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Everything posted by GoN_

  1. We scored in the first minute and simple went to sleep for over an hour. We were really bad, and when we saw we were done, some players really went to town to save the match. We are screwed anyway. I highly doubt we will be in Brazil for the next World Cup.
  2. Don't want to see us a lose to a Benitez team. We have been doing rotation for this competition, as our main target is the Portuguese league which has been amazingly close between us and Porto... I would also hate if our coach thought it would be good to get "revenge" from last year. He is that kind of guy. :/
  3. I feel your pain. I had Fenerbahce, Lazio, Chelsea and Benfica to win....Fenerbahce decide to not be able to finish in the final 10 minutes hitting crap shots straight at the keeper and playing rubbish balls straight back to the defence Well, Cardozo tried to help you... Everytime Bordeaux scored, Cardozo scored one minute later. ^_^ I would like to avoid Tottenham now, and it would be also good to avoid Chelsea. Other than that, I think we can go through any team.
  4. Well Porto is out. They were awful tonight, and I'm glad for Malaga.
  5. It's dangerous play, but the guy plays the ball... It's a yellow card, not red...
  6. Well, we might fail qualifying to the world cup, but I doubt that AVB would be even rumored to get the job.
  7. Don't worry, just wait for the ''AVB Next Portugal Manager?'' rumours. I don't get it.
  8. After all the fuss because of my post about Benitez, this is how you prove me wrong... Ok, Benitez is not that bad.
  9. So they weren't that good because the champions league is a knockout cup (which has just been show, was not entirely true), but then Benitez is great because he won the Champions League with Liverpool, while being bad in the League? Really, your argument there is really really skewed... really.
  10. Well, if you didn't remember Alan Mahon, the same must be told from Sporting fans... He only played one game there. Clearly a star player.
  11. David Luiz played left-back for Benfica, for almost a whole season. While it wasn't good at all, it's not like it would be something new for him, like being a defensive midfielder.
  12. If they fail to get Mourinho, Klopp would probably be their best option.
  13. I wouldn't count Mourinho off for a return. The guy is clearly tired of his problems with most of the team and the press, and wants to leave Madrid. He wants to go back to England so...
  14. Ok then, carry on... Edit: Really, now that I look at it, most of my posts here, for some time, have been about either defending or criticizing someone's managerial talents. Odd choice of theme for me.
  15. Noone is saying it doesn't count, just that it wasn't the amazing achievement it's been made out to be. He inherited the second best team in Europe (back to back champs league finals) and won a weakened league twice (once due to Madrid throwing it away spectacularly). Since it seems I'm not being clear enough, this is pretty much what I was saying. He also finished 5th in between those championship wins. But yeah, being a good cup team is not the same as being a good league team. One could make that point about... Oh forget it, no need to go there.
  16. With a team that went to back to back champions league finals before him, and in no man's land? Not that much... :/
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