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Everything posted by GoN_

  1. @CentreTransfer: BREAKING NEWS: Real Madrid have signed Gareth Bale for €90m. (François Gallardo; FIFA agent) #Transfers
  2. Uncharted 3 and XCOM... That's amazing. I really love PS+.
  3. There are talks that he could go back to Monaco.
  4. It worked out well for Chelsea, so why not?
  5. They're signing as many former Porto players as they can, they might as well sack Ranieri and get Mourinho or AVB.
  6. I don't know why but after the second goal, all I could do was smile. That's some big time choking. Well, we've been in worse situations, I doubt we will lose so many players. I would say that most likely we lose Garay and Gaitan, which of course will be hard to compensate, specially Garay but we thought it would be the case when we lost David Luiz, Di Maria and Coentrao. The first loss with Porto was the worst of the three. That day I could barely talk about football. When we lost to Chelsea it was a bit sad, but it was the first European Cup final I had seen us play so I was still happy for getting there. Today it was the culmination of a really bad month. But we were awful today unlike those two other big matches. It's football, we have to find a way to do better next year. Our coach is ending his contract and the biggest question in everyone's mind is if he will/should re-sign. We already have some good signings for next season, so it's time to wait and see.
  7. That's an awesome way of writing it.
  8. Garay's injury was really awful for us. The guy played the best part of an hour with his knee hurt and then he comes out for Jardel who screws up in that corner. Not an excuse, but yeah, it's sad.
  9. This week has to be a bad joke. ffs... Congratz to Stokerino and the rest of the Chelsea fans anyway. Good game.
  10. A nice text from goal.com about "The Curse".
  11. After what happened last Saturday I really needed a win here.
  12. I was... That's the reason I didn't even talk about it, around here until now. It gets even worse as we were 4 points over them just a week ago. It was incredibly painful. And to be honest, after that I can't even think about the Chelsea game.
  13. RVP will be in tears at the end of the WBA game. I hope you can wash them out of a Premier League winners medal. Moyes' football philosophy (signing younger, more unproven players and developing them) is much more in tune with Fergie's than Mourinho's. Mourinho is more like your average FM player who demands a £100m transfer budget every season. Plus I think Moyes and Fergie's personal relationship would make for a much easier transistion. Yes, that's exactly how Mourinho won his first champions league...
  14. I refer the Honourable Gentleman to my earlier statement... I understand what you said, doesn't mean it's 100% correct. Transfers have gone sour for much less that that, even if they seemed safe.
  15. According to the Spanish Newspapers yesterday, the thing that was stalling the Mourinho transfer to Chelsea was that Abramovich wanted to appoint Football director that would be taking care of the club's transfers and Mourinho wanted to do it himself.
  16. Mourinho won't quit until the Spanish Cup final.
  17. It was fucking surreal. I've watched many big matches in our stadium but tonight it was really incredible. I'm also happy that we get Chelsea in the final. Always good to watch David Luiz and Ramires. Congratulations to the Chelsea fans around here.
  18. Damn nervous for the game later today... Will be in the stadium, and I think that makes me even more nervous.
  19. This goal... just... this goal... Watch it... http://videos.sapo.pt/9F0YY73Twre8EDTZCD5E
  20. For the whole season we have: 46G - 35W - 9D - 2L - 108GS - 29GA So we only lost to Barcelona and Spartak so far.
  21. Yes, I think so. I think it's a good draw for us, just a shame that we have to go to Turkey in such an important time of our season, but we have a really good chance here.
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