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RoHitman Reigns

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Everything posted by RoHitman Reigns

  1. All I can say as a true ND fan, it is a tough ride if we beat USC, but well worth it to say #1 yet again...let alone for the first time since I was born. Plus isn't this technically the first time ND is #1 in BCS if I read the one report right? I'm def pulling for my team as even if Alabama gets in, I agree with the SEC hardon that some have and would hate an SEC vs SEC title game.
  2. Although deep down I knew Oregon would win, I was really pulling for Cal as a ND fan.
  3. Gamestop is taking pre orders so yall in the US know...paid mine off already.
  4. Russell Wilson then, go lesser known.
  5. Co-op with 5+ is awesome, best way to talk it out for a victory.
  6. That's the guy at the end, Hyperius the Invincible...he can be solo'd if have the right weapons. Group usually works better, don't focus on using The Bee and a Conference Call as it won't work well on em in the long haul.
  7. You mean where the constructor is on your side and tears statues down? If 360 add me: xLABx Shadow I can easily assist, my corrosive weapons tear through those robots.
  8. Currently rocking a level 20 Siren at the moment and god the game is showing a siren isn't single player for sure. The ability is a blessing for multiplayer but goddamn is it rough otherwise. Going to go with Gunzerker next time about as looks a blast and duel wielding would be awesome especially with some weapons shall pass over to em.
  9. Vitamin, you able to get into your router? If so shoot me a message with the router make and model, ill do a quick research and see of can find a solution to your problem.
  10. So how many references to other pop culture things between tv, games and movies have people found? I got two so far can think of from what heard and played.
  11. So how many references to other pop culture things between tv, games and movies have people found? I got two so far can think of from what heard and played.
  12. How so as PC won't get support any more and they are focusing console only now for updates?
  13. All I can say is god damn is the achievement 'Goliath, meet David' hard as hell Shoot a goliath in the head, turn him into a rampaging goliath. Let him level up four times to a godly goliath and when hits level 12 proceed to be the one to fire the kill shot at em.
  14. For some, myself included, it can be as try to organize an attack plan but no voice back can make hard. Pick up a cheapo and you'll be good.
  15. Beefus, you need a Mic to make easier >.>
  16. Xbox 360 xLABx Shadow, add me, playing as siren currently.
  17. Agh, 22 hours more until can play it, so anxious.
  18. http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/showthread.php?t=146107 You can now spec out your charachter prior to release at above link.
  19. Probably because GAME is seeing how hard it is to get anywhere else and trying to get their $$ for the copies they have?
  20. For anyone who has Trials evolution, sometime this fall for 400 points shall be released 36 new tracks and some new toys for track editor, no word on achievements or how much shall total.
  21. Well it depends, sure you say RPG or action, but what kinds games per say as each genre you listed has different sub genres that people may like or hate...Ala FF, Skyrim, Fallout, all different RPGs that can interest or not and each a different style some may not like.
  22. Finally got my NAT set as open after struggling for so long with being moderate..
  23. Season pass confirmed. 4 DLC packs, 800 points/9.99 per pack, 40 bucks or 3200 points if buy each one solo. Season pass shall be 30 bucks/2400 points, so decide what would prefer.
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