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Everything posted by Shelty92

  1. Yay, Cuellar! What really pisses me off is that the channel that was supposed to show the match in here isn't working at the moment, so I have my City supporting friend text messaging me about what's happening in the pitch. Oh boy, did he enjoy informing me of that goal. Yay, own goal by Collins! I bet I won't get a text message now. Fucker.
  2. Well, you can never count on the Gunners to help you out by putting on a good performance. :/ It'll be fun to hear from Wenger once the season is over, 'cause from what I recall, he said something like "if we don't win a trophy this season, my project has failed". And indeed it has.
  3. Sweden and the Netherlands in Finland's group? Nice. Even though there's little chance we'll get through, it'll be great to see all the Dutch stars in our Olympic Stadium, plus the "derby" with Sweden should have an amazing atmosphere.
  4. Well holy shit. These are the kind of moments that make me love football. And watching it with a City fan made it even better.
  5. Once again, ladies and gentlemen, we've seen proof that Bolton is nothing more than a useless piece of shit club that plays horrible football and can't keep their head cool when they should hold on to a fantastic result. The only reason I've ever felt sympathy for them is because I love Jääskeläinen, but I hope... no, I pray those cunts get relegated. Fuck.
  6. Just came home from my Man City supporting friend's crib, and surprisingly, I don't feel gutted at all, just a bit disappointed. We played well for the first 20 minutes or so, but then it started to - slowly, but surely - go downhill, step by step. The penalty decision was a bit shady, but I don't feel like complaining about it, seeing that City eventually deserved to win, no matter what Mike Dean did or did not do. Though I have a feeling that tomorrow I'll see Sir Alex's face on the front page of BBC Sport, ranting and raving about how we were done wrong and whatnot. The usual stuff. Giggs looked good out there with some nice crosses and some fun little dribbles, and Rooney wasn't too shabby either - but it's hard to get results against a team of City's caliber ('cause let's face it, they're not the same shitbag of a squad they were before - they can actually compete with the best of 'em) with the defensive line being poor, and with Anderson once again displaying none of his supposed skills which we paid £18 million for. I mean, geez, Kompany slipped inside the box before City's second goal, and still Anderson couldn't prevent him from handing the ball to Tevez? When we had to turn the heat up in the last 15-20 minutes, it became even more clear that we can't win any trophies this season without Nemanja and Rio in the back. Not just because of the obvious defensive reasons, but because Evans and others couldn't keep their cool under pressure and kept on sending these so called 'crosses' all the way over the City line, and basicly just gifted goal kicks to Given. It was poor to watch. The last few minutes were hectic, as usual, but even though we couldn't equalize, I feel confident about our chances next wednesday at Old Trafford. I mean, fuck, it's Old Trafford, right? It has to turn out good for Man United.
  7. Bwahahaha. This just made United's FA Cup exit much easier to bare. I hope Rafa never gets sacked.
  8. I think the main problem was that the central midfield consisted of Anderson and Gibson - you know it's gonna end up being piss poor against a motivated, hungry side like Leeds today. Time and time again this season we've seen that United is nothing without Carrick and Fletcher in midfield. But then again, everyone in the squad pretty much sucked today, so you can't put the blame on a couple of individuals. The passing was absolutely horrible. I'm not taking anything away from Leeds, though, 'casue they truly deserveded to win - and that's the most shocking and disappointing part.
  9. 'Cause Sir Alex is Satan and has control over the fixtures list.
  10. Despite the fact that we should've scored more (), it was a beautiful performance. Valencia was top class, Rooney looked good after failing to create anything significant during the first 15-20 minutes and I was impressed by Rafael da Silva, once again. He doesn't make stupid mistakes, he does what he's supposed to do in the back and little bit more, plus he has the ability to score great goals (the one tonight and last season's strike at The Emirates were no lucky bounces or easy flicks from the 6 yard box). If he stays fit, we can expect loads of fantastic performances from him in the future - let's hope his twin brother is able to pick up a great form, also. Oh, and stokeriño.
  11. Jep, sitä venaillessa. :P Pikkusen vaan nakertaa toki se, että synttärit vasta loppukesästä ja suurin osa '92 syntyneistä frendeistä täyttää jo ens vuoden alussa. :D

  12. Hohoo, onneks ei ite tarvitse armeijasta stressata vielä vähään aikaan. :D 3-vuotinen koulutus medialinjalla alko tosiaan syksyllä, eikä oo suunnitelmissa käydä siinä välissä kuuntelemassa kessujen rääkymistä.

  13. To put it simple, it's a program where you input the stats of a worker in EWR (the one you want a gimmick recommended to), and it lets you know what gimmicks will work with that particular individual. Really useful in certain situations.
  14. Thank you, Birmingham, thank you. You've been fantastic this season, first beating Liverpool and now taking two points from Chelsea. This means that if we beat the Tigers tomorrow, Chelsea's lead will be cut to one point. Fabulous! Plus the fact that Drogba, Kalou, and Mikel will go to Africa tomorrow, and Malouda got sent off, this is beginning to shape up as one fantastic weekend of football. (EDIT:) Ugh, you're right - should think before I type. Nonetheless it'll be vital for us to beat Hull tomorrow.
  15. Sori, rakas. :(

    Mites enskalla nykysin rullaa?

  16. Well, a single loss is usually something United will bounce back from quickly, but as others have already pointed out, it'll most likely take some time (even months) before City get their game going with a new manager.
  17. I wouldn't call Fulham cunts, but they truly are a pain in the ass to play against. Their style of play is just something I don't really enjoy watching, no matter who their opponents are, but then again it's effective so who can blame them? Hodgson's a class act. Did a fantastic job coaching Finland's national team before going to Fulham, and he's done a fine job there, too. I've got nothing but respect for him. And lol at Hughes getting sacked. City's going down. Hard.
  18. I'm not saying Anderson was playing better than Gibson, but Gibson's been overconfident about his shooting after he scored those few goals (which, to his credit, is at least something that Anderson hasn't been able to do in over two years at United), and that really hurt the whole team's performance. But then again, whenever Anderson's in the starting line-up, it automatically hurts our performance so... yeah. And Scholes is ridicullously horrible today. Edit #1: Yay, 3-0. It's bye bye to our title hopes this season. Edit #2: Yeah, overreaction due to one of the worst days I've had in ages combined with an awful performance. Here's hoping that Rio, Vidic and co. get healthy soon, or otherwise we really are fucked. The midfield really misses the contributions of Fletcher and Carrick.
  19. I gotta take back what I said about Gibson being a better first-team choice than Anderson. Yeah, he can score a goal, but at least Anderson doesn't shoot every fucking time he has an inch of space to set up a shot. Rooney (since he can't seem to do anything useful in the pitch) should've pimp slapped that lil' hoe when he took a shitty shot from a position where he could have either passed it to Owen or Rooney, who both were inside the box. Scoring three goals in two games doesn't mean you're the new Pele, you twat. Oh, and I can't understand what's wrong with Paul Scholes today. It's sad to see both him and his so called "replacement" (referring to Anderson) play like they were in a League Two side. Let's hope Fergie does something significant at half-time, as I'm afraid this looks just like the Aston Villa game a week back.
  20. Trust me, it did look fabulous. All of the, what, three or even four passes that led to Valencia's goal were brilliant, and had me gasping when watching the game at home. A beauty of a goal, not just because of Valencia's finishing, but the way it was set up. And that Arshavin video is pure class.
  21. Wow. And here I was thinking 'bout finding a video of Valencia's goal. What a stunner.
  22. It was a painful 90 minutes to watch yesterday, and it didn't help at all that a City fan was sitting next to me the whole time. I don't know what Fergie was thinking when he played Rooney as the lone striker in the first half, when we had both Berbatov and especially Owen healthy. Plus, I can't understand why in God's name Sir Alex is still putting Anderson to the starting line-up. I think I'm not the only one when I say he's as useless as a hat full of busted assholes, as he can't pass the ball properly, can't run with it, can't dribble, can't score and can't do absolutely shit. Hell, I think Fergie should've given Darron Gibson his place in the starting eleven, 'cause if he's got nothing else on Anderson, atleast he's proven that he can actually score goals! Combine all of these elements with Giggs playing way below his pedigree, Rooney lacking the finishing touches, Valencia (just like Whisper in the Wind said) looking like Nani, Park being a pile of South-Korean dog shit and Michael Carrick accomplishing absolutely nothing on the pitch, and we have ourselves a rare occasion: Manchester United losing, and not scoring a single goal at Old Trafford.
  23. So, out of pure boredom and a desire to have good, clean pictures to go with my saves in both EWR and TEW 05, I've started to work on a picture pack for the year 2000. Before you get your hopes up; no, it's not ready, not by a mile, but if people are interested, I'd be glad to upload all the pictures for ya'll to use in your saves. I'm currently working on the WWF roster, having finished about twenty pictures (some need a few finishing touches, though), and when/if I get through that, I'll start working on ECW. The WCW pictures will be the last priority, 'cause I don't know that much about the whole promotion - which kinda sucks when I'd have to find quality pictures of the workers to match this exact year, and don't know what most of them looked like in the year 2000. Anyways, here's a few samples of what's to expect: (Triple H (w/ WWF World title); The Rock; Rikishi Phatu; Kurt Angle Edge; Christian; D-Von Dudley, Buh-Buh Ray Dudley; Chyna; Bull Buchanan; The British Bulldog; Eddie Guerrero) I'm not promising anything, but I think I'll set a goal for myself to finish all of the WWF before the Christmas holidays - just holla if you want me to upload them, and I shall do it.
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