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OctoberRaven last won the day on August 25 2020

OctoberRaven had the most liked content!

About OctoberRaven

  • Birthday 08/10/1986

Profile Information

  • Pronouns
    I Don't Know Who I Am, So Use What You Like
  • Location
    The State of Crime Scenes - Florida
  • Interests
    Wrestling, Video Games, Music, Video Games About Wrestling, Music About Video Games, Wrestling About Video Games, etc. Also pen and paper RPGs, cyberpunk, and transhumanist technology.

Contact Methods

  • PSN Username
    OctoberRaven (also my Steam)

Recent Profile Visitors

33,648 profile views

OctoberRaven's Achievements

Hall Of Famer

Hall Of Famer (12/12)



Single Status Update

See all updates by OctoberRaven

  1. On behalf of South Florida, I officially apologize for Rick Sanchez and hope he quits broadcasting altogether.

    1. OctoberRaven


      Not just for what got him fired for CNN, by the way. I mean in general.

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