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Posts posted by ROC

  1. My experience with The Black Album was very similar, years past the album's original release date (definitely into the Load/Reload era). I have specific memory of eating shit fast food like Hardee's and listening to "Of Wolf and Man" and probably not even remotely caring about lyrics. I want to pretend like it is still a classic in those regards, but Sousa has probably nailed it. If I listened to the lyrics, I would probably feel like Rage Against the Machine or whatever 1990s rock act I love was subtle by comparison.

  2. It leaves a question on the publishers, though, in terms of judging the offline base. It's certainly an outright backpedal worthy of making me suddenly wary about the PS4, but it also creates a greater question to the publisher on if single player games need online DRM. And if there's a big enough offline base, the publishers won't exactly be going the DRM direction.

  3. So I've been trying to get into this series, but I just can't. My comp's not great for loading things anyway, but everything else just seems too dense even from the limited knowledge I've learned from the FIFA games. Is there either an earlier installment that feels less dense or is FIFA Manager just going to me more my thing?

  4. That sucks. Edith was the important base of that show, and Jean Stapleton did some fantastic work. She made Archie human, as opposed to what everyone would've assumed is just a racist wisecrack machine. RIP.

    But on a positive note, the return of the cult-beloved (GoGo and myself) Aquabats Super Show was this afternoon on the Hub. And it didn't lose a step in being a glorious camp wonder.

  5. I'm half and half on the length thing. Sometimes I will zone out during the especially info-dump laden episodes (George Sr.'s eps for me), but then I will have it on in the background and pay attention and then suddenly hear "On the next Arrested Development" and be genuinely surprised.

  6. I do like the use of skill trees in all of these sports games. Nice to see gaming is catching up with the glorious nerdiness of everything else. However, I'm still hoping that they find even a minor way to integrate a playoff in this installment. It's something that I personally have begged for since realizing the last game in the series with a playoff option was back in the PS1 era, but even more than that, it seems like the legalese that kept them from doing it before (pissing off the BCS) is about to die anyway. I just want to see a playoff in a college football game before the PS4/Xbox One generation, please.

  7. A Haunted House
    Here's a gag. It doesn't work. Here's a gag. It is a gag. Here's a gag. There's Andrew Daly! (He's not playing the wonderfully demented people he plays on Comedy Bang Bang.) Here's a gag. Everyone's a sociopath. Here's a gag. Black people do this and white people do this and people do this. Here a--oh god this is 86 minutes what is my life and why am I doing this to myself--fade to black.
    Warm Bodies
    Enjoyed the premise, but it tends to lose a lot of steam in its last 45 minutes. At least the premise was cute and the movie was eminently watchable. So I'm fine with it in that regard. Decent little soundtrack for the most part, too.
  8. Other than "crap", I could only describe Warm Bodies as a romantic comedy.

    I think we're going to have an interesting chat about that very soon, as I'm finding myself disagreeing.

    But on the subject, no genre really outright dies these days. We just have the ebbs and flows of various genres. Hell, it might be way better to just put the rom-com on backlogue like the Western. Maybe save it for Joel and Ethan Coen (if you consider Raising Arizona an odd rom-com).

    EDIT: Just remembered Intolerable Cruelty and I'm probably wrong.

  9. Yeah, unless there's some nice integration in Dynasty mode, I can't see myself getting too excited for it. I do wonder if they're going to address the College Football Playoff stuff in this game or wait until next year. I also wonder if they can further play around with conference realignment, since that's pretty much been what's drawn me in for the past couple of games even when nothing else was all that different.

  10. Vivian Girls' Share the Joy did not get nearly enough love and was a nice progression of that sort of limiting girl garage punk sound. I liked the longer songs.

    I don't know if fans view it this way, but I remember really loving Dirty Projectors' Swing Lo Magellan. Kind of funny that the album came out after a song from their last album gained them their most mainstream prominence to date.

  11. I think just the fact that he willfully published books worth of exposing readers to the art of film (and a book like Your Movie Sucks because his putdowns were so entertaining and worth putting in print) shows what he was willing to do to get middle America to understand great cinema and all that comes with it. Just being the premiere critic in the arts means he's influenced how we view not only film but writing. I'm sure in that archive of the What Did You See Today posts, there's a shitload of writing attempting to be like Roger Ebert. Which is not an insult by any means but just proof of the giant shadow (and the myriad of terms single-handedly made by Ebert) that will always loom from his work. I don't know if I ever directly wanted to be like him, but it's impossible for me to say that a lot of my writing isn't attempting to be like him. Because he was damn great at well-thought and understandable analysis. God, this sucks. RIP.

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