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Everything posted by Schlitzbrille

  1. I already push my suspension of disbelief by nearly always being THE CHOSEN DOVAHKIIN PROPHECY SAVIOR OF YOUR WORLD. I shouldn't have to worry about silly things like "inventory caps".
  2. Justin Tucker you have one job to do.
  3. I should tune into Manzelmania, this game is depressing.
  4. Tomorrow's the first Sunday this season I'm off work, gonna watch Cowboys/EWB's Favorite Team.
  5. We need to pick a type of booze for the Goodell Gaffe drinking game.
  6. The only thing stopping me from running straight to Amazon and ordering a PS2 and a shitwad of games is the fact that I'm financially boned until the new year.
  7. Now I know why Royal Farms fried chicken is so addictive. That's what he gets for *obligatory Matt Stafford is unphotogenic joke*
  8. Guys, we need to discuss the fact that I am the reason that most of the NFC South remembered that winning is the desirable outcome of a football game.
  9. While it would be, I wouldn't watch due to the run up to it being a competition to see whether Brady or Rogers gets masturbated to more by sports media.
  10. You guys, I got Kerbal Space Program and HOT DIGGITY DAMN ALL THE MATH I HAVE TO DO. I managed to get a rocket into space once, and that was by sheer fucking luck. Still wanna turn my playtime in it into a Cube diary thing.
  11. If you take out the whole working thing, that's been my Thanksgiving Day for as long as I can remember. I sit and watch football, and the ladies bring me my food and drinks. USA! USA! USA! USA!
  12. ...seriously though NFC South, winning is something you WANT to do.
  13. At this rate, we'll get a full game...I dunno...by the time the Sun dies? So soon? ....yeah.
  14. At this rate, we'll get a full game...I dunno...by the time the Sun dies?
  15. Me too. Would LOVE to see an HD remaster...thoughts I'm almost certain I've mentioned earlier in this thread.
  16. I generally hate families who decide to have a theme for their children's names, especially when they all start with the same letter.
  17. This is devolving fast....I like it. Also....yeah skipping this year due to no nextgen system...
  18. Cthulhu Saves The World any good? Picked it up for $3 along with Breath of Death VII....
  19. ...for how long...but go on and have your moment.
  20. Maybe makes it easier for my human counterpart to make the playoffs.
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