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RoHitman Reigns

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Everything posted by RoHitman Reigns

  1. Ok I will say this once as those who know of it can attest, while that deal is great and I cant deny it is the cheapest going, it wo t last. The eaziest way to secure gold is dealzon.com browse them when your gold is about a month or so from out and can always find cheap things popping up occasionally and less hectic. They have deals on tons of other stuff to but that is where I usually get my gold and it never fails for a good price.
  2. Licky you, im never fully upgraded come the boss. This is including going and spending as much time in a zone as possible before moving on before the swarm catches up. Got through the boss once but when he teleported I failed the second attempt and didnt even get a third shot before game over.
  3. Damshow, where do you put yourself at now with it that apparently this fake girlfriend was used on others in previous years? I'm undecided really for where I stand currntly.
  4. I got to the end of FTL and lost versus the boss ship. I need to work on upgrading more even if the fleet does catch up to me in certain areas.
  5. HttK once you wake up and smell the coffee please come talk again. In the NFL does it matter how crap or good you do as long as you win? HELL NO. So tell me why that should matter for college? Please do yourself a favor and think before you reply so you can say your answer is more current and not just hatred reshilled out like normal. I'm gladly willing to admit that Notre Dame was the lesser team and expected it, but they played with heart all season and did what was required to get there, so you cant give anything aside of hatred since they went perfect and your precious Bama was in only because Ohio State has a bowl ban. I have no ill wll towards Bama really, but alot of the SEC diehards are terrible honestly with discussing anything outside of their conference in football.
  6. With tonight being Bama vs. ND who does everyone hope to see taking the title this yr?
  7. Sorry Dan is correct Jason NFL over Basketball
  8. Hydro Thunder, Happy Wars, Trials Evolution are the three I can suggest.
  9. With the fact that there is talk of a second "season" of DLC for Borderlands 2 then I wouldn't think as easily DLC would be on sale as often right now. They had the season pass for sale on the daily deals leading into new year but that should be over now.
  10. Struggling so hard to kill two guards currently at one point in the game. Both are close to each other and have some of those seemingly indestructible lights shining about. Going to see if have any noise makers to toss about and kill them., otherwise shall be moving forward and coming through again later when have a more well developed skill set to kill with,
  11. http://m.kotaku.com/5970312/bill-oreilly-talks-about-video-games-and-violence-and-ends-up-being-reasonable-about-it-all This made me believe for a second the world was ending for sure as Bill NEVER has these views on games with tragedy.
  12. Mark Of The Ninja is just fabulous. On sale today and adoring it so far.
  13. Anyone who thinks of Darksiders here ya go...huge ass good bundle. http://dealzon.com/deals/darksiders#darksiders-bundle-pc
  14. Ellis with the latest update they nerfed team skills in the whole game when should have been in special challenge only. It was intentional basically upon their behalf.
  15. It has an easy mode and a hard mode. Hard mode can only be played if you managed to beat easy mode aund are at or above level 20. It is a 12-15 player co-op match against bots that control all the towers and the only way to victory is to destroy the opposing teams big tower in under ten minutes. The challenge comes from as you try to take normal towers on the way to the enemies castle you spawn a huge slayer that varies between cleric mage or warrior slayer. They seemingly have level up six buffs equipped with their strength. By completing these modes you earn a random selection of three varying amounts of happy stars or an item, which is very rare to land on. However, you can pay happy tickets if you own any to upgrade to one of these items. If you are MVP of the team then you automatically get one of the items randomly. In hard mode the shield, helmet, and armor are all premium items whilst the sword you can win is a super premium.
  16. The update is iffy at best. Matchmaking is better yes, but because of the special challenge mode they added in they nerfed team skills in all modes to where it is hard to activate one.
  17. Taking into account you are taking Supremacy MMA off the list here are my thoughts on what's left Dead Island - Gets boring too quick for me. Battlefield 3 - Don't get the Armored Kill expansion as isn't worth it unless on PC. Fun game but can be a pain unlocking certain things to be better as a player. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - I hate CoD as it is and feel is too repetitive hence being here :-P
  18. http://www.humblebundle.com/ Yes, THQ is making a humble bundle well worth it. Saints Row the Third, Darksiders, Metro 2033, Red Faction Armageddon, Company of Heroes (and I presume two things of Dlc for it?) All for what you wish to pay.
  19. I got it for PC as well so one can add me for multiplayer fun when know ahead of time shall be going at it.
  20. Depends on your friends Vitamin as I've gone through tbh story a few times with different characters with my buddies on Live so it is all based on who you know has it and going into random games to play with new people to find addicts of it.
  21. Everyone ranked in the low teens that played this last week lost. The coaches poll just came out and Boise is 15th, with NIU and Kent 18th and 19th. Louisville and Rutgers are at the bottom of the poll, so it's very likely one of the three are stealing a spot. and yes, technically ND is an AQ this year, but they are taking away an at-large spot at the end of the day. How are they taking away an at large spot ? You'll have to explain that math to me. The NT game doesn't take an at large selection, it takes the two teams that qualify for it based on the BCS rankings. ND is one of those. There are still two at large bids for the BCS bowls. After the BCS rankings come out tonight we'll see about Kent St/NIU. The Coach's Poll is lovely, but the computer rankings shit all over them and ultimately that's what matters. Refer to the placings above. 'O Brien out at NCST Also, I never thought I'd say this .... but I hope the AP gets a pair and crowns Ohio St national champions So much for your wish as Notre Dame stayed first and got all the votes in the AP poll.
  22. All I can say as an ND fan is I realize the trouble ahead of us and am glad to atleast be this far and be number one. Sure a loss is most likely versus Georgia or Alabama but I am not going to complain as this is more than expected at start of the year.
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