bringing in Roosevelt when China already has a leader in Qin who's perfectly suited to turtle up and go cultural. Nab Stonehenge early, cottage up, and then build all the wonders you want. I was fully planning to go cultural with Qin last night before killing Roosevelt early crashed my economy and I realized I had a whole slew of City Raider-promoted Swordsmen just sitting around and goddamn Montezuma right next door. EDIT: Yes, I know Protective kind of sucks as a trait, but it's got good synergy with China and Chu Ko Nu (also Sitting Bull and his goddamn totem pole archers). I've played with nearly every leader now, and Qin, Sitting Bull, and Gilgamesh leverage protective really well. Mao doesn't, but Mao sucks. I used FDR because because of Organized; I did a couple earlier games where finances were whacky, and I don't like to lose So, things I've learned: 1) Discover as many religions as possible, get to Organized Religion, and build monasteries like there's no tomorrow. 2) Privateers are fun when used to set up a blockade. 3) Have a number of cities that's a multiple of 3. 4) Given how fast advances are going, Walls and Castles are largely pointless, so Statue of Zeus is a must. 5) NO YOU CAN'T FUCKING JOIN THE NEIGHBORS So, I've concluded that the current game I'm playing is a secret expansion called Civilization: Anime Edition. Why? I'm playing as Japan, it's 1771 and I've just entered the future era. If only I could construct mechs... (And oddly, my neighbors are working on Engineering and Banking)
  14. Yeah, I figured out the part about the cathedrals... Won by Cultural Victory in the 1970's... Here was the game. Played as the Chinese (Mainly for the Pavilion), but I set the game up so I could have any leader (For which I used FDR), and I picked my opponents as India w/Asoka, Byzantium, Mali, and Rome with Augustus. Continents, so two big ass islands, huge world, marathon game. I'm pretty isolated most of it, save for sharing the island with Mali and Rome. I'm just cruising my way to the top, money's not a problem, research is going well, until about 1930. Mali and Rome both declare war on me in the same turn. I raze one of the Mali cities, and I promptly get peace, but it's too late with Rome as they capture Macau (really a worthless port town for me) and Shanghai (One of my big culture cities). So, I go into crazy mode and switch from my warm fuzzy "Hurray 21st Century Government" type stuff into pure war machine mode. Yeah, I sacrifice population to get the Mechanized Infantry up, but thankfully I have The Pentagon, Mt. Rushmore and Westpoint. I raze a couple border towns before retaking Macau, then focus all my efforts on Shanghai, which I get back (Lest most of the improvements, but thankfully with most of the culture still there). I then proceed to recreate Sherman's March, all the way to Rome, which I refuse to burn, but after that Augustus sues for peace. The only thing I hated about the war was I was running neck and neck in culture with India, but I was a good 500 points behind when the war was done (Augustus was third, and fell to the bottom from all of it). Eventually Rome went from a healthy size 17 city all the way down to 1 (Which I didn't care about), and then I finally won the game. After doing Domination, Space, and Cultural, Cultural is the most satisfying, I think; Diplomatic might be next, so I'll see how that will go; I'll probably just conquer my continent early on, and from there, just build up a nice little empire with about half the votes for the election, then kiss ass to victory.
  15. WE EXPAND OR WE DIE! Also... Are cathedrals a one shot deal per religion? I'm aiming for a cultural victory this go, and I don't want to waste building one when I'd need it in another city.
  16. I don't see how anyone can lose to a man with a neck-hand.
  17. This worked pretty well, until the army went on strike right in front of China and promptly disbanded
  18. My picks: 3.1 Episode 23: George Washington vs. Napoleon Bonaparte (Granted, Napoleon was the far better general, but Washington was one tall SOB, fought in the French and Indian Wars, and had a temper akin to Bruce Banner. Napoleon....no clue about his one on one prowress ) 3.2 Episode 24: Joan of Arc vs. William the Conqueror (Same style, who cares...) 3.3 Episode 25: U.S. Army Rangers vs. North Korean Special Operation Force (The North Korean army trains by running half-naked through rivers in winter. Need I say more?) 3.4 Episode 26: Genghis Khan vs. Hannibal (Hannibal couldn't stop Rome ) 3.5 Episode 27: Saddam Hussein vs. Pol Pot (Say what you want about him, but Saddam at least didn't murder people with glasses just because they had glasses.) 3.6 Episode 28: Lawrence of Arabia vs. Theodore Roosevelt (The man got shot in the chest and gave a speech, while bleeding!) 3.7 Episode 29: Ivan the Terrible vs. Hernán Cortés (Only if Cortes has his cursed Aztec treasure will he win ) 3.8 Episode 30: Crazy Horse vs. Pancho Villa (Pancho Villa was born a year after Crazy Horse died [which was in 1877]; given the rapid rise in weaponry from then on, Crazy Horse doesn't stand a chance) 3.9 Episode 31: French Foreign Legion vs. Gurkha (It's a push) 3.10 Episode 32: Vampire vs. Zombie (This really depends on what versions we're using. Still, a Vampire can still operate at a cognitive level, while a Zombie can't. )
  19. Oh, so the generals want me to build 12 chariots, eh? Well fuck that. I just want to build my glorious empire in peace
  20. Early game expansion's always been my main paradigm; infrastructure be damned, so long as I just pump out a settler and one or two workers per city, things tend to take off like a damn rocket. Might try to go for another cultural victory...
  21. Sunday I got Civ IV, after about a month of dominating Alpha Centauri/Alien Crossfire. Only three games done, all as the Americans; here's the results. Game 1: Stopped due to time; I met some kind of glitch while I was building the space ship . Had trouble figuring out certain concepts (had no clue I could upgrade units; too used to the model in Civ II ). Game 2: Went a lot better than Game 1, other than the damn Persians absorbing two of my cities . Had a nice relationship with Russia, until for whatever reason war was declared, and the SEALS proceeded to take Moscow and some other city. Eventually won by completing the space ship. Game 3: At this point, I found out custom game was what I wanted (11 Civilizations? Hell no. I'm going with 5 ). Shared a continent with Mali and the Aztecs, which I proceeded to raze to the ground once I tapped the technology tree. I had it set for only a cultural victory or a domination victory; cultural quickly became a non-possibility thanks to me going culture crazy in Washington and my two other culture cities having no hope at all of hitting Legendary; thus, I tired my attention across the ocean, home of the Germans and Indians. Went over there and instead of burning India to the ground, I had to conquer them, and thus couldn't build basic units, taking forever to put a garrison in place. After the Indians went bye-bye, I had to take over a few German cities to secure victory. My next game is going to be in BTS, and I intend on using the Portuguese; faster settler and worker production is essential to my play style, so I'll see how it goes. Still not quite sold on this over Alpha Centauri, though. Mainly I'm giving it a shot because I figured out how to dominate the computer in AC, and thus need a new challenge
  22. Ooooh yeaaaah....when in the course of human events....yeah......

  23. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    Finished watching To Love-Ru. It's great for laughs
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