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Everything posted by Draevyn

  1. I think one of the best fight scenes Chan ever did was the final one for his movie "Who Am I?"...it was the only redeeming quality of that entire movie. Most of the ones I would have mentioned have already been mentioned, but a couple that weren't mentioned were the ending to John Q, and the bedroom scene from Scream with Skeet and Neve. Ulrich did an awesome job in that scene. Edit: Forgot to add in the scene with Legolace from the LOTR when he takes out the Elephant like thing by himself..that was pretty cool.
  2. Why anyone actually replies to Quom is beyond me. But anyway, I think she's great to look at. The Wreckers are very good. Still can't like Justin Timberlake though.
  3. I love me some Kelly. Her music....her. I really need to stalk her But she has done a lot in such a little time that maybe it is a good time to take a break from touring.
  4. I once snorted some Tim....it made my nostrils burn...

  5. It's simple. It's effective. I like it.
  6. 1. Our Lady Peace 2. Greenday 3. Stone Sour 4. Incubus wow, this is hard actually... 5. Mealoaf (Bat Out Of Hell III just came out) 6. Barenaked Ladies 7. Breaking Benjamin 8. Counting Crows 9. Evanescence 10. Marilyn Manson
  7. I still listen to a lot of old stuff from the 80's and 90's...the old Hair bands and shit like that.
  8. Come back Naiwf. We miss you!

  9. The description given in that last post gives me more of a mind of "Forever Knight" rather than Angel. Then again I also loved Forever Knight so it all works.
  10. I think all three will be back next season. Sure, them being replaced could open up some new doors but the main point of House is Character Development and I honestly don't think they've done all they can do with these characters yet.
  11. It's probably the only show on t.v I still watch every single week, so to me, it is the best show on television. I liked this season. There were a few episodes in there that weren't as good, but that's okay. You can't have a great show every week. Like I told TGC earlier, the finale didn't really seem like a season finale, but as a show it was good.
  12. Damn, I love Reilley on Match Game. He and Betty White were the best on that show.
  13. For me it's anything having to do with Chuck Norris, Van Damme and Stalone. Which really shouldn't be guilty pleasures. My real guilty pleasure would probably be Swayze movies...and that does include Dirty Dancing
  14. Because for the most part, every other goaltender has been better than Emery. What made the difference were the guys up front. Alfredsson and Heatley have both been firing on all cylinders. For some reason the sharp shooters on the other team seem to be shut down each time. I don't think that's going to happen during the finals, which comes down to the goaltenders, and in this case Jiggy beats Emery every time from my viewpoint.
  15. I hope Colorado makes a pitch for either Drury or Briere honestly. As for the finals, I've got 30 on Anaheim to win the cup against my brother. Really it was anyone against Ottawa unless it had been Detroit. I can't cheer for Ottawa for some reason despite being Canadian.
  16. A Goldust avtar would be so much better with this nickname <_<

  17. Draevyn

    John Rambo

    There is no way that movie would be straight to DVD. I see some nice buyrates in theatre for this. Hell, it's fucking RAMBO!! I think I may have came in my pants. Throat Ripping kicks ass!
  18. Yeah, putting it up against House is probably not the best idea. Hopefully Gossip Girl fails so OTH can go back to it's regular timeslot.
  19. Yeah, I've read that on a few other sites. And I just watched this Wednesday episode a few minutes ago, and they're working very slowly on wrapping things up, so I'm not sure how it's going to work seeing as CW ordered two less episodes for the end of season then there was supposed to be.
  20. CW's the only channel out of these lists that I don't get, which means any shows will have to be downloaded, which will probably lead to me not watching most of them.
  21. It means one of two things. Generally it means they'll find a slot for it in either January or February, but it could also mean they intend to use it as a replacement when one of their other programs inevitably fail. Probably best bet is that it returns in January after the fall season of "Beauty And the Geek", because they said in the press release the hiatus was to help the producers "retool" the show. Well it has a lot of fans, but I won't say it's a sensational hit. It's basically another teen drama but I don't know how it doesn't get as much acclaim as The O.C. God I hate that show.
  22. Okay, I can live with that as long as they don't cancel it completely. And wow, Boreanaz is still on t.v. I really need to get caught up on Bones.
  23. So I'm not up on t.v schedules and what not, but what does "Mid Season" mean...like when they talk about One Tree Hill?
  24. I'm intrigued to see CW's Fall Schedule. There are rumors of OTH being cancelled, which will make me very sad. Yes, I watch OTH
  25. Is there any word on House returning. I know it should be a given, but then again I said that right before Angel got cancelled.
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