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The Quasi Juice

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Everything posted by The Quasi Juice

  1. Yeah like I said, Brenda's edit has been so strange she's definitely not winning this bitch. Have a feeling next week will be Eddie anyway but I hope not. Why do you think Erik's chances are so low though? Sure he hasn't made big moves but who really visibly has? I'd say he has as much a chance as Eddie to win, if not more. I don't want to count out Dawn either because we see her crying and being a wreck, but most of those emotional outbursts were confessionals. If she plays up the mom card, children back at home bla bla she might get votes.
  2. I had a strong feeling either Eddie or Reynold was going to survive this episode, but most likely Eddie obviously 'cause Reynold would have needed to win both immunities (which I don't think he would have, Erik was a beast in the second one). Does Eddie even try? He used his money in a stupid way at the auction. When they had the opportunity to buy an advantage in the challenge fucking COCHRAN won the bid. Like Eddie didn't even throw 200 or something out there, it was ridiculous. Had he bought the advantage he 100% would have won.This time he was the FIRST to step down for food, what the fuck? Then second challenge he didn't seem in much of a hurry either. You could argue stepping down first challenge was okay because clearly they were gunning for Reynold but it's still a huge risk because what if Reynold wins? Then Eddie is out. He doesn't scramble at camp at all. Reynold would have at least tried to stir the pot a bit. He's lucky his "don't do anything, let others do the thinking" strategy has somewhat worked so far but he's not winning this thing. He might survive another vote or two though. I wonder how he'd do in the final 3 anyway. Cochran seems to think he'd lose to Eddie but I highly doubt it. Eddie is liked but the jury knows he's been a pawn the entire game. Andrea should have never mentioned Dawn to Cochran, that was her death knell. Cochran seemed to be on board with a Brenda blindside because granted, she's a huge threat. The moment she targeted Dawn he was like heeell naah, that's my girl Just like in Redemption Island Andrea got too ambitious with her plans. The way Brenda has been edited might go down in Survivor history as the weirdest edit ever. She was a wallflower 2/3rd of the season and now she's getting confessionals left and right, she's being highlighted in challenges, people are targeting her and she's actually talking strategy finally. It leads me to believe she's not winning this game but she'll get damn close. Brenda is as much of a threat as Andrea was, if not more 'cause she's so well liked. Cochran is winning this thing though. Oh and Sherri is still around by the way.......yeah.....
  3. Apparently double eviction episode tonight lads. You know what that means right?
  4. It's definitely not without its flaws. There should have been more puzzles. The upgrades weren't really needed. Most of the weapons were quite shit and you probably rarely used (I went with the machine gun/volley gun combo most of the time). The AI is okay but not amazing. There's no stealth element in the game even though you can crouch and shit. The game was super pretty but they didn't bother with faces, you'd see the same guy multiple times in the city. I used the fire and shock tonics most of the time, the others I didn't find quite as useful or effective in combat, so basically same gripe as with weapons. The list goes on... Still a fantastic game though
  5. That is Dortmund actually. Dortmund were in deep financial trouble years ago. When former Holland coach Van Marwijk was manager there they thought he did a great job even keeping them up and doing rather well. Like any club that has no money they decided to focus on their (perhaps luckily promising) youth. Villa is the same. In Holland same thing is happening with Feyenoord, spent loads on veterans for years, now use their great youth and are doing well. Looking at Villa's youth accomplishments lately the future could be promising I guess.
  6. Yeah I thought Brenda was going home because she suddenly got a lot of air time. It might be because she's going to start playing a much bigger role in the game now or simply because her suffering made a good story. Another good episode even though Malcolm went home Now that Malcolm is gone I'd try and take charge of the game if I was Sherri or Erik. Surely they realize now they are fucked if they go up against Cochran or Andrea. Andrea is so fucking cute.
  7. Telling the SRU alliance beforehand about the plan would have sucked indeed, that would have been plain dumb because like you said they would have come up with a clever plan. I'm still not convinced Philip was the right way to go, nor do I think there's even a small chance Andrea will side with Eddie but time will tell. I can't wait 'till the next episode and hopefully we won't get 3 predictable episodes in a row now.
  8. Forgot to comment on the last episode; it was fuckin' fantastic. Like Cochran said when he voted, this is why I've loved Survivor for so long. Never have we seen such a scramble at tribal council, just amazing stuff. I'll say a few things. On Rob's podcast Sophie made some interesting points. Whilst she obviously thought the TC was great television, she feels Malcolm should have kept the other idol to himself. Giving the idol to Eddie forced the alliance to vote out one of their own but at the end of the day the Three Amigos still won't have the numbers. So what Malcolm now has done is drag Eddie to the next vote, perhaps granting him a few extra days on the island but unless he goes on an amazing immunity run he goes out with 6 left or so. Now he has kept around one of his biggest immunity opponents in the game in Eddie, lowering his chances at an immunity run. Another thing that's worth thinking about is; why did Malcolm say they were going to vote for Philip? I think the two best options the Three Amigos had was; 1) not say who they were voting for at all, thus causing complete mayhem and perhaps leading to Andrea being voted out (Philip, Brenda and Dawn clearly were up for it), or 2) pinpointing either Andrea or Cochran as their target because they are clearly in control of the alliance and huge threats to win. Why Philip? To gain sympathy with the other alliance? "Oh wow Malcolm is such a noble guy, he voted out the annoying black guy, let's keep him around!". Malcolm knows Philip isn't actually in control. He's as much a threat in challenges as Andrea and Erik. He's fuckin' annoying so you'll always beat him in the end. As RockPaperScissors mentioned, taking out Philip makes everyone reassess their strategy but meh, I think the bad outway the good on this vote. Taking out Andrea or Cochran would have put a real dent in their alliance. Reynold has found two idols, has been a beast in challenges, is a nice guy to everyone, yet somehow Eddie has a better shot at winning than him. Reynold has been played so much it's crazy. This episode again he got played because suddenly Malcolm had 2 idols so he must have been loving it but at the same time thinking 'why the fuck did I give my idol away last TC then?". It's hilarious. How come Brenda has had so few confessionals all season yet she's still in the game doing really well and no reason to think she's gone anytime soon either? So weird. On Rob's podcast Philip said he felt at that point Brenda was perhaps the biggest threat to win because of how nice she was to everyone and good in challenges despite being injured.
  9. Finally found a save game I enjoy. Defenders still seem to be retards after the match engine fix though, often times not closing down opponents leading to a simple goal. Lots of 1-1 draws too.
  10. Man, if Philip makes it 'till the final three again that's impressive. I know he's nuts and all but come on, I don't buy that he's truly like that in real life, I think he knows he has no shot at winning the game. But final 3 means guaranteed money.
  11. I wonder how Malcolm's relationship with Reynold will now be, and I'm even more interested in seeing Reynold's reaction when Malcolm plays his own idol at tribal :lmao: Either that or Malcolm just straight up tells Reynold next episode that he has an idol too and he'll play it to benefit them etc.
  12. Another great episode, this season has upped its game since the merge. Malcolm was right in playing the idol, Philip really did make it seem like they were voting for him and he has great instincts. Strange how he asked for Reynold's and not use his own but in the end it was smart gameplay. You'd think he's screwed now anyway though. Also, how random was Brenda winning? She's been such a ghost this season and then pulls of an individual win, and she STILL doesn't get any confessional. Hilarious. Cochran is definitely my pick at the moment. I don't buy that Dawn will leave next week, probably all hype.
  13. She's limping around and it was never explained why and also never brought up as a reason to vote her off. She votes with the Favs but nobody knows why she's so loyal 'cause she is not included in strategic talks. I think Rob said on his podcast that she now holds the record of having no confessionals in a row, like 6 episodes or something crazy. The strange thing is I don't see her going out anytime soon. The way she's going is at least top 6, a bit like Rick in South Pacific; we rarely get to know the person, but they are there and go far, but clearly are not winning. I do remember Brenda saying in an interview before the game started that she's going to tone her personality down. During her first season she spoke up a lot but she feels that bit her in the ass so now she's quiet. A very strange game indeed. Corinne said on the podcast that Dawn was a very close friend and comforted her every time she cried. That's why she thought Dawn might flip.
  14. Fantastic episode, so much going on. Not sure Erik made the right move, because once they get rid of Reynold, Eddie and even Malcolm he's the biggest threat in the challenges and it'll be like Micronesia all over again. He has to win every immunity to make it 'till the end. Whilst with the other alliance I think Malcolm would have carried him 'till the end just because of how shit he'd be in the final tribal council. Cochran has been on fire the last few episodes, his subtle gameplay is impressive and the way he describes situations too. He's not a threat in (most) challenges either and well liked so he's my pick right now to win the whole thing (or Dawn). I like how hard Malcolm is playing too, so I hope he goes far but I somehow doubt he'll do better than in his first season. They need to figure out a way to use those 2 idols wisely to switch the tribe dynamic. Perhaps tell the favs Eddie has the idol, so they split the votes, most of them on Reynold. Reynold plays the idol, Reynold/Malcolm/Michael/Eddie vote for Andrea or something.
  15. Finally got around to watching it and I expected a boring episode with one of the Fans obviously going but it was very entertaining. Cochran and Malcolm stole the show, Philip and Corinne were both "special" in their own ways. The merge is going to be interesting with so many good challenge competitors
  16. Philip is friends with Russell in real life, that's why he knew about Brandon staying with Russell years ago and Brandon's kids, so that would be kinda lame. By the way, is it just me or did Jeff slip up again and say Heroes instead of Favorites? He did it in episode one too.
  17. Holy shit, that was intense but great television. I actually read spoilers by accident that Brandon was going to make the final 3 so I'm glad he's out I respect how Philip handled the situation to be honest and Jeff did very good too, sort of a father figure to Brandon. Surprised how good Philip has been in the challenges, he's been a beast. Definitely tribe swap next week Russell is the more stable Hantz by far. He didn't have crazy mood swings and he never threatened anyone like this.
  18. Fuck sake why did Laura have to go, she was at least entertaining from a strategic standpoint. She did suck big time in the challenges though. The Fans NEED to start winning 'cause otherwise they will be dismantled after the merge. I have a feeling they'll either do a tribe mix-up soon or the fans are going to lose every single week from now on. As for the preview, isn't this like the third time we've had a OMG BRANDON IS GOIN' INSANE preview and every time it ended up being absolutely nothing special? Although Jeff did say every season has a memorable moment so this could be serious. Don't see Brandon leaving though and if he makes the merge he can beast almost every challenge. My guess is he's mad at Philip by the way.
  19. Still by far the FM I've played the least....
  20. The trailer is very all over the place and they could have picked a more epic song but doesn't matter I CAN'T WAIT! Danny's story looks epic
  21. Oh god yes I didn't know who Ally was either, too many blondes. I do know who Laura is now though, she's cute ^_^
  22. I still like Reynold, because he seems to somewhat get the game. The other Cool Kids Alliance guy is beyond horrible, he says the dumbest shit like "oh well, there's no fish here anyway", and he seems baffled by any strategy talk. So far I like Matt the most, he's playing both sides and entertains all options. As for Shamar, it wouldn't surprise me if they vote him off anyway next week and induct one of the Cool Kids into the main alliance. Hell, it might actually be Reynold if he plays his cards right with the idol. As for the favs it feels like Dawn is getting a winners edit and they are ignoring Brenda, Corinne and Erik. They teased another Brandon-goes-crazy-on-the-tribe moment in the preview, but they did that last week and it ended up being nothing. Will probably happen next week too.
  23. Loved how the "fans" weren't marking out at all for most of the favourites. I doubt most of them religiously watch Survivor. Fuck yeah, so glad Francesca is gone right off the bat again. It's a disgrace she got another shot, just because Philip mispronounced her name in the first episode of Redemption Island. Not gonna lie, I love me some Philip. He's just very entertaining television. Last time he went full-on crazy mode because he realised Boston Rob would want to take him to the end. He started the game that time as a slightly "normal" person too like this time. I think he's smarter than people think, but he does have the tendency to run his mouth a bit too much. I hope he at least makes it to the merge, but I have a feeling he won't. I liked Reynold at first, but then he suddenly pulled that stupid cuddling session at night and then created this dumb Cool Kids alliance in front of all the other players. You have 4, you don't have the numbers smartass. Erik turning around and standing in front of Shamar was hilarious, "oh...shit". What a tank.
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