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RoHitman Reigns

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Everything posted by RoHitman Reigns

  1. Im waiting to see if the one other guy goes to trial later this year from the US team.which could unearthed stuff about Lance anyways possibly. Sure it would be hearsay, but it would give the ability to hear some of the arguments.
  2. For PC gamers, dunno where gotta look but someone has MODS out with ALL the cut content from New Vegas out so you can play the full game sorta like is a directors cut. Don't know if will ever see console light of day, but PC gamers can rejoice and enjoy.
  3. I'd be down for it, just lemme know what I'd owe ya USD and we can talk it out.
  4. Now to wait for EWB Torchlight II fest when the game releases.
  5. Verbal: Basically a mashup of the first two with confirmed DLC of the third atleast on the way. You have a few tracks from the first two and then a few old skaters alongside new ones and your avatar as options to play as. Dragsy: Try tricking during a big jump ala a kick trick to do something simple? That's usually what let's me land the big drop warnings.
  6. Loving it so far. Beat it as Tony Hawk, working on other charachters now.
  7. Well then can definitely say Metal Gear isn't your cup of tea either.
  8. ARMA II with the addition required for DayZ is currently 20 percent off at 23.99 so everyone knows. Don't know if will hit a daily or flash deal, but figured toss it out.
  9. It's 6/30 or 30/6 depending where you are, so you tell me...
  10. From what I read it was saying it apparently was always the last Thursday in June that started the sale.
  11. So from what I'm hearing Steam Summer Sale starts on Thursday. If so, hope everyone's wallets are ready for it.
  12. Ok, for those of you brave enough to have played through the first one, there is officially been announced a sequel to what is generally accepted as the scariest PC game ever made, Amnesia. I hope the link works as copied from mobile and just removed the m. part at the start, so have fun for those who shall purchase. http://kotaku.com/5918669/a-terrifying-first-look-at-the-sequel-to-the-scariest-pc-game-ever
  13. just put a solid 20 on this so Im good.
  14. I'm really looking forward to it too! Might pre-order depending on how much spare cash I have this month. I'm definitely getting it though! I'll likely pre-order it next pay or the pay after. .....I just got a WHOLE bunch of new games :/ In the past month or so I've gotten: Persona 3 & 4 (both RPGs, so those will take awhile), Prototype 2 (action game, shouldn't take too long), Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires (It looked cool and was like...$3), Culdcept Saga (I enjoyed the demo, it was also $5), Diablo 3, and Minecraft. PLUS I still have to beat Final Fantasy XIII-2 (almost done I think, maybe) and Disgaea 4 (might as well just restart). I need to win the lottery so I can not go to work and get through all this. I got it the day the pre order was up so youll have me to play with.
  15. Haven't tried out Future Soldier yet, but Ghost Recon is fun. Hard, yes, but fun. Played Advanced Warfare two and loved the single player.
  16. Also, I suggest everyone go to their battle net account and turn on the authenticator as you cab freely download an app and adds an extra security layer so your account won't get hacked.
  17. Ruki, on Steam gimme your Battle net details and Ill play with you even if I have to go back earlier in the game since prob way ahead of you >.>
  18. Easiest way to stop a hack, you can make it where you need an authenticator to log in every time and the only way that comes about is either via mobile phone app or toll free call from a specific phone
  19. I don't know how the community is, but did you check out the grey dog software forums to see if the 08 mod area had anything there?
  20. Loving the Witch doctor. Minions to tank for you and long range attacks yourself power through it no problem.
  21. AxelAnvil#1678 for yall to add me and play. Currently Witch Doctor act III Level 25
  22. Scoundrel is awesome up until you are able to use the enchantress
  23. Rolling a witch doctor, fuck the frogs. Use the starting attack of the darts with splinter rune and its amazing to see go down.
  24. Got it paid off today for midnight release, I'm solid now for when comes out.
  25. Add me onto that MDK as I love the new Trials game and am up for it at any point.
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