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The Slickman

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Everything posted by The Slickman

  1. Victor should be the 13 guy . He was screwed in the top 20 housemates show . He was 9th ! The Transexual Portugese woman was 2nd! Bullshit !
  2. Nush > Shell But Vannessa > Nush
  3. The Chemical Brothers song is wasted on this cunt
  4. Gay USA Accent . What A Prick
  5. I was ready to suport Maxwell until the words "Gooner" came from his scummy mouth
  6. Also , i like the fact in the ITV news they had the fans watching Sky Sports in there reports
  7. I was gonna turn this game over at half time to watch RAW . Oh well
  8. Unbeliveable . Im shocked , I said at the begining of the tournement i want Liverpool to win it but i didnt think a team from this country would win it . I expect Liverpool to get some better players in the summer and challenge for the title next year . Contgrats goes to Stevie G also he was amazing 2nd half . Damn you Liverpool , I wanted to watch Celebrity love island :
  9. Always had a soft spot for them . When you witness 'Youll Never Walk Alone' at Anfield you feel something . The hairs on my neck stand up when i hear it .
  10. This is history in the making . I nearly fell off my seat when the 3rd went in . COME ON YOU SCOUSE GITS / FORIGENERS !
  11. Nip/Tuck is easily the best drama type show on TV . i will have 2 pick up both series together . anywhere in the UK got a deal on for that ?
  12. And according to BBC Mr O'Neil is off to look after his ill wife . Happy times for Rangers fans , not so for Celtic
  13. Sounds about right . UK 3rd most hated in Europe
  14. Unfortunatley you see that so often with those sorts of players
  15. I feel sorry for Ronaldo and Rooney , They played so well and came away with nothing . USA chants were funny , Hopefully they will replace "EASY!" chants at Man U games . just 19 teams left to get some more chants
  16. LOL someone please say they saw that guy dancing on his own !
  17. The Latvians Must be Bummers
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