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Everything posted by Draevyn

  1. I'm intrigued to see CW's Fall Schedule. There are rumors of OTH being cancelled, which will make me very sad. Yes, I watch OTH
  2. Is there any word on House returning. I know it should be a given, but then again I said that right before Angel got cancelled.
  3. Moonlight seems like a good one. Viva Laughlin might be okay too. Depends.
  4. Women's Murder Club should be awesome. The books are. Then again I love anything by James Patterson.
  5. So far out of all the previews, Journeyman was probably the only show I'm not interested in.

  7. For the love of god, do not question his ratings. You just might get a snide comment :ohwell: Though I do have to agree with the Carrie Underwood rating. All her songs sound the same.
  8. I know I'm not going to like this list when Corinne Bailey Rae and Fallout Boy score higher than both Daughtry and Nickelback....
  9. Draevyn

    Best song ever?

    That's easily the best Stones song yes, and it was that much more awesome being in The Departed too. But um, best ever... not quite. I'm slightly tempted to say "The End of the Innocence" by Don Henley, but that's a tough call as well. Then again, it is my #1 most played on iTunes. "Sympathy for the Devil" is better than "Gimme Shelter" by a mile. You beat me to the post I've waited all thread to make (When someone says a Stones song that isn't Sympathy). Of course my post simply would've read: "Please allow me to introduce myself..." "..I'm a man of wealth and taste" One of my friends use that song as a theme for an efed. But yeah, that's probably the best Stones song, though I really love their song "Angie" for some reason
  10. Agreed with that. But if Raimi flat out leaves after pretty much confirming he's on board for #4, then it's pretty likely the movie will blow. I would be optimistic if Raimi was an executive producer and/or came out and said, "I had a really good time doing these, but I'd like to try something new and I'll remain on as producer." Unless of course he followed that up with, "Now please welcome the new head of the Spider-Man franchise, McG!" And wasn't Jake Gyllenhaal all but confirmed to replace Maguire after his back injury almost forced him out of Spider-Man 2? EDIT Nolan should never leave the Batman franchise, ever. He fits it so perfectly. He did good with the dark atmosphere which is something I think the Spiderman film would need with Venom as the main villian. I don't want him to leave the Batman franchise either but I'd also love to see him try something here.
  11. I finished watching it last night, I liked it better than the second one. The first one was the best so far, but this one defintely reached for it in my opinion. I will agree with people that they lacked some Venom goodness, but the way the movie was made, it didn't leave a lot for him. I don't believe he's dead at all, and I'd definitely welcome Topher Grace back for another movie. He played a very awesome bastard. I don't like Harry being dead though and I felt they completely rushed the hell out of that entire storyline. Yeah I know it was his ultimate redemption, but I just think they could have focused more on his feud with Spiderman/Peter Partker. I've never been a huge fan of either Tobey or Kirsten's acting, so them leaving wouldn't really bother me as long as the casting got better. EDIT: I forgot to mention that if Raimi left as director, I'd love to see what Christopher Nolan could do with this franchise.
  12. Draevyn

    Best song ever?

    There are so many better songs by Bon Jovi...Blood On Blood, Wanted Dead or Alive, Blaze Of Glory, Bed Of Roses, Someday I'll Be Saturday Night...
  13. I'm almost with you. I think Ottawa is going to stretch them to seven though. Sabres in seven. On the other side I'm still saying Anaheim in six, which leads to the Anaheim vs Sabres finals that I've been calling since the playoffs started.
  14. That's not likely to happen. There's a herd of Buffalos stampeding through New York today! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry
  15. BOOOOOOOOOOOOO While I don't think it was as good as Fallen, it was far from awful. Lithium, Call Me When You're Sober, Snow White Queen. Great songs. Even if they don't stack up to "My Tourniquet, Bring Me To Life, My Immortal or Going Under. On a side note, Amy Lee is/got married today. and another side note, statement issued by Amy Lee
  16. Someone needs to chase Digrind out of here. First Breakfast At Tiffany's and then Brad Paisley. Paisley's song is meant to be his humor song. Much like Celebrity, Alcohol, I'm gonna miss her. It's just his sense of humor
  17. If she was the one who fired him, why would she have confidence problems?
  18. Yeah, the only thing that might change is the music. The lyrics and her voice are still there, which is what truly defines Evanescence anyway.
  19. Yeah I love Evanescence simply for Amy's voice...and those videos were are always cool as hell. As for Ben, the only thing I've heard from him is the collab he did on The Punisher soundtrack.
  20. Ben needs to come back. Is he even doing anything anymore?
  21. Draevyn

    Best song ever?

    "Automatic Flowers" by Our Lady Peace (also my favourite band)
  22. This has gotten three pages without anyone mentioning that stupid fucking Milkshake song My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard Damn right it's better than yours Better than yours Yeah, fuck that song.
  23. Draevyn


    I like them. Got sick of Lips Of An Angel for the most part since all the chicks around here listen to it. But I like Homecoming Queen off that album.
  24. Matchbox 20 does a pretty cool cover of it.
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