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Everything posted by Max.

  1. Yeah, I see a lot of people compare them to Battles. Haven't actually listened to Foals so I don't know but listen to Battles anyway
  2. WOW. Everybody needs to download "Wham City" by Dan Deacon and play it on Audiosurf just for the experience your going to get. That is the happiest headache I have ever had.
  3. This must seem stupid but I haven't been following at all.. It ain't coming out on the PC is it?
  4. Where do I say shit about music that doesn't deserve a topic? Is it here? Art Brut gets tired after 3 listens. Also, I won't insult you or anything but your a fag if you don't listen to Burial, sorry.
  5. Mateo: No... I'm in love with you. And I'm in love with your beautiful woman. And I'm in love with your kids. And I'm even in love with your unborn child. I'M EVEN IN LOVE WITH YOUR ANGER! I'M IN LOVE WITH ANYTHING THAT LIVES! From In America. Could of been a passable line but just the way he delivered it with the shouting at the end. Djimon Hounsou must shout in every film possible. Corny (and the only one I can remember recently).
  6. Seen Apocalypse Now? Anyway, I'll add it to my list of films to watch. Currently close to 600 films from 1960 onwards That will take a while.
  7. I strongly disagree with that point. Although they might not be able to turn in the kind of powerhouse performances that we saw in films like The Godfather, Taxi Driver, Scarface and Raging Bull respectively, they're both still hotly debated as an either/or to the title of "Greatest actor of all time" in most circles of film discussion that I've ever come across. Even if they don't generate as much interest these days amongst the casual filmgoer there's still a wide scope of people that hold both of them in such high regard.
  8. A Weekend in the City was a decent disc for what its worth, so I'd support it.
  9. Bloc Party had one of the 100 best albums of the year?
  10. 1. Bob Dylan 2. Nirvana 3. The Beatles 4. David Bowie 5. The Clash 6. Pixies 7. Sex Pistols 8. Black Sabbath 9. Massive Attack 10. Public Enemy
  11. My Humps by Allanis Morrisette. What? The original song was catchy.
  12. To have Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino together in a film means nothing anymore. Add to this... 50 Cent? It doesn't capture my interest at all but I would be happy to give it a shot in it's 2nd week if I hear good things. Looks like it could be a huge dissapointment for anyone expecting what is only natural to expect from Al Pacino and DeNiro when you see they are in a film together.
  13. In America - 6/10 It thinks it's better than it actually is. Bad acting but great control over character and story. Good enough film.
  14. For sure. Blowup is a favourite of mine.
  15. Does anybody use last stand in S&D simply so they can argue with somebody once they die? I first added it on to take out dickhole campers who don't keep on shooting but now I just do it to fill in the time while i'm dead. Good game, but hardcore is the only way to go online.
  16. Max.


    I'm not exactly sure what classifies as opera music but the entire There Will Be Blood soundtrack by Jonny Greenwood fits dark and menacing perfectly, even if it might not be opera. He's tagged everything from experimental to avant-garde on Last.fm so I couldn't be sure, but the TWBB soundtrack sounds about right for what you want.
  17. Also got to add Feel Good Inc and Crazy by Gnarls Barkley. You could not get away from these songs when they came out. Crazy was a good song as well, but it was ruined by the 25th time it was sandwiched between Rihanna and then talked about by people who thought that Gnarls Barkley was the one person.
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