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Everything posted by Gabriel

  1. Okay, question... Was there a reason behind the name Vader...or did Palpatine just yank that one right out from his ass?
  2. Are you fucking kidding? It was CRIMINAL what they did to my namesake. They cut his best line and they killed him off like a fucking curtain jerker. IT WAS A CRIME. A TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE. And Anakin was emo, EVEN IN THE SUIT. Blargh. Still, it was pretty damn badass. ←
  3. I don't even know what to say about ROTS right now..I just loved it. On the topic of 7, 8, 9 being made... I'd rather them not have any involvement from Lucas, other than his ideas being given to other writers. I believe strongly that Lucas has great ideas, and liken him to Vince Russo in that while he does have great ideas, he has equally as many shitty ones, and they need to be filtered. Also, Palpatine hinted towards a time when the Sith ruled the galaxy... I thought it would be cool to see just what happened in that time, and how things changed. Episode VI didn't leave a lot for Episode VII to really do, especially since all of the actors have since grown up/passed away/moved on/etc... they'd either have to completely re-cast the surviving characters, or completely move on to a different story, and both of those options have severe faults.
  4. Shout At The Devil Livewire Girls, Girls, Girls Kickstart My Heart Smoking In The Boys Room Primal Scream Home, Sweet Home Dr. Feelgood There you go. My favorite Crue tunes right there. I'm a pretty big fan...don't like the new stuff much though.
  5. The nominees aren't thrilling, but I just found out that Nine Inch Nails will be performing at the show, so I absolutely have to watch it now.
  6. There is no one here who wants to play in an actual band...so I've been meaning to pick up a guitar for cheap somewhere, grab a music mixing program and just start making my own music...which I can later use again if I find a band to play with. Currently, I use Audacity to record myself singing other peoples' songs as a way for me to show potential band-members that I can in fact sing a little bit.
  7. With Teeth, The Fragile, The Downward Spiral, and Pretty Hate Machine are the albums I'd suggest to anyone trying to get into NIN. PHM because it's a classic, even if Titsy doesn't like it. The Downward Spiral because it's easily one of the best and most underrated albums of the 90s. (I say underrated, only because in every Top ____ list I see about Albums in the 90s, it's very rarely ranked appropriately.) The Fragile is clearly the single best album that NIN have put out. With Teeth is the new album, so I have to suggest that, but it's also really good. I'd rank it as their second best, right after The Fragile.
  8. Thats exactly my attitude when it comes to downloading music. If you like it enough, buy it. ← I have a question for you, and everybody else opposed to downloading music. Would you feel the same about music that is so obscure that it can't be purchased in record stores, online, or by other means? Or for example, perhaps the only means of purchasing the album is an extremely exspensive LP? I personally support the downloading of music, however I also support the artists I download (fiscally that is). In somes cases the music I download is next to impossible to buy, and if I do buy the album (which I almost always do), then I buy it on vinyl. ←
  9. To whomever brought up the question of singles... I have just one thing to say to you... Why the hell would I pay an extra $5 (if not more) just to make sure that I'm going to like 1-4 songs from a 10-15 track disc? Sounds like exactly what I'm trying to avoid. I download music to ensure that I won't be wasting my money when I buy a new CD, and I buy at least 1 CD a month, sometimes up to 5 or 6.
  10. I'm not against the downloading of things, as long as it's in an effort to scout the product for the possibility of a purchase. I absolutely hate it when my friends download something, and won't go out and buy it, even if they claim to love it. I have one friend who downloads and burns entire albums with no intention of ever spending any money on them, and the two of us get into major fights over it a lot of the time.
  11. I picked my copy up this morning and I must say... holy shit. The wait has been a long one, and it feels like I've been holding my load in since the new album was originally titled "Bleedthrough", because today, when I put it in...I probably could have creamed my pants if I was by myself. I've only listened to it once through so far, and I love it. I'll give it a rating after I've gone through the disc a couple of times and let you know what I thought of it then.
  12. Gabriel

    Song War

    I'm up for this. I could totally see myself either doing really well with my good musical taste in stuff like Nine Inch Nails, Guns N' Roses and the like... but also doing very badly with my bad musical taste in Savage Garden, Against Me and other shitty stuff that I have a soft-spot for. Anyways...MSN is probably best for most of us, as that seems to be the most widely used program among the EWBers.
  13. ...holy shit... May 18th can NOT come fast enough...I'm so completely stoked for this movie that I even booked two days off so I can see it a bunch of times.
  14. I already pre-ordered the album, so I'll wait until I get it before I hear the rest of it. I've heard The Hand That Feeds from TV, and I'm impressed with the single, so I'm looking forward to picking it up on Tuesday.
  15. Gabriel

    Punk songs help

    No one's said it yet, and I feel like it's been left out, so I'm just going to toss out "The Misfits" for him. The group came out when Punk was really hitting its' stride in the late 70s. Other than that, The Refused are really good. The Horrorpops have an old school punk mentality with their music, but it's not for everyone, and most "punks" I know seem to not like them. I think everything else I would suggest has been suggested more than once by this point, so I'll leave it at that.
  16. What happened to them being just "limpbizkit"? Did they go back to "Limp Bizkit" or what? I don't remember hearing anything about that.
  17. What's wrong with these people? The biggest factor in luring people into black metal is the theatrics of the genre, and whoever the fuck this guy is, is completely ripping these bands to shreds for being theatric. And since when has making money become selling out? It's no wonder people hate the internet. On the plus side...some of those pictures are just completely ridiculous. I had a good laugh at a few of them.
  18. The obvious choice for Death Metal is Cradle Of Filth. The new album (Nymphetamine) is amazing, and I'd highly suggest that or Lovecraft & Witch Hearts (a best of type dealie). Of course, I don't know what you have in your collection, and am basing this only on what I like.
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