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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills! The people it kills get up and kill!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mick


      So, they used a line of Dawn of the Dead to what, I can only presume to be the theme from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly?!

    3. Plubby


      Yes. Then gorillas started attacking. And it was glorious.

    4. Mick


      Damn dirty apes.

  2. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    So, I completed Lucky Star today. You are free to laugh Also, High School of the Dead any good?
  3. He's going to the big Police Academy in the sky. . .
  4. If someone asked you to pop a zit on their back, how willing would you be to do it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LL!


      Will I be allowed to burn it?

    3. Mick


      Heh, I'd encourage it, given the person. But in reality, no.

    4. LL!


      Not interested.

  5. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    Pretty sure mine is .000 Ruki, is the site (no naming) the one I'm thinking of the one that a mutual friend uses?
  6. Ugh, I totally forgot Golf. At least in NFL the millionaires are beating the piss out of each other
  7. I've always been a big fan of the NFL, and as time has gone by, it's been the only sport I really enjoy. I was raised to love Michigan too, for college, but moving down to Florida in 1989 and having FSU and UF (and occasionally Miami) crammed down my throat just really made me despise it. It's still bad with FSU and UF, even though FSU is shit now and USF is good. With the total clusterfuck that is the BCS, I can't stand college football at all. Others: Baseball: Tampa Bay didn't have a sports team until 1997, and the Rays were so shitty for 11 years, by the time they were good, I just didn't give a shit. Hockey: The Lightning had a decent playoff run, went to shit, then got better. Though I enjoyed the year they won the Stanley Cup, the subsequent lock-out killed any interest I have in hockey. Basketball: I hate basketball on every level. Why? All the asshole kids in elementary school liked it. NASCAR: Always thought it was dumb, gave it a fair chance a couple years ago. Yep, it was dumb. Everything else: Meh.
  8. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    Finally getting around to watching Samurai Champloo. Hope this is good.
  9. Finally found out where I know John Cena from, he's that guy that dressed up like Vanilla Ice for Halloween!


    1. Sousa


      *roads deteriorate EVERYWHERE*

    2. whiskers


      Am I the only one who thought that was deliberate sabotage?

      I doubt it.

  11. I'm a model, you know what I mean? And I do my little turn on the catwalk. Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk, yeah I do my little turn on the catwalk.

  12. Out on the town lookin' for a woman Gonna give me good love Anybody want to hang out with me And maybe burn me up She was standin' alone over by the jukebox Like she's somethin' to sell I said, baby what's the goin'-price She told me to go to hell....

    1. Bigal


      Shot down in flames, shot down in flames, ain't it a shame to be shot down in flames?

    2. Quom


      That's no good Mick. Although I'm sure it's not the first time a hooker has decided you're not worth the money.

    3. Mick


      She's clearly not a hooker though!

  13. You have three days. If my twenty billion dollars are not delivered by then, the hostages will die, and the world will hold you responsible!

    1. Sousa


      I know you like to look at yourself on television, you sick son of a bitch. So look at this! HRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH

    2. Mick


      You think you're clever, don't you, Sousa? Think about this. You have three days. If my twenty---wait a minute....

  14. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    Knocked out Claymore, now debating what to watch next.... Norro and Ruki were right; this was good.
  15. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    So, I have finally gotten around to watching Claymore, and I've just started the 10th episode. Really enjoying this story, the last episode definitely had a holy shit moment in it. I think my plan until school starts is going to be serious anime, comedy, serious, etc. So, to balance this out, I've got GTO and Lucky Star to choose from , then I'll follow it up with Samurai Champloo or uh Ahem. Gurren Lagaan.
  16. A Slime draws near! Command?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mick


      Machismo attempts to flee! BUT THE ENEMY BLOCKS THE WAY! Command?

    3. Benji
    4. Mick


      Benji casts Fap! No effect! Slime attacks! Benji takes 1 damage! Command?

  17. It's the 48 hour rule; Spoilers till 48 hours have passed since the original airing.
  18. It was good in the sense of watching things get blown to shit Spoiler warning here, I will not spoil the actual results, but the new stuff on the show they have.
  19. Mick

    The Anime Thread

    I still need to watch Brotherhood... I watched all of FMA, then the movie, then started on Brotherhood but stopped because I realized it was more or less the same story (Yes, I know Brotherhood is better, just work with me here), and then I saw how many episodes it was. I decided to put it off Still need to watch Claymore and Samurai Champloo, as well as the second season of Darker Than Black; currently working on Great Teacher Onizuka (When I have time), and debating how much I want to watch Lucky Star Thankfully, I'm done with the semester tomorrow and I have a month to do nothing but wait.
  20. Look, you fools. You're in danger. Can't you see? They're after you. They're after all of us. Our wives, our children, everyone. They're here already. YOU'RE NEXT!

    1. Skummy
    2. Mick


      <3 Skummy, You have just made Invasion of the Body Snatchers one million times better for me. Come to think of it, Goldberg's theme WAS Invasion...

    3. New Damage

      New Damage

      They snatching your people up?

  21. If the money's in the bank, why do they need ladders?

    1. Kaney


      Yeah! And whats the deal with metaphors, am I right!

    2. Hobo


      How come the Royal Rumble is full of people who aren't Royalty?

    3. Matt


      Ooh ooh... something about Survivor Series and war veterans.

  22. That's one aspect I don't care for much; oh sure, it's an awesome benefit, and it does help make the nations stand out (versus Civ II, where the only distinction they had was how aggressive and eager to expand they were, and even then it didn't matter much), but as much as I love cranking out a shitload of Praetorians and curbstomping the first couple Civs as I encounter, some of them are just plain gamebreakers, and some are just plain dumb. By just plain dumb...unique buildings that expire. Wow, way to stay unique By Gamebreakers, well, the aforementioned Praetorians, and there's already my thoughts on the impact of religion in the game, which is doubly effective by giving you a jump start in your nation as well as being able to totally cripple other civilizations through denial... Maybe they should've thrown in multiple examples of different kinds of religions, limiting each civilization to one from each tech that grants one? (i.e Polytheism grants Pantheism or Hinduism, your choice; there's certainly a lot of ancient religions that can be split into the six techs). As far as specialized units, Benji, if you want sick, you should have seen how it was in Alpha Centauri. You have a Unit Design Workshop; there's a few different basic models for each unit type, and you can specialize it based on the technology you receive. This can lead to insanely messed up units that the designers probably didn't imagine. Take the game's spy unit, the Probe Team. Probe Teams don't require any support at all; as a result, you can design a Probe Team with the heaviest armor you have, and give them the Police special ability, meaning that they serve both as a garrison, anti-spy unit, and makes unhappy citizens content, all the cost of production. The fact that the AI doesn't design any units (they still get new designs, but these are pre programmed) puts it at a serious disadvantage.
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