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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    I have that downloaded...that's in my list of anime that 'I downloaded, but I know nothing about it and I can't tell anything about it by the title.' Suicidal, overly dramatic, depressed high school teacher who's name translates to Mr. Despair. Hilarity ensues. Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is finished! Going to watch the second season over the weekend, then watch Samurai Champloo next week.
  2. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    I'm finding Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei to be highly entertaining. Definitely not your typical high school anime.
  3. ▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅!

  4. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    17 episodes knocked out, 10 more. I will finish this tonight, then move on to Samurai Champloo. I've decided October will be my "Hey, let's knock out the shit I've been putting off" month. Edit: Finally done!
  5. copying status updates and trying to be funny is,um, not funny.

  6. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    Three episodes in to Gurren Lagaan; here's my thoughts:
  7. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    I've decided not to watch any other anime until I finish Gurren Lagann. As I want to watch Fate/Zero, this motivates me me quite a bit.
  8. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    Let's just load up my to watch list a little more, shall we?
  9. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    Okay, finished up Tiger & Bunny. Ruki, you really need to get cracking on it. I do wonder how much Pepsi paid for the shilling, though. So...What do I need to watch... Current List: Cromartie High School Durarara!! Samurai Champloo Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei Speical A Tegen Toppa Gurren Lagann Trigun /sigh I will make an effort to watch Samurai Champloo. Lots of upcoming free time this week. I'm certain I can knock it out.
  10. It depends on how much the sponsor is paying Though, Bum Phillips is kinda hard to beat...
  11. Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County This movie is done in the style of a teenager taping a family thanksgiving, and is done entirely from the perspective of the camcorder. Tommy McPherson is recording the whole thing...it starts off on a bit of a somber note, as the family dad had passed away some time ago and it's the first Thanksgiving without him. Shortly before dinner is supposed to be served, the power goes out. What could have caused it? It aired originally on UPN in late 1997, then was rebroadcast in 1998, and was presented as being real. This movie scared the shit out of a lot of people, including me. Watching it again though, it is kinda ridiculous, not to mention the movie has Emmanuelle Chriqui in it, which kinda kills the whole real thing these days. Still, it predates The Blair Witch Project, and has some decent suspense for what it is.
  12. Even though I told you about it Ellis, here's the link for easy convenience. Also so other people can watch. Pleasant dreams!
  13. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    Bah, how could I have put off Tiger & Bunny for a week. Show's hysterical. Six episodes in. Man, I still want to give Tiger a hug. Poor guy
  14. Dawn of the Dead (1978) The Omen The Fly Scanners Village of the Damned
  15. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    Yeah, but I'm sure if Kyon said "Tell us this is happening next time," she'd go through with it.
  16. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    Fate! Darker Than Black tends to drag at times. And Haruhi was good. Except for Endless Eight. It really made me question some things, like
  17. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    Same here, Ruki...was going to watch some last night, but I was too tired.
  18. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    Well, if that's the case: Darker Than Black Fate/Stay night Fate is pretty good, actually, I'd suggest that. Darker Than Black tends to drag a bit.
  19. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    Okay. Sensei and Ninomiya-kun
  20. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    Comedic and Romance-y, eh? School Rumble comes to mind. Also, give Outlaw Star a shot; while's it up there with Cowboy Bebop, I enjoyed it more. In other news, finished The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and The Disappearance today. I enjoyed them both a lot. Going to focus more on Tiger and Bunny in my free time. After that, maybe something I've been neglecting.
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