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RoHitman Reigns

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Everything posted by RoHitman Reigns

  1. Niners, sorry I hopped off, lost all power at home.
  2. As you saw from my weapon skins Niner, I got it simply to save money, let alone not expecting them to be this epic with the DLC they are going to have out with it. The first two alone could be 1200-1600 a pop and I woulda bought them without this pass cause they sound that fantastic.
  3. Already got Skyrim paid off and not into CoD so this is going to stay in my collection like Gears is going to for a long time as I know its going to still have a good community left after the quick trade ins.
  4. Up for doing an insane run in arcade if can find two others to go with us?
  5. I was just ticked for two waves in a row on horde being the sole person x.x
  6. Twas fantastic with Summers, Ellis, Benji and Niners, we rampage beast mode and then before left, Summers and Ellis made an epic team.
  7. Niners and I hit like 18 on Hotel in horde, crazy with the hardcore and no nods.
  8. I just wonder how ridiculous this new Chocolate Weapon set is going to appear as the story mode stuff is bound to be sweet either way.
  9. Do ya check the EWR threads to see what is put in there for workers? Yes it doesnt come with full stats sadly, thats what happens with time and making more in depth products, but it could offer some extra people in Mexico and such with some guesstimation on your behalf.
  10. I got the season pass as I knew either way I was going to get the dlc, so I would rather save a few bucks if possible.
  11. Summers, so ya know, I'm the man ya were making the Hitman jokes about in the party today.
  12. Ellis, since that was you, I will add you for more gearsing in the future as I did Benji and ruki
  13. If the other guy there was you Ellis, I am sorry as I don't know your tag off hand and didn't recognize you by name like with the other two as I already had 9to5 on my list as was.
  14. Twas a bit of fun in Beast mode with Ruki, Benji, and 9to5 for a bit. Def up to playing with yall again even if did do horrible once we hit torque tag.
  15. Have you read anything in this thread? At all? Mainly 2 posts above your own? i didint found banners and ive read this thread The link to the banners is 2 posts above your request as Gendron requested them yesterday. can you give me the link? As stated by Rocky Feller, here is a copy of his post from this page thus answering your question.
  16. Seeing as I just got 10 the other day, I was awaiting this and am much pleased, downloading to see now
  17. Lesnar is confirmed as UFC agreed as long as Brock is portrayed as a wrestler and not an MMA fighter.
  18. Marketplace, go where would get demos and that's where beta is on 360. It's a 1.3 gb beta
  19. I'm willing to play through with anyone for campaign if interested, got nothing better to do since the Battlefield Beta isn't keeping my interest fully >.>
  20. Well to bump this, the beta is out for those who got the medal of honor game bonus, work at game stop or have special connections before releases publicly in two days...anyone hyped to try it out? Who else has the beta already as i would be down to squad up and play if they manage to fix the issues with squading into a game together.
  21. With this new Beast mode, I <3 being the wild ticker and just chomping through defenses until I get killed, allowing my team mates to just plow through easier, then later on turn into like the Serapede, which is frickin awesome as well even if cant go through defenses as well, unless you got a Berserker unlocked then its all good >.>
  22. Anyone down for campaign add me and ill help wherever. xGRKx HITMAN is my tag.
  23. Imma have it at midnight launch and start right away so if anyone needs me for gears hit me up.
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