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Everything posted by JasonM

  1. So am i the only one that has Rutten dominating so much that i have started the Middleweight division early?
  2. Well Rutten is on fire at the moment. He beat Shamrock for the title and he now has a run of 9 fights where he didn't even come close to the 3rd round let alone the 5th. I have thrown everyone with talent at him. Oleg got cut down in the first round twice. Severn was killed in the second round and Shamrock had to tap out in the second to. The only one that hasnt faced Rutten is Royce. But Royce has been notorious in performing badly in my game. He tends to coast through the matches and winning it by decision. So at the one hand Royce is the only one left to challenge him. On the other hand i don't want him to win it because he will make every title fight a boring affaire.
  3. I am currently NOT doing the actual UFC way with several months apart. I am doing a bi-monthly show where either Royce or Ken fights the main fight and the rest (funaki, rutten, oleg and severn) fight in the rest of the card building them up... Oh, and i got the regen of Ron van Clief and he is dominating the competition i set him up against. He beat Rutten by submission!
  4. I am currently in 1994 and the whole competition is basically based around what poor sap does NOT get killed by Royce or Ken >_< I should of thought of that before Royce won the title...
  5. Ah thanks, Its good to know that nothing is set and i can actually get some surprises... But not everything will become a deity. *looks at Teila Tuli*
  6. I am currently playing this mod and i took a quick look in the editor. And i noticed that all the fighters have 0 potential. Does that mean that no-one improves from their starting skills?
  7. I suck at both games frankly. I dont understand the dice game at all. And with Horseshoes i either throw it miles over or throw it so it lands in front of the sandbox.
  8. Maybe you need the gentleman's outfit and fail at cheating. It gets a whole lot faster when that happens It is THE way to kill the population old west style... Duel at dawn.
  9. Is telling about outfits considering spoiling? ah well... SRN, don't read it!
  10. Its hardly spoiling SRN, it is just how the game orders you to stab yourself every time :/ I personally don't use it but i feel that info is for the masses.
  11. What one the first one or the second abysmal gay joke? The first one is hated by SRN, he frowns upon skilled Finger fillet players
  12. I am sorry mate, i don't do guys.
  13. For anyone who wants to make a quick buck in RDR i suggest you get acquainted with the highest level of Five finger Filet. It uses this combination A, B, A, Y, A, X, A, B, A, Y, A If you can get it down fast enough you can get 100$ per bet
  14. I got to say that the defense at the 4th goal was just appaling. They where standing there whilst Messi got the field and they couldnt even clear the ball decently, wich resulted in the 4th goal for Messi. Kudo's to the kid for scoring four times though. (Y)
  15. Thanks K, i will look into those applications.
  16. The thermorocket from Red Faction: guerilla. Pop a rocket in, shoot at something and you blow up the whole neighborhood with it. It is always fun to use, especially when it is enabled online and everyone is screwing around with it. And i also love the Grappling hook in the Just Cause 2 Demo. You can do almost everything with it. You can rope people behind cars, onto helicopters or pull them off of ledges and cliffs.
  17. Does anyone know what kind of brush is used to create that kind of fractal? I am trying to do some Sig's and i really love the sight of that fractal... it reminds me from a Phone ad. Cheers -Jason
  18. I played 2K10 at a mates house on his PC and i got to say that i am pleasantly surprised about how fun this game is. I played my player mode for a while and i jumped out of it immediatly to do the pitching training to learn the new interface. After i learned how to pitch it was quite fun being a pitcher. The interface is fun to have and difficult to perfect. So if you dont have a PS3 but you do have a 360 or a strong PC and you want a baseball game, i would suggest you renting this and if you like it (like i did) buy it.
  19. I play Goallineblitz daily. and other than that i only play on mah sexbox 360
  20. One thing that makes this better than MW2 in every way... YOU CAN BLOW HOUSES UP!
  21. http://www.nintendo8.com/game/321/tecmo_super_bowl/ It is the original NES version modified to be played in flash. The rest is all original Including the godlike running from Bo Jackson.
  22. i found a online basketball simulator after doing a quick search on google. http://www.charazay.com/?language=en but i cant find any offline ones :\ i had one a while back but the game was horribly bad.
  23. DIY-Baseball Its a simple Baseball MMO with a growing userbase. Quite simple imo, you create a player assign him 80 points and sign onto a user team. So let the Baseball craze begin
  24. i found bruno painful to watch. It relies on shock humor which i despise to be honest. Ali G was the only ''funny'' movie made by Cohen
  25. a bit. Gm mode without the objectives, brand fighting and other stuff. you just create your own story. you can use every show every ppv every idea to make a story. you could make a story about how john morrison lost the intercontinental title because he didnt have his daily glass of milk or something crazy like that.
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