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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. A-Rod is on the hook for $29,000,000 next year. He made $31,000,000 this year and $33,000,000 last year. He hit 30 HR last year and 16 this year (granted he was plagued by injury). Assuming he stays healthy next season he'll probably get around 25-28 HR. Let's take the high end of that estimation at 28, that's assuming he has a natural regression of power with his injury history and age. That would be a combined 72 HR, ~.270 AVG in three season while making $93,000,000 during that span. Can ANYONE dispute this guy is overpaid? He's aging quickly and probably won't be credible in the field much longer and will be reduced to DH with the occasional day in the field. Does anyone see him making a move to the outfield? A-Rod seems like the type with the ego that won't let him do anything that might question his ability.
  2. Blitz

    NBA 2K12

    Has anyone gotten this game and gotten updated rosters? I'm debating about whether or not to get it, and the roster issue would be a major deciding factor. Also, if you have the game, how do you like the new My Player features? I've heard there's more to do in it, but is it the same as last year where you have plays you HAVE to run and you may not touch the ball for 5-6 minutes even if you have the hot hand?
  3. Yea, my bad. You got my point though. Nebraska and Kansas State occasionally would have went into the conference championship game ranked, but never would match up with Texas or OU. If TCU can recruit harder and actually be competition with TEX/OU instead of Tech and Baylor in the South this move could be great. BYU and West Virginia will be a good matchup year in and year out in the North, but like you said, the South would still dominate the conference.
  4. North has beaten the South 10/14 times since the creation of the conference championship game. I guess they could split it from East/West, but it would look pretty much the same as a North/South split.
  5. Big XII has talked to BYU, Louisville and West Virginia. I've heard it would be EITHER L-ville or WV, but if they took both it would boost the conference back to 12 and allow a conference championship game. Missouri will join the SEC sooner or later, so I say take both and roll with the following divisions. North: BYU, Iowa State, Kansas State, Kansas, West Virginia, Louisville South: Texas, Oklahoma, TCU, Texas Tech, Baylor, Oklahoma State The North would be much weaker than the South, but that has always been the case. Either way, the addition of TCU should be great as they have an excellent football and baseball program, plus finally being in a legit conference should boost their basketball program.
  6. Detroit and Texas should be a great series, both teams have deep starting pitching and a TOUGH lineup 1-9. Tigers took the season series 6-3.
  7. Chicago Cubs have asked permission to talk to Red Sox GM Theo Epstein, according to Dan Shaughnessy of the Boston Globe. Red Sox coaching candidates: Joe Torre, Tony La Russa, Bobby Valentine, Dave Martinez, Pete Mackanin, and Sandy Alomar Jr.
  8. I was extremely pumped to see the Rangers win today. I can't believe it went only four games, the Rays played us just about as hard as any four game series has gone. The last four-five innings of each game 3 and game 4 were the kind where both teams sit on the edge of their seat crapping their pants because it could go either way. Congrats Rays, you took full advantage of a terrible Red Sox collapse and I wouldn't have been surprised at all if you swept us off and sent us back to Texas. Now we get to sit back and wait for the Tigers and Yankees to beat the crap out of each other Thursday night. Unfortunately each team will have their starter rested for Saturday's start, but I'd rather have the other team's A-game than win cheaply. I'd actually rather the Rangers see the Yankees in the postseason, we beat them last year and I think would have an easier time with them than the Tigers. Hopefully Michael Young and Nelson Cruz will remember how to get postseason hits, because right now Beltre and Napoli are on fire.
  9. Rangers won again despite their bullpen, this time the combo of Oliver+Adams nearly cost the game. I'd love to see the Rangers finish the Rays off in four. Get some rest for the arms and give Nellie Cruz some time to work on his timing.
  10. Cowboys are dominating the Lions so far. Granted, it's early, but the defense has forced two three and outs and a pretty catch by Dez Bryant has us up 7. Felix Jones is finally showing some signs of life as well.
  11. Loved the Rangers offense last night, and the bullpen was able to be good enough (eff you, Uehara) to get the win. Now the series goes to Tampa where we won three times last postseason. I'd love for the Rangers to win the series in four and not even worry about coming back to Arlington for a fifth game.
  12. So basically we are looking at: Game 1: Fister @ Nova Game 2: Scherzer @ Garcia Game 3: Sabathia @ Verlander Game 4: Porcello @ Burnett Game 5: ??? I'd give the Yankees the edge in game one, going up 1-0. Game two I'd give the slight edge to the Tigers. Garcia had a lower ERA during the season, but I think he's tired and the Tigers will have an offensive outburst at some point in the series. Game three will be the teeter-tottor game, as both aces will most likely return to the mound. Verlander is already confirmed to go Monday, and I'm sure Sabathia won't let the Yankees send Burnett out against the Cy Young winner. I'll say the Yankees end up taking this one, as Verlander hasn't proven to be able to be dominant in the postseason (although Sabathia hasn't either). I'm assuming if both of these guys go, they won't be pushed too far and might be contempt with six solid innings. I'll say the Yankees take game three for the sake of predictions, but this game will be a toss up. In game four, Burnett takes the mound unless the Yankees wanna send Nova out on short rest. I can see them making that decision if they trail in the series, but if they are up 2-1, and have the chance to send Nova out on regular rest in game five against someone other than Verlander (or even if Verlander comes back on super short rest). I say the Tigers take game four and the Yankees take the series in the fifth and final game.
  13. Ivan Nova-Doug Fister will pitch tomorrow. Sabathia wants to go Sunday, again.
  14. I still don't think New York can win the championship. They have one front line rotation guy and then a posse of "maybe" guys. I like the Rangers or Rays' chances because of a depth of starting pitching to get out of the American League. The National League is a little more up in the air, the Brewers have a great rotation as well as the Phillies, obviously. I wouldn't discount the Cardinals either, with Carpenter and Garcia. Needless to say, the playoffs should provide some awesome matchups.
  15. I have it on gametracker, the PHI/ATL game on mlb.TV and watching TEX/LAA on my TV. Seriously loving this, reminds me of watching college basketball during March Madness.
  16. So far it's looking like Atlanta and St. Louis will meet tomorrow for a one game playoff.
  17. Great night of baseball ahead. Simon just touched 102 on the radar gun in the first inning. Sox might have a tough time against a guy with a sinker like Simon has. I can't imagine New York putting up too much of a fight against the Rays knowing they can potentially oust the Sox from the playoff picture.
  18. I've heard that West Virginia, Brigham Young, and Louisville are going to join the Big XII, and expansion to the Big XVI could still happen. Being from Texas, I hope we can keep our conference together. I'd hate to see the Longhorns play the majority of their games on the West coast, meaning later start times and unfamiliar teams. I'm not going to rule out WV but with the ACC and SEC already laughing in their faces I'm not sure the Big 12 is interested, especially considering that they've pledged to the Big East along with the other football playing schools. BYU is a real possibility and Louisville is iffy considering that they're looking at TCU/SMU/Houston/Air Force as well. I'd love to see a version of the old Southwest conference realign with Texas, A&M, Baylor, TCU, SMU, Houston, Tech, etc. For some reason though, the Longhorns have something against the Frogs dating back to the Southwest days when they weren't included into the new Big XII. I doubt the Horns will push for them to get in now, especially since the Frogs don't have much to offer otherwise athletically besides football.
  19. NFL players hit in the head all the time. You rarely see a player actually tackle the fundamental way anymore. It kinda ticks me off when I see it, too, because a lot of the injuries might be prevented if players played the game the way it was meant to be played. Anyone catch the OU/FSU game last week when both Sooner defenders collided with the FSU WR, leading to him leaving on a stretcher? Neither of those players even attempted to raise their arms up to tackle the guy, but instead acted like a human torpedo. /rant
  20. Time and time again we see in the playoffs that you have to have a dominant rotation in the playoffs to succeed. I hate the Phillies, but I don't see how anyone is going to beat the Phillies when they throw out Halladay/Lee/Oswalt/Hamels/Halladay/Lee/Oswalt in a seven game series. Not to mention with the addition of Pence, the Phillies have a lineup that can match up with anyones... I'm still pulling for the Rangers to make it back to the WS, even though I know it's a long shot. Colby Lewis hasn't been pitching like we hoped he would lately, which leaves us with C.J. Wilson, Derek Holland and an above average-but still not where we wish he'd be Matt Harrison. Lewis dominated in the playoffs last season and needs to return to that form if we're going to make it back. Our lineup is surging at the right time, too, and I'd say we match up well against the Yankees or Sox if we draw either one of them. Here's the problem.... we can't hit right now. It's the same issue we had last year against the Giants. Granted we've been sending out a semi-AAA lineup the last week after clinching the East, but if the offense doesn't get it together, it could be the same issue as last postseason. The Phillies have a veteran team, and are using the advantage of clinching early to get some of their guys rest. I'm sure as the season is winding down now, Howard, Utley and Rollins will get back into the lineup and get them some ABs before crunch time hits. I would be surprised if the Phillies didn't at least get to the World Series, let alone win it. They won't have SF to deal with this year, and aside from Atlanta, no one in the NL has the arms to compete with them.
  21. I've heard that West Virginia, Brigham Young, and Louisville are going to join the Big XII, and expansion to the Big XVI could still happen. Being from Texas, I hope we can keep our conference together. I'd hate to see the Longhorns play the majority of their games on the West coast, meaning later start times and unfamiliar teams.
  22. Time and time again we see in the playoffs that you have to have a dominant rotation in the playoffs to succeed. I hate the Phillies, but I don't see how anyone is going to beat the Phillies when they throw out Halladay/Lee/Oswalt/Hamels/Halladay/Lee/Oswalt in a seven game series. Not to mention with the addition of Pence, the Phillies have a lineup that can match up with anyones... I'm still pulling for the Rangers to make it back to the WS, even though I know it's a long shot. Colby Lewis hasn't been pitching like we hoped he would lately, which leaves us with C.J. Wilson, Derek Holland and an above average-but still not where we wish he'd be Matt Harrison. Lewis dominated in the playoffs last season and needs to return to that form if we're going to make it back. Our lineup is surging at the right time, too, and I'd say we match up well against the Yankees or Sox if we draw either one of them.
  23. Anyone wanna take guesses as to how long Tony Romo stays in the game Monday night against a Redskins' team claiming they are aiming for his ribs? Not to mention the fact the Felix Jones, Miles Austin AND Dez Bryant could all be on the bench as well.
  24. Actually, he said he could be one of the best. Basically saying he has the tools to become better than MJ. Here's a link that tells the whole story.
  25. What if the Bengals picked him up? Owens-Johnson-Moss, it would be a NFL circa 2000 fan's dream!. .
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