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Everything posted by Corizzle

  1. I don't play very often, I used to play a lot more but I now spend probably less then 5 hours a week playing.
  2. PS2 Kingdom Hearts 2 Katamari Damacy XBox 360 Perfect Dark Zero DOA4 Gun GameCube All the games I still don't have(Super Smash Bros., Mario Tennis, Mario Party)
  3. Yes, gay is the perfect adjective to describe regional lockout. :thumbsdown: You'll need a mod chip because there's no chance in hell of this game coming out in America.
  4. Way too many NES Super NES Nintendo 64 Game Boy Game Boy Color Game Boy Advance Nintendo Gamecube SEGA Genesis SEGA CD SEGA Dreamcast Playstation Playstation 2 XBOX Except for the XBOX and Dreamcast, none were bought at launch, many were bought when the system was nearing it's end and cheap, that way I wouldn't feel as bad if I only got the system for 10 or so games that looked good to me
  5. 24 rules all. I can't wait for this season as I can't wait for the video game(which I'm sure will be complete shit like most licenced games but I'll still be buying it) Season 4 was the worst season of 24 IMO, but that doesn't really matter as it was still better then any other TV show last year. I'm looking forward to this season as it's taking a bit different route from the normal terrorist storyline, at least it looks like it is On a completely off-topic point, if it just me or is Kiefer losing his hair? Or could that maybe just be part of his disguise?
  6. I would doubt any of the next gen systems will be HDTV only, very little of the population knows what HDTV is let alone has one. So your just limiting your fanbase if a company were to go HDTV only. And a price would be a complete guess, until Sony annouunces one you can take any figure said with a grain of salt.
  7. Six Feet Under have some great possible songs such as Day The Dead Walked.
  8. Legend of Zelda Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Shenmue Super Mario Bros 3 Maniac Mansion WWF No Mercy Halo Final Fantasy III/VI TMNT: Turtles In Time Hard to pick just 10 games
  9. The Comedy Network shows it a bit behind here in Canada, so I'll probably "obtain" it earlier. I don't know if I like the Season 2 concept but there are a couple teaser videos on ComedyCentral.com and the one where they are interviewing for a new houseguest is funny.
  10. I'm definently looking at buying it right now, I've always been a bigger fan of arcady sports games then realistic games. And this one looks sweet.
  11. Mini Spoilers from Live Feeds
  12. NHL 06 - 8.5/10 Not the greatest game but it's worth at least a rent. I find that the hitting and scoring is still unrealistic for a hockey game, but it's got one important thing. It's fun. Baseball Mogul - 9/10 Very fun game. Has a lot of great added features like morale and players have friends. Quite easy but if you like Mogul-type games then I'd definently check this one out.
  13. Corizzle


    They are fairly good, I have both of there latest CDs(Treason & Strong Tower). Sea of Faces is my favourite song by them, it's one of there slower songs.
  14. Got a link of proof? If this was real it just convinced me what Next-Gen system to get
  15. Burnout 3 - 9.5/10 Awsome game but when you get to about 10 challenges without a gold medal they become impossible.
  16. If James can make it through this week, after this week there will only be 6 people in the house so he will have to compete in every Veto compitition. He is my pick to win it all. He has landed on a strategic goldmine with the bickering between the two sides and he knows it and is playing it perfectly. The only problem is he can't win against any of the Nerd Herd, easily the worst Allience to ever have control in the BB House.
  17. So Muhammad Hassan is in the game, that is awesome. There are a few more useless divas then I'd want though, but then any diva is better then the roster of 4 they had last game.
  18. Spoilers for tonights episode:
  19. The song is ok but Bad Touch so kicks it's ass
  20. Uh ok.. Welcome to 4 years ago. We know that, so uh go away now. Man I'm still voting 3 times a day trying to get that boy Kaysar in there.. let's hope that there won't be any repeats of a few years ago when entire towns were campaigning to keep their local houseguest in the game. ←
  21. Kayser needs to come back. If Eric comes in I will be forced to stop watching because of all the sheep. Ivette & Maggie cannot stop mentioning Cappy, HE's GONE FUCKING FORGET ABOUT IT!
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