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Meacon Keaton

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Everything posted by Meacon Keaton

  1. ...alright. Love Arizona State's unis. Especially those helmets.
  2. Be Denver. Our defense needs a little bit of tweaking, but we have one of the best safeties of all-time, one of the best corners of all-time, a damn good defensive end and a very impressive rookie linebacker. Plus we have Moreno and McGahee in the backfield. And don't feel bad about not being able to do a Cobb-like kick return. That was unreal.
  3. Tim Hasselbeck brought up a great point on Mike and Mike. They went 79 yards in what, a minute? And then they completely changed the pace of their game by bringing in the big boys. He didn't say the run was a bad call, and I don't think it was either, but perhaps they should have kept things more spread out like they had done all the way down the field. Make them think Brees was going to throw and let Ingram take it up and in on a delayed draw. They just completely stopped any and all momentum they had built up to that point by bringing out their goalline offense.
  4. Somewhere Jim Sorgi is going "Ha! I backed up Peyton for years, got paid millions, and didn't get touched once!"
  5. Happy Birthday, Baddar.


  6. Arrested Development, Friends, Seinfeld, Fawlty Towers, It's Always Sunny, and I'm sure more. But those five I could (and have) watch over and over and over again.
  7. I'm SMU in my online dynasty. We're currently sitting at #11 at 9-0. I've managed to sign two 4* running backs (no, we're not paying them) and a buttload of 3* talent. Padron is on pace to throw for 3000 yards while Line and Fields are both probably going to break a 1000 yards each. I alternate running backs on every play to keep each one fresh. The best news? Padron and Line are only juniors and Fields is a sophomore.
  8. Yeah, Oklahoma is sitting in the corner saying "Come on, guys, it's not that bad" while sexting with the Pac-12.
  9. I agree. I tried playing with a dozen or so EWBers and I didn't have a fucking idea what I was doing. Everyone was up on a cliff and by the time I made it up to the top with them, LL (or maybe it was Fitzy) killed me. Then I made it all the way back up and they were in Mexico. (N)
  10. Yeah! Hope you're reading this! Liar!
  11. I still have L4D2 sitting in my cabinet, because Benji said he'd play with me.
  12. Stop coming in here, doofus!
  13. Add me to the wait and get it cheap group. Don't give in, GoGo! You can do it!
  14. http://espn.go.com/college-sports/story/_/id/6939017/texas-aggies-accepted-sec-legal-threat-delays-move So SEC says "Ok" to Texas A&M.
  15. We play the Raiders. 10:30 EST Monday Night. If we only win two games this year, I want them to be against Oakland. I think we'll be a darkhorse in an always unpredictable AFC West, though.
  16. That looks like something my sister would have designed when she was fourteen.
  17. Oh, I know it's a money move. But if this wasn't Del Rio's call (not sure how much GM power he has), he's probably packing his bags now, because McCown ain't worth a diddly.
  18. It is rather odd considering Del Rio has to be on the hotseat going into the season. I'd trust my career to Garrard before Luke McCown.
  19. I hope they fix that whenever they get around to getting us a patch. I hate that the best tackle in each class is a 3-star player not even in the Top 200 players in the nation.
  20. Nobody answered last time I asked so I thought I'd bring it up again. For those of you playing in online and offline dynastys, are all your blue chip, five star prospects running backs, wide receivers, and athletes? I never see five-star linemen or linebackers or corners.
  21. I hate Oregon and Maryland's uniforms. I love college football so much because of the tradition. I'd take Alabama's plain crimson jerseys, and Penn State's boring white helmets any day over those monstrosities.
  22. Anal fissure is currently trending on Twitter

    1. Pizza


      Plankton never got the push he deserved! He would have made this message board so much money!

    2. Lineker


      Anal fissure for the chmpionship!!

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