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The Donators
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Everything posted by Schlitzbrille

  1. This is now a Next Level Chef thread.
  2. The Eagles aren't the only thing flying
  3. Still have to squeeze in the post-pregame pregame show
  4. Philadelphian: ay watch this
  5. Any bets on who gets the obligatory borderline-BS overturned completion that swings the game?
  6. I was supposed to do more with blitzball than hide behind my own goalie?
  7. Whichever team has the most Josh's on it is my pick
  8. Do it. Summarize it as badly as possible for the luls.
  9. Poland is also a good shout once the basics are mostly understood.
  10. CK3AGOT is a work in progress tbf, but based off the Discord a first release in the first half of the year is somewhat likely.
  11. Because of like eleventy-seven naughty words
  12. Prepare for the Jogos Nhai to infest your courts with their conehead offspring tho
  13. Or the chodenugget in the replies of ESPN who whined about it affecting his fantasy football.
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