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Everything posted by Schlitzbrille

  1. But is Aaron Rogers a legend or an icon?
  2. Guys if the Packers win this I'm gonna become a Colts fan for tonight.
  3. Picked up Saints Row 2 and 3 (the one with all DLC included) for like eight bucks...
  4. My laptop is weeping in fear at the GTA V PC specs. Time to start saving up, gents...
  5. X-2 was great in that it's basically the last main-ish Final Fantasy game with a consistent sense of silliness. E.x Opening sequence taking place on a giant robotic drummer...
  6. ...what you said, except I went PS3. Will pick up again once I remember to/get the money to buy a Vita.
  7. I'm now naming my worlds after NFL players, got this on Round 3: The Manti Te'o Edition: ....yep, it's time for THAT SONG....
  8. How else are we gonna get our Brady/Rogers Super Bowl wankfest? GO SEAHAWKS AND EITHER INDY OR DENVER.
  9. I want the Packers to lose so much now.
  10. Maybe we can go 1-3 against the Steelers in the playoffs or something...
  11. Guys guys I think I cursed the Eagles and Cardinals.
  12. Who's the sexiest head coach now?
  13. THERE'S ALWAYS NEXT YEAR. Gotta go change my member title now...
  14. Sent the reasonably cool active people on the EWB Steam community friend invites...
  15. Excellent choice so far. I approve of this location for Fortress OMAHA.
  16. I think I found my problem: Rene Descartes is cursing my Minecraft games from his grave. Someone give me a philosopher with a funny name to name my new worlds...
  17. It's just regular plain Survival. I suck at handling stupid deaths, is all. (That and I tend to die lost as fuck deep withing the gameworld... )
  18. Guys I suck at prepping for deep cavern exploration. So I drown myself in lava and hope my new new new world has as bitchin' of a vantagepoint for my stronghold as my current world did. Rene Descartes Mark 4 WILL BE MY FOREVER WORLD I SWEAR.
  19. Always watch your step when digging around lava.
  20. Care to elaborate? Who is going to beat them in Foxborough? ...how 'bout dem Ravens?..... ...ah fuck it you're most likely right.
  21. Guys I had a sweet mine condo in a mountain. Went 'sploring, found a cave, exploited the everloving poo out of it, wasn't paying attention AHAHAHA LAVA PIT FALL DIE DELETE WORLD START OVER. Gonna try again and hope to keep my streak of initial spawns being near cool stuff going...
  22. Gonna totes check out the sale tomorrow...
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