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The Quasi Juice

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Everything posted by The Quasi Juice

  1. Match engine update is out! Thank fuck.
  2. I find Reina better than Valdes, plus he can speak English. Still if it has to happen, Valdes isn't a bad replacement. I can't believe the only bid on Sneijder was from Galatasaray. He'll make great money there and live in a beautiful city but come on, he deserves better than the Turkish competition. I fully expected a big English club to go for him. Hell, why not Arsenal?
  3. Another awesome episode. Come on this show needs more love
  4. Just have your assistant go to the press conferences? I've switched to 2D Classic and I might be wrong here, but it seems like it fixes the match engine somewhat. I went from struggling with Coventry City in League One first few games to winning most of my matches and I'm now leading the table which makes sense considering my squad.
  5. Good call on Alicia and Holly, I would have definitely casted them before Dawn and/or Francesca. At least Holly made an impact on the game, but Dawn was more likeable ofcourse. I'm personally glad Philip is back because he made Redemption Island at least remotely entertaining, but I agree he pretty much has no shot of winning unless he turns out to be a completely different person and plays a great game. Never bringing back Shane Powers and Todd too for that matter is ridiculous. Especially Todd I don't get because it looked like they liked him as a character, he did very well and he has expressed his desire to return. Hopefully he comes back for HvV 2/All Stars 2/3 whatever. Deserves it.
  6. "Dawn. Phillip, Brandon and Francesca were brought back for unknown reasons." How are Philip and Brandon odd picks? They are both very memorable players, albeit not "favorites" but still were always destined to return one day. Corinne was supposed to be in HvV so I'm glad she got to play this time. I don't expect her to do particularly well though. I can see Brandon getting to the merge if not further, even though he's nuts (or was nuts) he always performed in challenges and is loyal so he's good to have around. I really really hope Philip gets to be awesome again but I somehow doubt he'll be as iconic as the first time. Cochran I can see doing much better than last time. Not that hard though, he pretty much sucked last time. Erik is going to flop so hard it'll be hilarious. I can understand Malcolm, Andrea and even Brenda (Marty and perhaps even Fabio should return for an All Stars), but why the fuck are Francesca and Dawn playing? Dawn did decent but in no way deserves another call-up. It's not like they didn't have enough significant people to call up. But Francesca is the biggest farce of all time in Survivor. She must have made some big impact during her casting interview because I really, really don't understand why the hell she's back. Just so she can be on a tribe with Philip again? Jesus. Instead of her, call up Stephen Fishbach.
  7. Didn't it already have its own thread? Anyway, so happy a new season has started and it was awesome, as expected.
  8. I thought FM12 was fine. Perhaps a little too easy at times, but at least you didn't constantly concede from crosses. I'd rather have slightly too easy than just a broken match engine altogether. Why did they have to change so much shit? I fucking hate how when you're behind 1 goal, you change your mentality to attacking, sub 2 tired players for decent new guys and then for 40 minutes NOTHING HAPPENS. Literally no highlight. I've had this several times now, even when I changed to overload. Overload should mean at least one fucking highlight, even if it's the opponent scoring because your defenders are taking huge risks. I don't care, just let something happen. Fuck.
  9. Saw it yesterday. First Tarantino movie I thoroughly enjoyed.
  10. I thought it was amazing. I never read the books because my mom told me it's nothing special compared to the LOTR books, but apparently they added a lot of stuff to movie(s) to make it more exciting. Best 3D experience I've had yet as well.
  11. Disappointed by the finale. I hoped Malcolm would win but the moment he lost the final challenge it was obvious he was going. The final tribal made it seem like Lisa was going to win. The returning players for next season are (no boot list or something I don't want spoilers either):
  12. I don't find Malcolm boring television, but I guess that's just me. I've been rooting for him and Denise since the start and especially after their tribe got raped. He's got an all star place on lock at this point. I've soured on Denise now, she hasn't done much significant but she's still fantastic in challenges for a woman though. Skupin has stumbled through this season and Lisa is just so emotionally unstable. At first I saw her as this sweet old lady finding her voice, now she just annoys me. I still dislike Abi but I do like that she's still in the game just because she's a bitch. I'm thinking Skupin, Lisa and Denise as the final 3.
  13. Watching it too. First episode was hit and miss, I didn't like the addition of Warwick. The guys piercing their mouths were ridiculous by the way. Second episode was hilarious though, the Bollywood dancing was classic (and they are really in the movie) and the ending with the Siamese twins and Karl referring to Warwick being a special attraction. Apparently there are only three episodes though
  14. Makes sense. Perhaps it would have been better to just do 2 players every year to make it more special.
  15. I listened to Penner's exit interview with Rob earlier and he says Carter got portrayed badly on the show, and he might be right. He comes across as a doofus but apparently he was liked around camp and respected due to being great in challenges. I don't think he's a threat but we think so because we're watching it on TV, maybe Malcolm sees him as a threat soon, I don't know. Abi has two votes perhaps but other than that no chance I think. At this point Malcolm has the biggest shot with all possible combinations, which is why he probably fails soon You have to admit this season is a breath of fresh air, great television.
  16. I never really liked Amanda but there's a case to be made for her obviously; played 3 times, first 2 times she made it to the end and the third time she made it well past the merge. On the other hand I think her best game was China, other than taking Todd to the end who was awesome (he deserves to return). Rob C has a big shot due to his podcast. He was very entertaining and good in the Amazon but didn't get to the end nor won, and got booted very early in All Stars. Jerri would make more sense and is more of an iconic figure too. Is Cirie in yet?
  17. Penner was definitely right in saying Skupin and Lisa are setting themselves up to lose. Bring Malcolm and Denise to the top 4, you (most likely) lose. Bring Penner and Carter, you have a shot.
  18. What a season. Every time someone needs to pull off a massive upset it happens. Malcolm is playing the best game so far and he definitely has a chance to win, although I think if he doesn't pull off a win at top 4 or something he might go due to him being a massive threat. Lisa I don't see winning, she's flip flopped too much and has had some stupid moments. Skupin, maybe. Denise, definitely. It would be interesting to see someone now use Abi as an extra vote and carry her to the end for an easy win, but I'm afraid next week she'll just go home. Also, if you have money at the end of Survivor Auction, you get to keep it right? If Abi was smart she would have just bid 320 on the advantage instead of 500, because nobody had enough money to outbid her anyway. Same for Skupin and Denise just flat out spending 500 on one thing instead of starting low.
  19. I bought Turtle Beach headphones too, but the stupid thing is that they took out the ability to hear footsteps so you just have the headphones for the atmosphere really. The sound was always one of the great things about COD, so this is ridiculous.
  20. You should watch Deadwood. That one is great. If you have seen Justified, it is like that show, only Timothy Olyphant is angrier and it's in the Old West. And if you haven't seen Justified then fuck everything else and just watch that. (Y) Justified is amazing.
  21. Pep is a good coach, but I'm convinced that any coach would be successful with that Barca squad. I'm also not convinced Pep can work somewhere other than Barca and do as good but we'll see.
  22. It worked out for him in the end but yeah I love how he figured it out, because of Carter of all people. Carter would be hilarious in the final 3, worst speech ever.
  23. Dana is stupid. What's going to the police going to accomplish anyway? And she should be happy the girl doesn't want to sue her etc. Just back the fuck off, ugh.
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