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Everything posted by caucasianheat

  1. Just about everything from David Cross' The Pride is Back and Shut Up, You Fucking Baby make me laugh.
  2. caucasianheat


    I'm personally into some emo bands like Deathcab, Brand New, Coheed and Cambria, and Pedro the Lion. Mostly I'm more into the harder emo acts like Thursday, Silverstein, and alexisonfire. Fitzy does bring up a good point in the abundance of genres in music today, and how one band never can really fit into one box. My theory would be to just call it music and let that be that.
  3. caucasianheat


    There are a lot of great emo bands out there, but the entire genre gets a bad rap from terrible acts like Dashboard Confessional. Because of the whinier contingent of musicians that are labelled "emo", the entire genre is deemed to be whiny and self-absorbed, thought that isn't the case. You'll have to dig deeper to get to the good stuff, but it's worth getting to when you find it.
  4. I definitely hope this is released in Canada, Moore's work is impeccable and I'm sure this is no different. Should be interesting to see his take on 9/11.
  5. Biggz, your situation is well thought out and could work, but it's major flaw is that it's far too idealistic. Generating interest in hockey within the dead markets is easier said the done and the only thing for it is to have the team start winning games. If it's a team that is consistently unprofitable and unable to win games in order to create interest, they need to be cut. It doesn't have to be the new franchises either. Look at teams like Washington and Pittsburgh, both of which are unprofitable and cannot draw a crowd in their respective markets. These are the teams that need to be cut, should cuts be decided upon as necessary. Cutting a franchise out is never a good decision to be made, but sometimes, for the good of the league, it has to happen.
  6. New Found Glory = NFG NFG = No Fucking Good Play on... initials I guess.
  7. It gets automatic thumbs up for having D.O.A. with Jello Biafra and Strike Anywhere on it. It looks like something I might want to pick up, though bands like Less than Jake and No Fucking Good are holding it down a fair bit.
  8. Mudhoney, the forefathers of the Seattle scene.
  9. Awesome pitching tonight, Johnson was definitely on his game. Thumbs up to him.
  10. Alright, it's been fixed above, though you'll likely have to copy and paste the URL of the image to see it. Sorry about any inconvenience, though I will be taking donations for reliable hosting soon
  11. I've been fooling around with some brushes and a stock photo for the last couple of days now. This was the eventual result Let me know what you think, what can be improved, and what you liked.
  12. Thunderbirds without puppets just isn't Thunderbirds. I probably won't see it.
  13. caucasianheat


    You are my latest target on envy. I'm pumped about Fight Club finally becoming a game, I've been wanting to play it as a game since the movie came out. Thanks for the mini-report.
  14. I hated BattleBots. They still show the reruns here in Canada on the Comedy Network and I always have to see the end of it so I can watch Beat the Geeks. Crappy show.
  15. No way, the Windsor Spitfires kick all... oh, wait. This is good news though, I'd definetely look into purchasing it.
  16. Modest Mouse is great. My friends got me hooked on them and it's been true love ever since.
  17. That guy gets uglier every time I see him. Yeesh. Scarlett can do so much better.
  18. Looks outstanding. Makes me wish I had a Gamecube lying around that I wouldn't have to pay for.
  19. Fave Chilli Peppers Song?: Can't Stop Fave Muse song?: N/A Fave Radiohead Album?: O.K. Computer Pearl Jam or Nirvana?: Nirvana Favourite Chill-Out album?: Silverstein - When Broken is Easily Fixed Favourite Solo Artist?: Matthew Good Indie or Metal?: Indie Rap or Rock?: Rock
  20. I've only seen Taking Lives this year. I don't get out to the theatre very much.
  21. I myself have Season One. Does this mean that Season 2 is done and the DVD is already out?!?
  22. Rough night for the Bolts it seemed. I wouldn't count them out yet, but it's tough to come back from a loss like that.
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