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Everything posted by JasonM

  1. Darkness falls across the land...

    1. Jason Patricks

      Jason Patricks

      The midnight hour is close at hand...

    1. JasonM


      Just stumbled upon this, Bryan Adams concert and afterwards Stevie Wonder for free. And looking at tomorrow there will also be Kaiser Chiefs and Bruce Springsteen.

      Had to share this.

  2. *Random Blurb!*

  3. Chloe! I wouldn't ask something like this if it wasn't very important. So please get me that Hamburger without the pickles.

  4. Let's not forget people that we got a new emergency service number! Don't forget to learn the number that is infinitely more easy than 999... 0118 999 881 999 119 7253



      i can still remember the tune. i'm such a saddo. :/

    2. deli


      Oh god I love that show.

  5. This. I would love to team up on a what less populated server and just wander along in a group. Personally I am not one for using Teamspeak or other of those conondrums, but I would be down to try it either way. The only problem(s) I have encountered are getting an eternal server response screen in front of me and other people tell me to disconnect and reconnect whcih doesn't really help. And also some cases of zombies clipping through walls, floors and doors when you are trying to hide and hope they mosey along, very annoying is that. But for the rest from my one life I have done this is very fun to do, very tense when you are walking on the road in the middle of the night with only a road flare or a chemlight to illuminate for you and you see zombies creeping along and you are trying to stay quiet. And also from that first life I have learned to be extremely careful with your shooting, because starting only with a Makarov life can get pretty shitty pretty quick if you start spraying them in a panic. and running like mad only makes the zombies start running too. So a (not-so)Pro-Tip for all you guys out there, get to a building and only try to go for headshot. Luckily bite/scratch mechanics aren't going to change you into a zombie and you can survive quite a few smashes too, just kite them and go for headshots.
  6. I got ARMA2+OA sitting on my computer doing feck all, but seeing this mod I think I will be downloading and trying this baby. I just hope this mod is SixUpdater capable so that I can use that great tool to set every must-have into the right places. If any of you ever want to squad up then hit me up, I am in the British timezones and I can play in evenings but most likely in the weekends. EDIT: I just looked over the normal serverlist in 6Updater and holy shit there are a lot of DayZ servers. I mean 50+ with ease and a lot of them are populated to the max.
  7. JasonM

    Max Payne 3

    Gamespot also gave the game a 9 whilst Gametrailers went the bold way and gave it a 7.5. But I watched the GT review and it seemed overly nitpicky about a lot of things like ''Max's story makes little sense and it's only about shooting everyone in sight.'' It's like the guy that reviewed MP3 for GT has never played the previous games. Review that's the link if you wanna watch the review, but personally most of it was looking for stuff to talk down upon. Also for me the most head scratching remark by GT was that Max Payne was being portrayed too much as a ''flawed'' character... Again, it's like he never played MP1/2, Max is supposed to be extremely flawed and a painkiller popping alcohol swilling wreck of a man that kills everything in it's sight... But this game is still on my to-get list because quite frankly, it looks like an awesome game.
  8. I am still loving this Quom, would love to see you continue this (So I dont have to).
  9. JasonM

    Max Payne 3

    I would love to join a crew but sadly enough I am a tight pursed bastard and I don't want to buy additional gold membership together with this game.
  10. The August-September update Grass Roots XXVII is up!!!

    1. JasonM


      In this awesome update is included...

      - A transfer

      - Another Transfer

      - More Transfers

      - An English town gets burned to the ground by pissed off fans...

      Pretty much, YOU CANT MISS THIS!

  11. JasonM

    NBA 2K12

    Simmed the rest of the season as George got Defense 1st team and Morris got rookie 2nd team and I decided to trade away draft picks of 2012 for Arron Afflalo and a 76ers 1st round pick for 2013. In the rest of the season I also traded away Hill and Dudley for those picks and got Mo Williams who took his player option. A lot of players have been traded away or released on Free agency and after emptying my team my team only consisted of... Mo Williams George Hill (Extended qual offer) Paul George Arron Afflalo Markieff Morris Channing Frye Marcin Gortat Robin Lopez Pretty much an extremely empty team, but boy oh boy I managed to get a steal on the Free agency because I managed to get Chris Paul on a 4 year deal with a 1 year player option! Now I only have to scrounge up some pieces to fill out the roster and the rebuild has made a huge step towards possible playoffs in 2013. EDIT: After the post season was over I managed to scrounge up two decent players at minimum level contracts and I feel I have build a very effective team, not championship material but certainly able to go for the playoffs this year. PG: Chris Paul (93) SG: Arron Afflalo (79) SF: Paul George (84) PF: Markieff Morris (69) C: Marcin Gortat (82) 6: George Hill (75) PG: Mo Williams (74) SG: Landry Fields (73) SF: Lazar Hayward (62) PF: Chuck Hayes (66) PF: Channing Frye (61) C: Robin Lopez (71) Again not the best team in the world but lots of scoring power with Chris Paul being the obvious new Franchise star and George being changed to Small Forward to get Afflalo in the backcourt but I feel that the team is very well build defensively with Gortat, Morris, Lopez and Hayes being great rebounders and the smaller guys being great perimeter defenses. And also of course shooting ability with George, CP3, Afflalo, Mo, Frye, Hill and Morris all being effective three point shooters. I feel this team can go places and maybe if possible add a SG/SF guy to the mix to help at that department because Fields/Hayward aren't great backups to put it mildly.
  12. JasonM

    NBA 2K12

    And a trade has been made... Nash (85), Redd (70) + 1st round 2013 for George (77, A-), Hill (72, C+) + 2nd round 2012 I feel I made a good trade, I got a decent point guard to take over for Nash until I can find something better and I got Paul George who with all his strengths will hopefully become the franchise player. And I traded a next year first round for a this year 2nd round which hopefully will pan out together with my 1st round this year...
  13. JasonM

    NBA 2K12

    Thanks for the tip, I am certainly gonna try to construct a lucrative trade for George. Nash is almost irreplaceable with his all round offensive death-ness, But Paul George certainly comes close with his freak length, talent and youth. Hopefully I can fix a nice trade with him and maybe another Pacer player to help the depth. Nope I never had this problem with NBA 2k12, are you playing on PC so yes then is your computer strong enough? Or maybe something wrong with the disc?
  14. JasonM

    NBA 2K12

    *dusts off NBA thread* I started an association with the Suns and I have pretty much decided I am going to trade for Nash to get a new franchise player into the team but I am really struggling to find good players and make a decision. One trade I managed to conjure up is Nash/Hill/2nd 2013 for Lowry/Camby And also one trade has me giving Nash/1st 2013 for Beasley/Ridnour And then I got a straight up trade of Nash for Paul George which would give me a VERY tall Shooting guard with plenty of scoring ability and room to grow further. Or Nash/pick for Lawson/Birdman, Nash/Brown/Pick for Evans and Salmons, Nash/Hill for Smoove/Hinrich, Nash/Hill for Gay/Pondexter, Nash/Hill for Iggy/Vucevic... Pretty much what I am looking for is to trade away Nash and someone else for a guy I can build a franchise around. It's obvious I can't get the big stars like Rubio/Wall/Jennings etc. But I really wish to find a guy to hang on to for the future and help the Suns get back on track... Tips much appreciated. PS: Gortat is more or less non tradeable as good centers are very hard to find and Gortat is a very good inside presence.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MortonElephant


      will there be xbox/ps3 gaming?

    3. Noah


      Will there be blackjack and hookers?

    4. jrhodes


      I pity the fools who turn up to your party.

  16. RIP MCA, another great artists passes at a too young age. I even listened to a couple of Beastie Boys today before I found out about his passing, such a huge shame and he shall truly be missed.
  17. LOL tradespam. When I played this game a while ago I never thought of trading all my older players for draft picks, it's quite crafty if not super cheaty cheaty. But hey if the other team want to have players who will most likely not play for them then that's on them
  18. Quom where do I sign up to get your babies? Because I want your babies now! I truly hope you manage to work your way through this because Pride had a bad start but turned into an absolute beast of a show in time. It's really sad that Pride is gone because it was proper gruesome fun.
  19. Guess what people! Sign ups are opened for Grass Roots XXVIII !!!

  20. Why you think the net was born? Porn, Porn, Porn!

    1. SRN


      2004 called, they want their internet meme back.

    2. Hobo


      Pfft, the internet was born when Al Gore and a telephone had sex resulting in the birth of the first modem. EVERYONE knows that! <_<

  21. Hi I'm Jason and I am full of shit. :3

  22. Just seen UFC 145 after ripping it off the interwebz. (whoever starts about piracy can bite me.) Boceck Vs. Alessio No idea how Boceck didn't manage to end the fight. He was under control for the entire fight and Alessio was too busy defending Boceck's unstoppable takedowns and ground game. Boceck should have finished that fight, too bad he didn't. But still a good win and a good way to start off a card. Hominick Vs. Yagin Good god this one was one messy fight. First Hominick goes down and gets opened up big time by Yagin but he somehow manages to survive and hang on. Second round he again gets taken down and right now you think the fight is over but he again survives. Yagin looked flat out dead in the last round and Hominick would have had a big chance of winning if he had been a little bit more aggressive in that last round, he had the energy advantage and he was losing the fight on the cards, he should have swung for a win but Yagin hung on and got a nice win. No idea why this fight got FOTY though because there where a couple that where more deserving. Torres Vs. McDonald Former WEC champion Torres gets KO'd and honestly he got knocked out like a bitch in the fight. He tried to start something but McDonald had a great defensive posture and Torres got dropped when he tried to force something and McDonald shows some great knock out power in his fists. Fun fight and honestly if this fight had started the card it would have been a great way to get the crowd pumped. Schaub Vs. Rothwell First off I was amazed at Ben Rothwells physique, before he looked a bit like a chubby chappy but this time he looked pretty damn conditioned and if he can work even more on that he could become even more scary. And the fight was way fun and an awesome KO which deserved the KO of the night for sure. It looked like Schaub had Rothwell in the corner and ready to drop him but one nasty left hook made Schaub look at the lights and fight ghost Rothwell. MacDonald Vs. Mills One word... Wow. Rory MacDonald is one scary mothereffer and he completely dismantled Che Mills and made him a bloody mess. I think at the end of that fight Che had something like 4-5 cuts on his face and it goes to show you how dominant he was standing, but even more so on the ground. Rory never looked like losing in the fight and it was scary to see how dominant he was over an otherwise very talented guy. Mike and Joe called him the new GSP, well they aren't kidding and if Rory can continue to improve he is a sure fire candidate for the Welterweight title and maybe even a matchup between his mentor GSP himself. Personally this for me had to be the fight of the night purely on how Rory MacDonald dominated the fight and gave the crowd a huge show. Jones Vs. Evans (LHW Title) I gotta say, I was looking forward to this fight a whole lot and I was going into this fight hoping Bones would continue winning and he done it in dominating fashion. Jones was so dominant the fight was even a bit of a let down because I expected a more two way fight. But once the first round ended Evans never got a chance again and Jones just controlled the other four rounds. I am also a bit dissapointed Jones didn't manage to finish the fight because I felt that in the fourth and fifth round Evans was waiting to be dropped to the ground. But Jones won and he won so with general ease over Rashad Evans. It's mental seeing Jon Jones fight because he is a complete beast inside that cage. Evans would be a huge fight for anyone but Jones never had troubles with him and I wonder if there is anyone who can knock off Jon Jones from his Light Heavyweight pedestal. Right now the only guy I can see fight for the title is Dan Hendo and even though he beat Fedor and Rua I can't see him win against Jones. Jon Jones's title reign has been absolutely stunning from the moment he won against Rua to beating Rashad Evans tonight. He has won the title and defended it three times in just over a year which is absolutely crazy having 3 fights in 2011 and this fight in 2012. The only thing I can see Jon Jones do right now is go for 6 succesfull defenses and beat Tito's record and then jump over to Heavyweight. I mean in just over a year he has demolished the talent pool of the deepest division of the UFC. I mean just wow, Jones is only 24 and he is better every single fight and when this is all said and done we might be looking at the best MMA fighter the world has seen. I loved UFC 145 from start to finish, enough action to go around and personally this is the best show of 2012 for me.
  23. You could always buy him and throw him in defensive mid if you use one? The guy is a dominant center back but even more dominant between midfield and defense as an anchorman, his skills are perfect for that. For center back though, you do not need him and he will only cut into the playing time of Vermaelen, Kos and Mertesacker and that will mean someone will end up being pissed off. And to sign a great defender for 4th choice is a bit too much on the nutty side. If you need a good/great DM then he can be your man, for CB you would have to share time between 4 guys.
  24. Hey CM Punk, I know I have talked to you about your Father, Sister and also your Mother... But I have also found a little thing about your puppy dog...

    1. C-MIL


      Please don't post Raw spoilers until 48 hours after the show airs.

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