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Meacon Keaton

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Everything posted by Meacon Keaton

  1. So the Supplemental Draft is going to be on August 17th. I'm sure this will be the first time it gets any attention outside of the hardcores. Hearing rumblings that Cleveland & Miami may be interested in Pryor.
  2. Yeah. Al's at least seen his team win. Something Snyder can only have wet dreams about.
  3. Does anyone want to play Fantasy Football that isn't already in the EWB League A or B?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EddieG


      Isn't he already in the A league though?

    3. Universal


      I'm not in a EWB fantasy football league, no.

    4. Maxx



  4. meacon99@gmail.com And is the scoring system for this the same as the scoring system for League A?
  5. Fuck you, Maxx. I'll play. Eventhough I've already told er'body and dey mommas that I wasn't playing at all this year. Sign me up.
  6. I didn't say Jeter was an all-time great. Every time we discuss this you make up some argument no one is making. You're on ignore now, because you can't fucking read. To get off this stupid shit, on to something that maybe someone can read and actually understand: Dan Uggla is on a 28-game hitting streak, yet he's hitting .220.
  7. ...I...didn't ignore it. In fact, we had a whole discussion on it. Jesus fuck. The guy has five rings. You can go throughout history and say if so-and-so had played here and this guy played there, but if your aunt had been born with balls she'd been your uncle. Whether he's the best player on the team or not, he was there. He played, he hit, he helped win. Is there any fucking denying this? Christ.
  8. I wasn't giving him the Jordan treatment. When I usually talk about Jeter's accomplishments, I'll bring up his 3000+ hits first. But those three guys' hits combined is more than 3000, so I had to use another combined stat for my argument. >_>
  9. And naiwf knows that. It's why Reyes can't win one with the Mets.
  10. Yeah, that's cool. I'm commissioner of a whole one other league. Anybody can run it as far as I'm concerned, I just don't want to see it end.
  11. A-Rod and Reyes are miles ahead of him defensively. It's not even an argument. Jeter having better guys around him (including A-Rod) is also not even an argument. Kindly stop getting so defensive over your man crush. It's not a mancrush. It's defending a guy that is a very good baseball player, because you feel the need to take cheapshots constantly, simply because you have some irrational hate for the guy. Kindly stop being a know-it-all little twat.
  12. You really want to get into this again? You don't like Jeter. I get it. I don't care, but I get it.
  13. You mean guys much younger than him are playing better defense?! Why, that just doesn't seem logical! This just in: He also has more rings than all three combined. (Y)
  14. Or someone else could do it... >_> I think we only have three people done so far, and one of them didn't even have a game. The 360 dynasty is losing steam already.
  15. I'm not sure if it's a rating or something that they should patch, but I feel like the defenders go after balls with a lot more intensity than my offensive guys. My quarterback throws a pass and the safety breaks his neck to bat it down and my receiver just casually runs his route not giving any kind of effort. Also, fullbacks are worthless.
  16. This is in my "Maybe I'll get it when the price cuts in half" pile. Unless it comes out and blows me away, I don't expect to get it until sometime next year.
  17. Happy Birthday again this year, Toe!

  18. I'll do it, boss. I'm playing the game just about every night anyway.
  19. I'm back to doing the rowing machine in the mornings when I wake up and going for an easy mile run when I get home at night. Once I'm satisfied with how my cardio is, I'll get back to lifting.
  20. I'm thinking this year is a Von Miller year for me. Probably going to go with the alt orange ones that we'll be wearing when we beat the Raiders on the opening Monday night. ^_^
  21. Yup. Two, in fact. One for me and one for the lady.
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