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Meacon Keaton

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Everything posted by Meacon Keaton

  1. I'm not. But a lot of fans were calling for him before the season even started. Of course they're going to keep it up after one loss.
  2. Between Notre Dame and the Broncos, I should just stop following football for the rest of the year.
  3. It wasn't Griffey's attitude or work ethic that prevented him from being GOAT. It was injuries.
  4. Your complaints are the same I've heard from everyone who's played that aren't Canadians on EWB.
  5. Anyone on the 360 interested in starting a new EWB-only online dynasty? Maybe if there is only two or three of us, it won't fizzle out by Week Four. If so, you'll have to run it, as I'm running the maximum (one, apparently).
  6. I got a running back as an undrafted free agent who had 99 speed and 99 acceleration, but he was like 5'6" and 165 lbs. and fumbled every time the defense so much as farted.
  7. I've said for years that the Cowboys will never win anything with Romo at quarterback. And I sure as shit ain't changing that stance any time soon.
  8. Almost Famous is always a good watch. I find myself watching it every six months or so. Just a fun movie.
  9. Hey, LeBron is there. I bet he's rooting on the Cowboys like his best buddy Maxx.
  10. Watching the game with my best friend, who is a die hard Cowboy nut. I realized that the Jets, Steelers, Eagles, Raiders, and Chargers are the only teams that would make me root for Dallas.
  11. You guys have your own commentators for NFL games? Do they know what they're talking about?
  12. I'd imagine the younger South Carolina fans like Carolina. But they've only been around for a decade and a half. I have family in South Carolina and they're diehard Falcon fans.
  13. I'll be happy to admit Cam had a hell of a game. I wonder if Arizona just went in with no idea for a game plan against them or if they just expected them to run Williams all the time. Or if they're really one of the worst defenses in the history of history. No way you should be giving up that kind of yardage to a rookie who hardly had a training camp.
  14. I was just going to say, Arizona is no defensive juggernaut. One week is one week is one week.
  15. Sunday's are so much more relaxing when Denver isn't playing and you're not playing fantasy football.
  16. I started a new franchise, traded Orton for a third and fifth round pick. We did terrible with Tebow at quarterback, and finished 4-12. Good enough for second pick. The 49ers drafted Weeden from Oklahoma State, so I got Luck. 82 overall as a rookie. ^_^
  17. I'm done with this fucking shit. See you all next year.
  18. I must admit, I find a lot of humor in Minnesota waiting for Chris Johnson to sign his new contract before going out and making AP the new highest paid running back.
  19. Also fuck Auburn. Chizick is going to have to take a dump and crap out that Horseshoe eventually.
  20. Iowa/Iowa State had a crazy ending and Auburn/Miss St. is looking to end the same way. What a great day so far.
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