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Fait Accompli

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Everything posted by Fait Accompli

  1. Literally too many to list. From Carlin and Pryor to Bernie Mac and Chris Rock to guys like Dave Chappelle, Mitch Hedberg, Jim Jefferies, Jim Norton, Louis CK, Patrice O'Neal, and a whole host of others. Lately, though, I've been watching/listening to a lot of stand up from Dov Davidoff. His style might not be for some of you but he leaves me laughing painfully.
  2. More Ron Artest interview goodness. He is seriously, one of - if not the - best interviews in all of sports. "I GOT WHEATIES!" "He passed me the ball...HE PASSED ME THE BALL!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDVeSCCZwjU
  3. Brian Scalabrine - 1 ring LeBron James - 0 So who's the best in the league today? I think it's the guy holding the Finals MVP trophy.
  4. Ron should've made her say Queensbridge.
  5. Lordy, this is a gritty game. The only reason why the Lakers were able to keep it close was because they were rebounding like gangbusters. It's games like this that make me incredibly nervous - I mean I love close games but c'mon! Ya killin' me here!
  6. From the interviews I watched from GamingRing where they spoke to Corey Ledesma and Bryan Williams, they only showed TLC in order to show off the new dynamic physic that are in the game. Williams also said that they added new moves including to the Create A Finisher where he said you can create Douglas Williams' Chaos Theory suplex. Here are the links to the interviews: Bryan Williams pt. I & II: I - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3t002CUBv4&feature=channel II - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gNYDGlUrMA&feature=channel Corey Ledesma: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4MK7YEtkAg&feature=channel They pretty much said all they're showing off at E3 this year was the dynamic physics and that there will be a big reveal later this summer at Summerslam.
  7. So, I wasn't the only one who saw KG tapping that ball out of bounds in the 4th when the refs decided he didn't?
  8. The only way I can think of a situation where Selig would be forced into action quicker than anything would be if something like this happened during the World Series or if it happened to one of the marquee teams of the league. I mean the last time he was forced into doing anything was after the 2002 All-Star Game where he made the game into a "whichever league wins gets homefield advantage" game to sort of stop the managers from using up all the players. That little bit did nothing because most of the time the homefield advantage card really doesn't come into play and there were a few games after the rule was enacted that looked like they could've mirrored the '02 game if not for a big inning to produce a clear cut winner.
  9. I've long since stopped wanting Selig to man up and do the right thing because he's gonna sit there with that dumb look on his face, stammer, and try to put some spin about how he can't do such-and-such because he has to stay to the "best interest of baseball" umbrella that he can hide under so he doesn't have to make a ruling that will piss off the old-timey, hardcore baseball lifers who don't like change.
  10. Can't he just come out and say he doesn't want to go through camps and OTAs and wants to just show up for the practices before the first preseason game? It'd save everyone from going through this saga every year. And I honestly believe Rachel Nichols lives in Favre's house during the summer.
  11. It's never my idea; these young girls today get all horned up and they tell ya to go ass to mouth.
  12. With the exception of Cartman's speech, I hated the Towelie Intervention portion of the episode as well; felt it dragged on and that we've seen it before. That being said, I enjoyed everything else - especially Mimsy's ineptitude in properly applying a plan.
  13. The million dollar no-hitter contest that MLB 2K10 has going on intrigues me in that in previous 2K games (namely MLB 2K6 for the PS2 and MLB 2K8 for XBox 360) I had 5 no-hitters/perfect games and each of them were a bitch to complete, and that was on the previous controller interface. So I'm pretty sure that the new controller setup will take some getting use to (I played the demo for 2K10 a few days ago so I know just enough about it).
  14. My high school had something of a human development class (no, it wasn't a health class; this one dealt strictly with progression in life and whatnot; I wasn't in it so I don't really know what took place) and they did this thing where the students would carry around battery operated dolls that would have a sudden outburst of crying and tempertantrums whenever it saw fit. From what I know, the dolls were put on a timer to make them act like real infants. And let me tell you...when you're in the middle of class and you're focused and you hear loud wailing, ya pretty much don't know what to do at that point.
  15. Hey, it's just Kobe('s elbow) Doin' Work.
  16. You do not give life to the opposition when you're down 0-1 in the series no matter where game 3 is going to be next. I don't want to come off as one of those guys that proclaims the series over after the first couple of games but really, when you get a chance to tie the series, you tie it up. You don't leave it to chance. If I was drafting up that play, I'd strictly hope that Howard was the one that received the lob rather than Lee because we know he could throw it down. Now, they've given the Lakers life and they are down 0-2. And out of the next three games, I can see them winning one game - maybe two if the Lakers have a couple of off nights and the Magic get extremely lucky.
  17. If LA hypothetically wins on Sunday, then the only chance I see Orlando getting a win is in either game 3 or 4.
  18. This game was pretty much the Lakers D daring the Magic's other 4 guys to hit the outside shot, and the Magic just buckling under the pressure. When all of Dwight Howard's points come from him being on the line, that really shows that the Lakers have a handle on him. I'm sticking to my prediction of LA in 6 but if the series continues to look like it did in game 1, I see no reason not to predict LA in 5 or even, dare I say, 4.
  19. TMZ having journalistic integrity would be like Paris Hilton having standards...she has none.
  20. Fait Accompli


    I just thought it was funny. No harm, no foul. EDIT: Seriously? It posted twice? I need to kill my Internet connection then...
  21. Fait Accompli


    I just thought it was funny. No harm, no foul.
  22. Fait Accompli


    I'm still shocked that no one picked up on the fact that Ted sang "Hey Ya" at Janitor and Lady's wedding lol.
  23. As of about an hour and a half ago, Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 on XBox 360. I literally have beaten just about everything in that game lol. The only thing I need to do know is dish out the cash to buy XBox Live so I can get the DLC.
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