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Everything posted by britneyspearsisgod

  1. If passion was all you needed, then Bristol Rovers would be playing in the Rymans League right now. Thank god we managed to get some decent players.
  2. With David O'Leary you won't. He's a good manager, but he's like Sven - he'll always fall short of the expectations.
  3. I'm setting up an e-fed, and I've done the site's main layout. The only thing I'm wondering about is the background. The problem is, I can never do a good background unless it's plain. I'm not particularly hating the background, but I'm not exactly 100% sure about it either. The website is <a href="www.xeonwrestling.tk" target="new">www.xeonwrestling.tk</a>, so if you guys would take a look and get back to me with any suggestions? I'd appreciate the help. <br> <br>Feel free to comment on anything else as well. <br> <br>Oh, and some links won't work as the site hasn't been finished yet.
  4. It is. Ask it the square root of 368 - you'll be surprised. Trust me.
  5. Here's a positive for you sremmuS: You are not West Bromwich Albion. Who plan on playing their football against Gillingham and the likes next season. Saying that, I kinda like Aston Villa. Any team with Darius Vassell in it is automatically good. I love the speedy little fucker.
  6. I hate how everyone is actually "pleased" with the result against Azerbaijan. No discredit to Azerbajian, because if they tried, they could be decent enough to not lose every game... but the gulf of talent was there for all to see. Okay, we didn't NEED to blitz them, but even when we never bothered, you could still see we weren't perfect. We are simply not a world class team. And our goals against Northern Ireland and Azerbaijan - where did most of them come from? Unless I'm mistaken, most of our goals recently have not come from Beckham or Joe Cole crossing it into the centre from the wings, but from going straight up the middle. Maybe it's me, but doesn't this suggest we've been playing a style that doesn't seem to fit? Not that I'm not impressed with how both Beckham and Joe Cole are playing, because Beckham's doing very well and Cole has shown what he's made off. Unfortunately, now it's everyone else who's doing a little shit.
  7. I like the shirt. It's nice and simple, but I still think they need to have a good old St. Georges Cross emblazened all over the fucker. As it is though, it's a nice simple shirt. It's only to distinguish us from the other team anyway, so who cares if it's nothing special? Unless it becomes ugly, like Coventry and their "brown shit" period.
  8. And yet Liverpool lost to Burnely It doesn't matter who they beat - they're through, and no-one else is.
  9. Fuck... that is a good draw right there. Chelsea/Bayern should be a solid contest to watch, Liverpool/Juventus will be interesting and we could see something special from that game, AC/Inter will be a fucking classic derby match as both will be up for it, and as for PSV/Lyon... well, don't count them out. It's going to be good me thinks.
  10. Manchester United/Blackburn Rovers final. I guarantee it. You can quote me on that.
  11. To be fair, Paul Stoddard has gone on a one-man mission to take it to Ferrari, so he couldn't really expect Jean Todt to be fair and say "You are causing me hell, but fuck it! Race on Sunday!". Plus, Minardi were the other Italian team next to Ferrari, so of course Ferrari would say get lost to them. Saying that, the only real excitement this year is coming from who will finish second and the whole saga with the teams rebelling and shit. Honestly, someone needs to step into Formula One and take control of the situation. And it's sad to see Eddie Jordan gone as well. My pick for this year has to be Ferrari and Schumacher, although if they can manage it? I wouldn't be surprised to see Jenson Button, Kimi Raikonen or Juan Pablo Montoya take their chances. Whatever happens, it will be interesting. Even if it's for the wrong reasons.
  12. To be honest, if the worst thing in the world to happen was that Mouriniho went "shhh!" to a few fans, then I consider us all lucky.
  13. Hellfire, a truer word has not been spoken. Come, let us get naked and play Twister with an Albanian Gypsie suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome *strips*
  14. Not writing your own stuff makes you seem just like you're in it for the money and the fame, and it makes it seem like you are another cookie cutter star just being apart of the corporate machine that keeps churining out the same shit or whatever. Personally, I think as long as it feels real to yourself, then who cares what others think... but, as a Britney fan, I suppose it's expected of me. Of course, this is my own interpretation of the whole debate.
  15. They are when they aren't your own problems Benji. This, you see, is the reason as to why I am alive - to laugh at others displeasure. It's quite a comfort really.
  16. Well, we could discuss the worlds problems and be sick about that, but them... that's just not fun anymore.
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