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Everything posted by britneyspearsisgod

  1. I am indefinitely in love with the home kit. It looks very stylish compared to most. Plus the yellow trims add a little extra character to it. The away is nice as well. Yellow is always good. But fuck that pink thing. Stupid people 21st draw? I blame Atkins. I want to give him a chance, but I just don't see what he can do to improve us as a team except buy more players. We don't need a League Two super team - we need a tactician in charge. And Atkins is not going to achieve either.
  2. Bristol Rovers (my club) have started to pre-sale their kits for next season with new kit supplier Errea (they use to supply Middlesborough a few years ago... dunno if they still do). These are the kits: HOME AWAY THIRD KIT Apparently that third kit was originally a April Fool's Joke. Now we have apparently sold over 500 of them. Pink!?! We'll be a laughing stock next season
  3. Newcastle amazed me, because Man Utd - while good - showed to me they were VERY much determined to achieve something, while Newcastle did have a level of coolness to their game. At times it was unfortunately TOO cool, but they could have took a clinical and destructive approach to Man Utd if they would have just kept the ball to themselves. Instead, they went for the quick counter attack and fucked it up, while Man Utd gathered speed and obliterated them. I never did like Souness. It's bad for the poor bastards who support Newcastle though - they really DO deserve SOME success sometime in the near future.
  4. Her butt sags down one way as well... She must have back problems.
  5. It's never good enough. Repeat it until he dies! UNTIL HE DIES!!! One day, I hope they add a Britney Spears song into one of these things. Just for kicks.
  6. Your failiure to jump on the bandwagon, quite frankly, sickens me to my core.
  7. She still looks like a freak. Damnit, they need to model Angelina Jolie!
  8. Hey, Reily - we are indestructable! Honest! Besides, we've drawn the most games we've ever drawn in a season, and these are games we would have lost a few seasons ago, so I'm happy. Although we actually have a VERY slim chance of achieving a play-off place. We have 50pts with 5 games to go, while with 5 games to go and on 64pts are 7th place Northampton. If we blitzed every game and Northampton fucked up majorly, then we could just sneak away with 7th. Hey, more amazing things have happened before, right?
  9. The lack of Britney Spears or Celine Dion on that list makes me laugh at the credibility of the site. LAUGH I SAY. I wish I was as cool as you
  10. 1-1. The game will be sombre and competitive, but nothing mind-blowing. The real test comes in the second leg. The players and everyone else will be too concerned with enticing a good atmosphere, considering the history going into the game.
  11. Dyer was not the instigator. He simply defended himself. Lee Boywer, a man who has previous accusations of GBH against him, was the one to lunge out. Quite frankly, I think he should have got a ban from football for about 10 months. People moaned about Rio Ferdinand, so why doesn't Bowyer get a worse punishment? Missing a drug test and leathering the shit out of your team mates are two different things. Fucking Bowyer. He'll probably end up at West Brom next season or one of the newly-promoted teams. Here's betting he's in a Sunderland shirt next season.
  12. Firefox sucks then. Get Internet Explorer like a real clueless idiot
  13. The menu is a drop-down thingy under the logo. Hover over it, and a sub-menu appears. I "borrowed" it from a friend ages ago. It's javascript.
  14. You know who Aston Villa need? Junior Agogo. Please. Take him from us. I'm fed up with him. He doesn't do much.
  15. By all means, go ahead. I could do with the RPers. So you are okay with the layout? I mean, I like the colour scheme and the way it's set out - that I'm proud of. And the actual background isn't too bad I feel... but I just have a nagging feeling about it. I'm sure I could achieve better I feel.
  16. To be fair, Angel is actually pretty class. Cole's just "Championship" fodder. Mind you, you do need some new players to strengthen the squad.
  17. ...I hate the BBC. They officially suck. Plus Eastenders is too shit beyond comprehension.
  18. I'll tell you what I love about Vassell - whenever he played for England, he always just came on and we'd suddenly react. It's as if he makes the team a whole new unit when he comes on. That and his pace - he's such a zippy bastard.
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