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The Brian J

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Status Replies posted by The Brian J

  1. Rowsdower, Zap Rowsdower.

  2. Big Daddy knows people in high places.

  3. Will this year be the year for Cleveland?

  4. Why didn't anyone tell me 30 Rock was the funniest show on TV?! You motherfuckers.

  5. Things I Learned at Sakuracon: 1) There will always be something nerdier. 2) Never underestimate the power of All-Girl J-Pop Groups. 3) Navi is the least popular video game character ever

  6. Things I Learned at Sakuracon: 1) There will always be something nerdier. 2) Never underestimate the power of All-Girl J-Pop Groups. 3) Navi is the least popular video game character ever

  7. Things I Learned at Sakuracon: 1) There will always be something nerdier. 2) Never underestimate the power of All-Girl J-Pop Groups. 3) Navi is the least popular video game character ever

  8. This right here, is WWE missing the boat. with Zack Ryder

  9. Friday, friday got get down on Frdiay

  10. A new project I'm working on, paying tribute to the "best" of youtube comments...welcome to NoComment Comments! nocommentcomments.blogspot.com

  11. So not only will I be working at Sakuracon, but I am in the running to be a chessmaster in Cosplay chess (in addition to possibly being in cosplay myself) and my badge is the Cornette Face. I think I just hit some sort of Nerd Singularity.

  12. So not only will I be working at Sakuracon, but I am in the running to be a chessmaster in Cosplay chess (in addition to possibly being in cosplay myself) and my badge is the Cornette Face. I think I just hit some sort of Nerd Singularity.

  13. My journey through EWB's favorite MST3k episodes continues with Jack Frost. Things are about to get very Russo-Finnish.

  14. my dog died today :( feel like shit...ugh.

  15. The applause shall continue for another hour. The first person who stops clapping will be executed.

  16. Going to Emerald City Comiccon. I will be searching for one of the most endangered creatures on the planet, the rare and elusive Virgil. More to come.

  17. http://nxt.wwe.com/ FOR FUCK'S SAKE BRODUS NEEDS YOU
  18. I swear to god Catherine better get a US Release or I am going to choke so many bitches.

  19. NERDS UNITE!: Which Final Fantasy game should I play out of the following: 7,9,10,11 or 13?

  20. You look like a bowl of Fruity Pebbles.

  21. I'm with GoGo, but you already knew that,.

  22. It's taken me a while to realize, but I truly, truly hate Matt Hardy with the fiery passion of a thousand suns.

  23. I should do a DIary Cube thing just about a wrestling fed made up of the stupid CAWs I've seen on SvR Online. Everyone would look like a goth tribal badass, every match would start with jumping knees, and finishers would take upwards of 2 paragraphs to describe!

  24. I should do a DIary Cube thing just about a wrestling fed made up of the stupid CAWs I've seen on SvR Online. Everyone would look like a goth tribal badass, every match would start with jumping knees, and finishers would take upwards of 2 paragraphs to describe!

  25. Someone explain the end of Inception please. Either comment or through PM. Thanks so much

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