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Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

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Everything posted by Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

  1. So a recent post in the "What You Play Today" thread reminded me about this great game. So I thought i would create a topic talking about its greatness as well as ask question. Is there a big difference between the number and if so what are those differences and which one is better?
  2. Some questions as my birthday is coming up and I think I want to buy a xbox 360... I noticed that they have three different versions of the xbox 360 including the Arcade version that is only 256 mb, the regular version which has 20 gb, and the elite with 120 gb. Which version should I get? Also, how much is xbox live?
  3. I highly recommend the imsiminator as it is amazing.. anything i need to do i can do quite easily even though I only use it to turn on autopay bills and to change clothes, sometimes though I use it to increase motives incase they become an emergency but that is very very rare.
  4. Can't remember his name, but it was in Final Fantasy II/IV and it is right before Cecil becomes a paladin. This was before I learned about online game guides and had so much trouble beating him. Took me forever, in fact I had many games end right there as I just got tired of losing all of the time.
  5. So I decided to restart Pleasantview now that I installed Seasons and Open for Buisness and have played half a week on each lot.
  6. I had them smooch. Not enough I guess.
  7. So I decided to not pay attention. They game told me to get married. Fucking game.
  8. Fuck Don! So I restarted Pleasantview and decided that I was going to have Don marry Cassandra and settle down with her. I am happy with my play as I have planned basically everyone's life, but does Don follow. Nope, he decided to stand Cassandra up at the alter, that asshole.
  9. Quick Question: Which Expansion are the Landgrabs a part of?
  10. I have only really seen the original series, TNG, and Enterprise. TNG is obviously the best one. I wish I could see the others but didn't watch them at the time and I have other stuff I want to spend my money on. If only I could see the other series.
  11. I once played wcw/nwo revenge against my friend many years ago. I was The Giant and he was Sting or something. Anyway through out the whole match we were reversing everything. Like thirty minutes into the match we still haven't hit our specials or anything, just reversing reversals or reversals. Finally my friend got his special and I decided to slide out of the ring. For some reason he wouldn't leave the ring and chase after me so I stood there taunting up my special. As soon as he loses his special I get mine slide into the ring choke slam him and win the match.
  12. Yay for me and finding that I still had final fantasy II(IV in japan and DS i believe). Pure classic even if the twins are the second biggest waste of space on the planet.
  13. I once played Madden and scored a touchdown. Impressive I know.
  14. Man, this saddens me. Not because the pats lose but because the fucking giants won. The best team in the leauge is the giants. fuck that.
  15. LIAR, the four best teams before the bowls were 1. Ohio State 2. LSU 3. Virgina Tech 4. Oklahoma Thank you BCS.
  16. So I have Deluxe and Universtiy so this is what I have done with my Plesantview. I play each family From Monday Midnight till Thursday Noon and than Thursday Noon till Monday Midnight. I have only played one week to one and a half weeks in. I shall list each families story in the order I play them. Lothario Basically Don has been working on his career and did stuff with Cassandra(but since this mostly happened under the Goth house I shall list it there). Been pretty boring other than the occasional woohoo. Did pick it up though as this last session I had the Dark Hair Maid(can't remember her name) move in with him and had them get a new place with two bed rooms and basically going to use them to woohoo with as many simes as possible. Trying to get the maid knocked up by Daniel Plesant but can't remember if I was succesful, if not Don will have to do the honors as Daniel just aged to elder. Caliente Dina(the blonde) moved out leaving Nina all by her lonesome. Not much happening here. Was thinking of marrying her off to Don but decided against it and I think I just might make her a sugar mama to either Dirk or the eldest Broke son(forgot his name). Broke Brandi had her son and named him Skip after her late husband. I finally got her a job now that the kids are atleast children and that her oldest went off to college so she needed an income. I would like to knock her up again but don't know who to use. Beau is now a teenager(I think a day or so in) and Skip is a child. Think I am going to not have Beau see anyone romantically until he heads off to college. Plesants The first day I played them I had Daniel woohoo the maid while Mary-Sue went off to work. Mary-Sue recievied a chance card and was promptly fired coming home and finding Daniel in bed with the maid. They decided to not say anything in front of the kids and to stay together even though they weren't talking or sleeping in the bed at the same time(Became tricky every now and than). Both Angela and Lillith have woohoo with their respected boy toys and have just left for college. Burbs Lucy became a teenager yet she hasn't really done anything except with Dirk. John and what-her-name had another child, a girl named Jamie. Other than that nothing exciting. Dreamer Darren has mastered his creativity and selling enough paintings so that I can slowly upgrade the house here and there. Dirk meanwhile has become somewhat of a pimp sleeping with Lillith, Lucy, and Ivy Cooper this last cycle. He is going off to college real soon so that should be fun. Goth Mortimer married Dina and Cassandra was close to marrying Don but instead found Don woohoo with Nina in a hot tub causing her to break it off. Mortimer died shortly after finally getting to woohoo with Dina. Leaving the house filled with Dina, Cassandra, and Alexander. This last cycle I had Cassandra get knocked up by Darren and Dina get knocked up by a teenage Alexander. I am planning on for the next cycle to move them into a new house as I never really liked their current one. Oldie I thought about having them become friends with Brandi Broke and moving in with her to help raise her kids but decided against it. Basically they are woohoo every night and just surviving until they die where I will move their graves to the neighborhood graveyard. College Basically only been able to play Dustin(The oldest Broke son, just remembered his name and am to lazy to go further up and fix it). Built him a quick one bedroom flat for his first two years. His future plan is to enter into the criminal buisness and has a major in that field. For his junior year I am having him move into a three bedroom flat with Angela, Lillith, and Dirk. Planning on having Dustin bed Lillith at some point and from there I don't know. Oh and for how long I send them to college I send them to college for four Pleasantview days as I figure one day equal one standard year so that is what I do. Now if you excuse me I have some Sims to play.
  17. Ahh you see even with playoffs people will still complain that not enough teams are getting in. Plus with the reduction of the season to ten games you are costing the midmajor money as they have less games to schedule the elite teams which basically bank rolls all of their sports.
  18. So I was thinking of Rerolling a new character and was interested in seeing if anyone else is interested in rerolling a new character as I think it could be fun if we got maybe four or so people together and quested together. So if anyone is interested say so and we can start a list.
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