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Everything posted by Benji

  1. Benji


    My proof was that I saw it, I've since read up and I probably merely mis-heard it and interpreted into what I wanted to for my own personal laughter, so I was completely wrong. I still think there was no need to call me dumbass when you could have simply pointed that website out to me, because at that point you had no evidence for me either, but like I said, you were right and it doesn't matter.
  2. Benji

    Bo Selecta Vol 3

    I love it actually, I like the way it didn't stay the same as previous series' with Avid becoming TV presenter, Bear telling stories, rather than the same old situations. The humour isn't quite as good, but what do you expect, all shows are pretty much the same of a series, it's just a matter of finding a different way to tell the joke.
  3. Big Brother... bootcamp? So what instead of giving them an interesting task they force them to do boring chores and not talk to another person on sentry duty? Way to cut down on the entertainment! I'd roll my eyes but they hurt from watching this sheer stupidity from Endemol and C4 producers.
  4. Benji


    There were fresh episodes made for ITV only a few years ago which certainly feautured Master Bates at the very least, as for the rest it seems I am wrong and apologise. Although I still saw no point in d27's insult I'll let it fly seeing as he was correct in his statement that it was urban myth.
  5. Benji


    It is not an urban myth, it was genuine, I have SEEN the TV show. Is there any real need to call me a dumbass when I'm simply trying to explain that I've seen the show?
  6. Benji


    I assure you the names were used on the TV show, apart from Roger, he was renamed Tommy or Timmy or something along those lines because they felt it was immoral to give a child that name.
  7. Benji


    Hold on, about Captain Pugwash, you're saying a TV Show I WATCHED on ITV, Channel 3 in the UK, only 7 months ago, isn't real? The fact I've seen the TV show before quite a few times is amazing if it didn't exist. Or am I misunderstanding you?
  8. Benji


    Kids TV and too much innuendo? May I point you to the Captain Pugwash kids TV show... Roger the Cabin Boy Semen Stains Master Bates And others I've forgotten.
  9. I liked Becki, she was wicked, should've got rid of Ahmed, he wanted to go and Becki was the only reason Ahmed became even slightly entertaining.
  10. The Crow because it's worthy of a boredom watch and the others either aren't worthy or are something you can watch properly.
  11. I find general Saliva/Drowning Pool songs are pretty good, not for rythm but just for keeping me going.
  12. I stayed for credits only because I couldn't be bothered to move after the Dragon-Donkey pups moment.
  13. I don't do playlists, but my music tastes evolved as follows... Until 2000: Pop music, generally unaware of 'real music' 2000 until recent: Rock music only, usually Ska and/or Nu-Metal kind of stuff Current: Any music I find to be good, doesn't matter about the genre
  14. Pokémon, simply because it had my über cool and unbeatable Mew, okay so it was only because I never had it in my team when I linked up but still... Monster Rancher owned, the game was wicked the way you made new monsters... CD MONSTER!! ^_^
  15. I am a major fan of Final Fantasy, but if Square-Enix thinks I'm going to pay the same rate as what I read they charged it's Asian market then they can think again if they think I'll buy it.
  16. It did when I went to see it. I read something about this somewhere else, apparently there were more changes but I'm not sure who/what countries. Anyone got any clue?
  17. Reno was unbelievably cool because he was so calm about everything, he was ULTRA SUAAAAAAVE~!
  18. Bah I was hoping they wouldn't pull a Bond and instead keep the female lead, oh well...
  19. The Usual Suspects is my favourite for swerves and probably favourite, as long as Resident Evil: Nemesis has a good plot then RE1 might be one of my new favourites.
  20. Anyone have the original graphics they can upload? IE: The Loading Screens, Title Screen, Buttons etc.
  21. Benji

    Music Survey

    Fave Chilli Peppers Song?: "Throw Away Your Television" Fave Muse song?: "Sing for Absolution" Fave Radiohead Album?: Not a fan of Radiohead Pearl Jam or Nirvana?: Pearl Jam Favourite Chill-Out album?: Any Instrumental Favourite Solo Artist?: Frank Sinatra Pop or R&B?: R&B Indie or Metal?: Indie Rap or Rock?: Rock
  22. Just the one... "Dark of the Matinee" by Franz Ferdinand, fucking amazing song.
  23. Benji

    Your top 5..

    In no order... "Anthem Part II" by Blink 182 "In The End" by Linkin Park "Rollin' (Urban Assault)" by Limp Bizkit "Away From The Sun" by 3 Doors Down "Time of Your Life" by Greenday
  24. Just Eternal Sunshine and Taking Lives because I've been way too busy. Both good films even if Taking Lives was hella predictable.
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