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The Donators
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Everything posted by Lint

  1. Well if this isn't one of the most adorable things ever
  2. 'What We Do in the Shadows’ Sixth Season Will Be Its Last Sad, but I'd rather see the show go out while its still good, rather then hang around long after the wells run dry
  3. Eagles have gone something like 0-3 since I bought my ticket for the Christmas Day game. I've also become less excited to attend that game...
  4. He's too much of an egomaniac to go out after sitting on the bench for a season
  5. All of y'all are going to feel silly when Belichik goes to coach Navy and revives the Wing T offense
  6. 8th Scorigami this year! 🤩
  7. Passtronaut to Asstronaut
  8. We'll the Dobbs hype died quick, didn't it
  9. Bought the game since I've heard its much improved, the DLC is supposed to be pretty good, and I have a PC that can run it. I'm just after the point Johnny Silverhand is introduced but I've been enjoying it so far, but the skill tree seems kind of confusing
  10. I liked Mahomes, but he was such a crybaby after this. Even peak Brady wasn't this bad
  11. I'm with the guys on Crossing Broad on this...the way he's playing, he doesn't deserve to be called Slay...he's just Darius
  12. He's been slowly deleting things all week. Think his Twitter and Patreon went down last week
  13. AA! Don't remember how I found him but he became one of my favorite game streamers. One of the only people I see a 6 hour stream and go "Yea I'll watch that whole thing"
  14. A video I watched on YT had this as a brief cutaway gag and I was like "Oh no...I kinda liked that" So now I'm making my way through some albums on Spotify and I'm really liking it!
  15. I'm going to the Eagles/Giants game on Christmas Day !
  16. Lint

    GTA VI

    Yea but their delays tend to be more in the months rather then years
  17. I never heard of the guy until Todds video, but now I'm gonna check out Hbomb's video. Day off of work and nothing better to do!
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