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Everything posted by nufan

  1. i was looking over my old graphics and listening to new music and whilst listening to the new anberlin album is stumbled over my old anberlin graphic so i made a new one its different i like it rate.hate.comment. PLEASEEEEE'
  2. definately up for something else Evil congrats on the win!
  3. any more voters? its 1-1 with first to 3 the winner
  4. thanks to both voters so far appreciate both comments. HttK i agree with your comments on mine, but the truth is i had never heard of the game before i did this LOL still dont really have an idea of what the game is like except its futuristic
  5. here is my entry hope yours is coming along nicely evil for full view go here http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/573/falloutnp2.jpg
  6. pretty advanced rules the cover is great willing to give it a shot if Evil Empire is or willing to get alternate rules Thanks HttK though
  7. id prefer rules given, that way there is no bias
  8. Wanting a PS battle.... wanna try non wrestling rules any takers/rulemakers
  9. its not my computer but i think its when they save them as .eps
  10. hey guys We have something like 10 computers in production at work. all have photoshop and the same settings except one saves files enormous. anyone know why this is ive checked and double checked settings could it be anything else?
  11. All done myself, used stock images for blood and bruising, even made the wall scale myself
  12. just started watching season 5 of Entourage and to show some Jeremy Piven love i have made an Ari Gold sig please rate, hate or what ever you crazy kids do these days
  13. Yeah i hope if they do a fourth season, that they base it around Dr. Danco
  14. incase my sig doesnt give it away I am a huge dexter fan, the books, the show. Michael C hall is amazing in the role Has anyone started watching Season 3?
  15. nufan

    Appeal To Reason

    AGREED! thats the Jonas Brothers/Metro Station thing there is so much crap out there at the moment, which i spose is the reason this appeals (no pun intended) to me. Tim sings with a lot of conviction and pride and it just doesnt seem like a constructed peice of crap that the radio moguls can pawn off to teenies
  16. nufan

    Appeal To Reason

    I know this isn't their second album and have been listening to them since they got signed to Fat Wreck Chords and released The Unravelling. IMO the sufferer and the witness was a step in the right direction. Siren Songs and RPM sounded very raw which is good but now their voice has matured alot and adapted with times. But im not some run of the mill new fan who heard swing life away then ran out to get their latest album when Sufferer came out.
  17. Dylan has recently bought out an album and the rest of those mentioned bands are classics, great bands who would still sell a fair few albums. I really dont count Blur in the same category as Maiden, Cash, Ozzy, The Beatles, Bowie.. shall i continue? They were a decent band with minimal world wide hits. still fun to listen to but Tenth is a major over-acheivement i can only guess alot of brits voted her... with Muse winning and all.. but Muse are still relevant so props to them
  18. Only song 2 was an international hit. havent heard of the other ones. thats the one that made it to australia where as his other works in Gorillaz he has made many a hit over her. Dont get me wrong i did like Blur and thought that it was a shame we didnt get as much stuff over here But i mean that was a long time ago and they still reach the top ten above a band that is consistant like Foo Fighters? the topic is fave bands 2008 not 1998
  19. Blur's one song gets them that high up the list? and the guys succesful act is in the bottom 20 LOL no rise against, No Use For A Name or Brand new :-(
  20. nufan

    Appeal To Reason

    Has anyone else listened to or gone out and bought this? They just keep getting better and better, i know i'll probably cop alot for that but it is true. I love all of Rise Againsts work, Sufferer And The Witness was a great album, every song was decent. IMO this is an awesome follow up album, from the opening track through. So far Hero Of War is my fav song of the album, they apparently got stories of real soldiers and then wrote a song about it. any opinions EWBers
  21. thanks guys looking back at the tutorial and mine, i notice a bit of difference all i can do now is try harder appreciate all the comments
  22. My attempt at a tutorial... i like how it came out rate hate and other.... please thanks
  23. as the title says please rate/hate my new sig.. the dexter one so i can improve
  24. nufan


    I havent watched the fairy tale ep but im guessing they were trying to get the same response as the brilliant musical episode. Season 8 is something im looking forward to very much, lets hope they do it in order and get a good finally
  25. nufan


    Yes it has been confirmed, Zach Braff made an announcement on his Myspace saying that it was billed as the series finale because it was the last episode NBC owned. 8th season has already started filming for ABC and it will be the last. Although Scrubs has just as many last seasons as Mick Foley does retirements
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