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Everything posted by JasonM

  1. Thats the awesome thing about Connected Careers online this year, you could easily have 32 guys in the league and all play your own created Rookie QB in the league to see who is the very best. And that makes me very annoyed not to have gold now, because I would love this and to take the Eagles to their first Super Bowl win.
  2. Exactly. I have all but given up on Peterson right now, I think I will only going to use him to prevent becoming predictable and as a backfield receiver when it´s needed. But that´s not needed since Harvin and Simpson are gobbling up my passes like a fat kid on thanksgiving.
  3. I am playing Connected Careers as a 2nd overall QB for the Vikes and whilst I am absolutely murdering people with my passing game, the running game is infuriatingly bad for me. I am trying to give AP plenty of running opportunities and just try to use the passing game as the second weapon. But AP can't get the yardage for the life of him for me. The most annoying thing is when I run a running play he either runs outside, gets pushed away and ends up eating a 5 yard loss. Or he runs into the O-Line for 2 seconds and then wipes out by losing his footing and falling on his ass. He gets clear and easy lanes to sprint through but he ignores them and just tries to go through the defense instead and it's starting to piss me off quite a bit at his pure stupidity. He had like 15 yards in 25 attempts in the season opener against the 49'ers. I end up having to do a lot of 3rd and long passing plays and that in turn causes my stats to tank quite a bit from having to go long so much because AP can't deliver the goods for the team. Even though I got 6 TD's in 2 games (49'ers 3, Colts 3), I also got 5 intercepts and quite a few sacks too because I have to gamble with 10+yrd passes so much... Playing the running game myself is pretty doable, but with the AI controlling Peterson it's just absolutely useless for me.
  4. My Scottish landlord wanted to disconnect my wifi, but not before I yelled ''You can take my Wifi, but you will never take my freedom!'' in his face... Needless to say he wasn't impressed, now I got no wifi =(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Colly


      So the story isn't that you haven't got wifi because you made a silly joke, you actually just haven't paid for it?

    3. JasonM


      Well... yes pretty much.

      But I am pretty sure the joke didn't made the guy any more empathic towards my plight as a poor student.

    4. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Weren't you the homeless wi-fi guy?

  5. Infinity engine is pretty buggy at times, most of the problems luckily only happen after the play is already stopped. The thing I do see commonly is when the AI running back cant get open and runs into the O-Line for 2 seconds and proceeds to lose his footing and fall on his ass... But that is also because the AI tends to think you can get past by going through the defense instead of around. Also AI running just deciding to ignore the obvious lane and going around causing them to get tackled for big loss, very annoying.
  6. R.I.P. Neil Armstrong.

  7. So how about that new movie ''Monsoon Poultry Hospital'' ?

    1. NobBe Nobbs

      NobBe Nobbs

      Chickens! Nurses! Rain! A man walks through the fog...

    2. JasonM


      Doctor, Doctor, I think this chicken is drowning!

  8. A thing I tend to use when passing is to first check if the defense is playing zone/man against me. Send one of your receivers in motion to the other side and if he gets followed they are most likely using man, if he isn't followed they are most likely playing zone on you. It's not a 100% certainty but it does help. If they are playing zone, try to overload the defense by having 3 receivers on the right side when there are only 2 backs, that means one will have an easier time getting open for a pass. In the case of man you can try to hotroute one of the receivers to make a cut or something else that has him suddenly change directions or stop in his tracks, that can cause the defender to overcommit and gives you a chance to pass to the open guy. If you got extremely quick receivers and you know the guy marking him isn't fast, you can also try a slant or streak and have the receiver try to burn him long. A final thing if they are playing man, try to check if every receiver is marked by a guy, if that isn't the case then you can go for the open guy because either the safety needs to drop back or someone else must commit which often means there will be a weakness or opening somewhere. And finally, don't be afraid to just laser a ball to the short option, if you think he is a solid choice just toss it to him and try to throw it so hard the defender can't intercept it. Also what could help is to diversify your playcalling, if you are running on first the majority of the time spice it up by doing a runfake and tossing it. Vice versa if you are throwing it on 2-3, try to draw and give your runner a chance to steal some yardage or even first down.
  9. Sweeeeet. Finally a NFL career mode that looks that it actually has you work for it.
  10. apparently they are... No idea why I came up with white... The other question about careers still stands.
  11. I don't hate the jerseys, but just full red jerseys with full white helmets is just... boring, at least for me. Panthers are a nice suggestion tho, nice RB/QB combination with only Steve Smith being a solid guy receiving... Also a question about that connected careers stuff, is that online-only? Or is it also offline? I don't got my 360 connected to the internet and from how it looks it's truly smashing. It includes My Player (be a superstar) right? If I read it right you finally get to fight for a depth chart spot instead of being a Starting rookie HB on the Falcons and shit like that.
  12. I see... Beats me for not knowing enough... I am superficial as frack tho, and I would like a nice mid-of-the road (or exceptionally young) team that actually has jerseys that aren't bland like Kansas.
  13. Thanks for the manual, gonna read it through just because I got too much time on my hands I don't think I will take the Lions anytime soon with them having Stafford throwing and Megatron roflskating all over the defense. From those 5 teams you guys suggested I think the team I would take are the 49'ers or Skins, I never really liked the Rams and the Chiefs have terrible jerseys I simply can't stand to look at more than once a season. Thanks for the quick responses tho
  14. I will most likely be getting this game when it comes out. But I have little clue of the moves and transactions of the NFL each year and what team is big/small young/old etc. Anyone got a good tip for me what team to pick in my first Franchise mode? I don't want to jump into a big dynasty (Giants, Packs, Pats etc.) and rather want to stick with a middle of the road team which is preferably young.
  15. JasonM

    NHL 13

    This, ever since they changed it to some rock paper scissors shit, I can't win them consistently at all. I preferred t' old system that relied solely on good timing and a guy with high faceoff skill.
  16. JasonM

    NHL 13

    I can't play t' demo because I have no cable near my xbox, but seeing and hearing that goalies have become better, I can safely assume that in NHL 13 I will never ever score. I mean in NHL 12 I already have a hard time scoring goals as it is, so NHL 13 is going to be purgatory for me. I play on auto aiming btw, because unlike other people I can't choose t' correct corner when there are defenders breathing down my neck and I am trying to get it to t' guy in t' crease... Sigh, gonna have a hard time with NHL 13 I guess to start...
  17. Yo Dawg, we herd you liek lists. So we put a list in your list so we can make a list on a list!

  18. In the Barrett Garage only one will walk away with a brand new, second hand, owned by three previous people car, vehicle or mule with wheels for legs! In the Barrett Garage!

  19. Here I was hoping Spain would come back and win it. =(

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      No one expects the Spanish demolition!

  20. Does anyone still have that one gif with Sin Cara pointing and the Inception explosion thing in it?

  21. Bacon Pancakes, making Bacon Pancakes

  22. Sturridge always ends up as a free agent in every game I play and hardly any team pick them up unless I try to sign him. Transfer system has been silly in the past, but FM12 has taken the cake.
  23. I wish I could ever get a decent return for my talented players. Even when City comes knocking they always try to eff me over by offering stuff like offering 10 million for Aaron Ramsey.
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