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Status Updates posted by thatshortguy

  1. Special thanks to @Srarli Lloyd.  She knows why.


  2. Have a good night and a better '14, EWB.

  3. Now Deborah Kerr, there's a looker!

  4. We're halfway to the goal. Seven spots open for EWB Fantasy Baseball:

  5. EWB Fantasy Baseball '13 is looking for warm bodies! Sign up, peeps!

  6. Happy 30th to Plankton, who wrote the only diary series I've read front-to-back multiple times. Give the Intergalactic Wrestling Federation a read:

    1. TEOL


      But have you read it back-to-front?

    2. TEOL


      But have you read it back-to-front?

    3. thatshortguy


      I should. "I like watching 'Girls Gone Wild' backwards, because then it looks like the girls have learned their lesson." - Dave Attell

  7. There are some kinks to work out, but I'm diggin' Yoob Six.

  8. Heya, peeps. You know what this whole host thing means, right? EWB VI! Take this opportunity to start practicing your best Warrior or Hogan!

    1. brenchill



  9. For those of you who aren't familiar with what Kliq's announcement means, let's just say we've been through this before. Stay cool and keep your eyes peeled. This is not the end of EWB.

  10. Punky Bruster, you say?


    1. Quom


      game of the year for me, no doubts about it.

    2. Ruki


      I still need to play it...

    3. thatshortguy


      It's well worth $20, let alone the $15 I whored myself out to Quom for.

      I mean, purchased with my own money.

      From Quom.


  12. If you're going to robocall me, at least have the common courtesy to license the voice of Glados or, hell, Kelly LeBrock.

  13. Huh. Whaddya know? The PES '13 demo wasn't half bad.

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Right, it was all bad! Hohohohoho!

  14. Today, I've learned quite a bit concerning laws for gas stations in Georgia. This is a level of detail I originally thought reserved for college math professors and people who get mad when the red sock is too close to the orange sock.

  15. Have a good one, amigo.

  16. Oh, great googly moogly, I just noticed your CoH sig. Bless you, lady-named man. Bless you.

  17. Somehow survived the LAN with a functional liver and clicking finger.

  18. Okay, I'm about to embark on a three-day LAN binge. First time I've gotten permi...I mean had the tim..well, gotten permission to roll a LAN in YEARS. Should I not return, know I went out how I always wanted. Killing fake monsters and insulting my friends. You mongrels. >_>

    1. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      Good for you. I would make you pay me back big for such a thing

    2. thatshortguy


      I call b.s., madam. You'd be right in the thick of the LAN and you know it. Days of random drinks, FPS battles, and random insults.

      ...and THEN enacting the Honeydew List as payback. Yours is a sneaky kind!

    3. thatshortguy


      I call b.s., madam. You'd be right in the thick of the LAN and you know it. Days of random drinks, FPS battles, and random insults.

      ...and THEN enacting the Honeydew List as payback. Yours is a sneaky kind!

  19. /checks score between his fantasy baseball team and Srar's

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. thatshortguy


      /mourns the untimely disappearance of Jason Kipnis

    3. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      Score is looking pretty good now ;)

    4. thatshortguy


      /cannot find a word that is greater than 'hate'.

      /swears to gawd

  20. I can never seem to figure out a decent member title. Fortunately, Ellis has already done the work for me.

  21. Working while sick sucks. To try and pass the next nine hours, I will try to finally determine which spinebuster is better: Ron Simmons or Arn Anderson.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. thatshortguy


      I dunno, Gazz. Simmons' variation on it just looks brutal. I fear they may well be the yin and yang to one another. Almost Zenlike, these spinebusters >_>

    3. Benji


      As much as I love Ron, in a spinebuster contest, nobody tops Arn.

    4. thatshortguy


      After much deliberation, the list is such:

      5. John Morrison, for the twisting spinebuster/tackle into the mounted punches combo.

      4. HHH, because he copied Arn.

      3. The Rock, for kicking out one leg and sliding backwards, usually causing the victim to land exactly where Rock was standing.

      2. Ron Simmons, because damn. Also, it is more of a toss than a spinebuster.

      1. Arn Anderson, for the best pure spinebuster in the biz.

  22. Well, I would Souzack Ryder, but I don't think there much of a case. Perhaps if I consulted with David Midgetunga.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. thatshortguy


      Whoa, bro. Whoa.


      Kaney, like, wrecked you, son.

      And you best listen to John Laurenellis.

    3. King Ellis

      King Ellis


    4. thatshortguy


      Also, I would like to remind you, Ms. YubarEve, that I am the appointed counsel to Mr. Laurenellis. I have no place in this situation unless hired on by one of the involved parties.

      Now, GAVEL ME!

  23. I pass the time in some inane ways. Right now, I'm attempting to figure out the goofiest way to tell someone which song I'm listening to. "The Guy Who Played The Bloodsucker's No Longer Living!"..."Dude's Name Rhymed With Stella...Yeah, He Kicked It"..."Hell Yah, Sindragosa's Dead!"

  24. Sometimes EWB threads run together in my head. Such as currently, where GoGo Yunkasaurus is, like, y'know...slitting goat's throats with a meteor hammer.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      What thread did I kill a goat in?

    3. thatshortguy


      You haven't, yet...but metalman's goat thread in the Lounge has inspired a disturbing amount of goat throat slitting.

    4. thatshortguy


      You haven't, yet...but metalman's goat thread in the Lounge has inspired a disturbing amount of goat throat slitting.

  25. My pick for eatery of 2011 is Del Taco......what?

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