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The Brian J

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Status Replies posted by The Brian J

  1. Sousa and I have some business to take care of. If we aren't back by the new year, turn on the world news.

  2. You know what I just realized? Everybody in The Dark Knight speaks in nothing but vague philosophical platitudes when they're not reassembling a bullet by computer and getting fingerprints off of it.

  3. There was a parkour reference on "Jeopardy" tonight

  4. Riddle me this, riddle me that, I've got an easy one for you, EWBats: If a picture is worth a thousand words, my three-letter name is worth thousands more.

  5. Riddle me this, riddle me that, I've got an easy one for you, EWBats: Like small planets in the palm of a child, scattered about like the stars of the universe.

  6. I hereby declare that today is "Act In An Obsequious Manner Day"

  7. Cleaning out my apartment, I found a sheet of paper that, in my writing, says "USA: Canada: Mexico: Japan" and nothing else. What on earth was I planning?

  8. Cleaning out my apartment, I found a sheet of paper that, in my writing, says "USA: Canada: Mexico: Japan" and nothing else. What on earth was I planning?

  9. Is slowly becoming addicted to this poison called X-box Live..

  10. Screw Harry Potter. There , I said it

  11. Do people still hate DJ Ice?

  12. Will be back in Seattle this Saturday to pick out and sign a lease on an apartment. God, Saturday can't come fast enough

  13. I wish my voice was like the merchants from Resident Evil 4

  14. I think my favorite feature of SvR is that when you play online against a CAW, it always looks extremely stupid and has super maxed out stats and hits moves like RKOs and Vertebreakers as normal moves.

  15. I think my favorite feature of SvR is that when you play online against a CAW, it always looks extremely stupid and has super maxed out stats and hits moves like RKOs and Vertebreakers as normal moves.

  16. I think my favorite feature of SvR is that when you play online against a CAW, it always looks extremely stupid and has super maxed out stats and hits moves like RKOs and Vertebreakers as normal moves.

  17. Welp. My copy of SvR11 freezes every time I try to join a game online.

  18. Just noticed that Eddie G is doing the "The " username. Does this mean we have to compete in fisticuffs now?

  19. is proper annoyed that the band name "Rodents Of Unusual Size" has already been taken.

  20. is proper annoyed that the band name "Rodents Of Unusual Size" has already been taken.

  21. Day 2 of Vacation, in Seattle - Pikes Place Market is the coolest place in the world. The University District is also the coolest place in the world. It is a paradox. An awesome paradox.

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