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Posts posted by Hailtothechimp

  1. NO DISQUALIFICATION World Heavyweight Title Match


    Street Fight


    US Title Match


    Grudge Match


    Pure Title Match


    Bonus(+1 point): How Many ropebreaks will Low-Ki have left at the end of the match (3,2,1,0): 0

    Television Title Match


    Grudge Match


    WHO KIDNAPPED EUGENE: (+2 points) Regal

  2. World Wrestling Federation Championship

    The Undertaker© Vs. Kevin Nash

    World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

    Al Snow Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin©

    World Wrestling Federation European Championship

    Alex Wright© Vs. Ahmed Johnson

    World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

    Chris Benoit and Brian Pillman© Vs. D'Lo Brown and Chavo Guerrero

    Hardcore Rules Match

    Shawn Michaels Vs. Terry Funk

    Handicap Match

    British Bulldog and Vader Vs. Bret Hart

    Ken Shamrock and Rick Martel Vs. Goldust and ?

    Plus, The New Commissioner Will Be Announced

    Plus, The Money Mine Promise A New Member

    Tie Breakers

    1. What will be the first match of the night? Tag Team Titles

    2. Which match will get the best match quality in EWR? World Title Match

    3. Which match will get the worst match quality in EWR? Handicap Match

    4. How many titles will change hands? (titles can't change hands by DQ, No contests, Etc) 1

    5. What's going to be the match before the main event? Micheals vs. Funk

    6. Will anyone debut? And if so, Who's debuting? Nobody

    7. Who's joining The Money Mine? Dont Know

    8. Who will be the new Commissioner? Million Dollar Man

    9. Who's going to be Goldust's mystery partner? ... Hollywood Holly?

  3. (Preshow Note: I highly recommend reading the whole Sandman vs. Rhyno Cage Match.)

    user posted image

    Extreme TV

    Place: Richomnd Colisum in Richmond, Virginia

    Date: July 30th, 2005

    Attendence: 9006

    Rating: 4.09

    A video package plays, replaying last weeks brutal main event with Rhyno and The Sandman. Portions of Rhyno's interview is played during the highlights before it goes to the footage of him on Joey Styles's headset challenging The Sandman to end it all tonight inside a 15 foot steel cage for the heavyweight title. The normal opening video than plays before coming inside the arena to get a shot of the fans cheering and than going to Joey Styles and Paul Heyman at ringside.

    Joey: Welcome to Extreme TV everyone and what a show we have for you tonight. We have some much action to show tonight in just 1 hour and tonight the World Title Shot at Summerslam Tournament starts tonight.

    Paul: Lets go ahead and show the tournament bracket for everyone out their to see. Tonight will feature 2 of these matches tonight plus the Tag Team Title #1 contendership will be on the line later tonight.

    Joey: Lets go ahead and show the bracket and then lets get right to the action.

    Justin Credible

    Hollywood Nova

    Masato Tanaka

    Mike Awesome

    "The Crippler" Chris Benoit

    Kid Kash

    Big Stevie Cool

    "Lionheart" Chris Jericho

    Kid Kash vs. "The Crippler" Chris Benoit - 1st Round Match in the #1 Contendership Tournament

    We cut to the ring where Benoit makes his entrance to a large pop and Kid Kash comes out to a good amount of heat. Man, can you say squash? I am sure this shouldn't have been a squash, but most of the matches are being shortned due to time. 1 hour isnt a lot to host a show with a huge main event like tonight. Kash goes for the Kash Flow, but Benoit breaks out of it and hits a hooked clothesline that sends Kash down fast. He climbs up to the top rope and flies off with a huge headbutt to the chest of Kash. Benoit slaps on the Sharpshooter as Kash inches his way over to the ropes. He does manage to grab them, but can't get back up after Benoit releases the hold. Benoit drags him back to the center of the ring and applies the Crippler Crossface for the very quick submission from Kash.

    Winner: "The Crippler" Chris Benoit

    OR: 72

    CR: 77

    MQ: 84

    Joey: We will be right back after this commerical break

    ~Commerical Break~

    Paul: Welcome back to Extreme TV everyone and coming up next is the big Three Way Dance Tag Team match for a chance at the Tag Team Titles next week againest Danny Doring & Roadkill.

    Da Blue Guy & Big Pappa Chump vs. Dudley Boyz vs. Chair Swinging Freaks - #1 Contendership for a Tag Team Title shot next week.

    The bell rings and the Chair Swinging Freaks come out with their spray-painted chairs again. They raise them up in the air and walk down the ramp, but get attacked from behind by the Dudley Boyz, another time saving move for the cage match later tonight. Bubba starts taking it to Axl as D-Von hits a kick to the gut on Balls. D-Von uses Balls own chair againest him and smashes over his forehead. He goes over to join his brother in attacking Axl. The b.W.o music finally kicks up and Big Pappa Chump comes out with a microphone. Da Blue Guy comes running down to join the fray as Chump says his new catch phrase, "WHERE ARE ALL MY FREAKS?" Chump runs down to the ring and smashes the microphone over a bloody Balls' head. 3-D in the ring on Axl as Bubba makes the easy 3 count. Da Blue Guy gets back into the ring and starts dealing out the punches to Bubba Ray and D-Von. Chump rolls back into the ring to help out his partner but D-Von and Bubba Ray start taking advantage of the fight. Bubba pushes D-Von and tells him to get the tables. The table gets set up fast as Da Blue Guy is clotheslined over the top rope and Chump takes the 3-D threw the table for another 3 count and the Dudley Boyz get the title shot next week on Extreme TV.

    Winner: The Dudley Boyz

    OR: 62

    CR: 66

    MQ: 73

    Paul: The Dudley Boyz get their chance to become 17 time tag team champions next week on Extreme TV. Do you think they will be able to get the job done Joey?

    Joey: We will have to wait until next week, but right now we have to go to the back, where "Lionheart" Chris Jericho has finally returned to his roots and is about to give an interview.

    "Lionheart" Chris Jericho Interview

    Jericho: That's right Joey Styles, the lion has returned to where he truely belongs, back in the coliseum where a true lion belongs. I have a chance to bring about change to the Extreme brand right now and that, I can become the next Extreme Heavyweight Champion after I beat 3 guys that in no way match up to me, Chris Jericho. Tonight, it starts with Stevie Cool, next week it continues with "The Crippler" and after that, I beat whoever else wins their matches and I take what should have been mine 9 years ago!

    OR: 95

    "Lionheart" Chris Jericho vs. Big Stevie Cool w/ Hollywood Nova

    Stevie comes out with Hollywood Nova who is also in the #1 contendership tournament to see who will face the Extreme Heavyweight champion at Summerslam next month. Jericho comes out to a huge pop and unfortanly, due to time, another match has to be shortned to a job. I know, I know, note to self, never book a cage match on a 1 hour show again. I don't plan on doing it again. Anyway, Hollywood Nova gets up on the apron after Jericho applies the Liontamer. Jericho drops it and floors Nova, but Stevie is up and hits the Stevie kick. Jericho kicks out at 2 and Stevie is up and irrate about the supposed "slow count". Jericho is up and floors Stevie. Jericho does the lionsault and than applies the Liontamer to Stevie, who taps after some minor struggling.

    Winner: "Lionheart" Chris Jericho

    OR: 67

    CR: 79

    MQ: 69

    Joey: Well, after that amazing match, we have the Extreme Heavyweight Champion standing by in the back for an interview.

    Sandman Interview

    The Sandman is seen standing by in the back with a microphone a beer in his other hand. The Extreme Heavyweight Title is wrapped around his waist as he gives a hard look to the camera before speaking.

    Sandman: Rhyno... you can talk all you want about this belt and myself, but the fact of the matter is that you have yet to prove that you can get the job done. You may have pinned me to keep the Television title, but it seems that fate has left you to be a 1 belt champion. Rhyno, tonight, you and me inside a 15 foot steel cage. You and me for the fourth week in a row, the 2nd time this title has been on the line and all I have to say to you, is that you better getting used to a little less weight on that shoulder of yours, because come tonight, I will see that you only have 1 title and I will make sure that you, me, and your little quest for this belt of mine will come to an end. Rhyno... tonight, I may even end you carrer and if I dont, count your blessings and thank god for the fact that I dont want your television title.

    Sandman drops the microphone and makes his way off screen as we cut to our final commerical break.

    OR: 77

    ~Commerical Break~

    Joey: Well, after tonight's great night of action, what could possibly be left? We have seen the return of "Lionheart" Chris Jericho and "The Crippler" Chris Benoit, we have seen that amazing three way dance tag team match for a tag title shot next week, what could possibly be left Paul?

    Paul: The Sandman and Rhyno promise to finish this thing tonight and it will be inside that 15 foot steel cage that you see being lowered before you.

    Joey: Lets go to the ring!

    Rhyno vs. Sandman - World Title Cage Match

    The cage has been lowered as Joey said and Rhyno clamly walks out threw the curtain with the TV Title around his waist as Rhyno. The fans give him some huge heat as he keeps walking down to the ring and runs his hands across the steel mesh that is the steel cage. The anticipation is rising in the arena as The Sandman comes out threw the fans to a huge pop. He raises the Extreme Heavyweight Title high in the air as he smashes the beer can on his forehead. He is already bleeding as walks threw the fans to ringside. Rhyno is already in the cage and just stareing a huge hole right threw The Sandman who raises the Extreme Heavyweight Title in the air again to the amusement of the fans. Joey and Paul have been quiet the entire time.

    Sandman slowly walks towards the door but reconsiders real fast and grabs a steel chair and throws it threw the ropes outside of the door. He than pulls out a table and pushes it into the ring and throws the belt inside the cage as well. Rhyno unstraps the TV Title from his waist and lets it drop down to the canvas. Sandman finally gets into the ring as the referee climbs into the ring as well, while a road agent locks the cage door.

    Joey: Pin, submission, or climbing out of the cage is the only way to win this one. That door will stay locked for the rest of the match.

    The bell finally rings and this baby is under way. Sandman and Rhyno come out to the middle of the ring and have a good trash talking session before Rhyno gives a huge forearm to the face of the Sandman. Rhyno starts hitting some lefts and rights before he throws Sandman into the steel cage. Sandman bounces off the steel cage and Rhyno grabs the Extreme Heavyweight Title. He stares at it for a little while before he smashes it over over the downed Sandman's open wound from bashing the beer againest his head. Rhyno picks him up and scoopslams him in the middle of the ring. Rhyno sets the table in the corner and than walks back towards the Sandman. Sandman gets up and hits a low blow on Rhyno and than clotheslines him back down. He picks up the steel chair and holds it up in the air as Rhyno is clutching his balls. Sandman screams at Rhyno saying "THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED RHYNO!" Rhyno gets up and Sandman smashes the steel chair over his head that releases a sicking thud. Sandman throws it down as the camera gets a shot of the huge dent in the chair as Sandman circles the ring and grabs the TV title. Sandman waits for Rhyno to get up and runs at Rhyno, TV title in hand, but Rhyno side steps and throws Sandman face first into the cage. Rhyno has the TV title now and smashes it across Sandman's back before picking him back up again. Rhyno gets Sandman into a fallaway slam position and throws him into the cage. Sandman slides down the cage and hits the ring hard. Paul says he was surprised that the Sandman didnt go threw the cage as Rhyno starts choking Sandman with his foot. Rhyno picks Sandman back up and sets him in the corner with the table. Rhyno gets into position in the opposite corner and slaps his chest a few times before pointing to the corner at the Sandman. Rhyno runs toward the Sandman who side steps and Rhyno runs threw the table, his shoulder smashes into the steel post and his face mashes into the cage. Sandman is down on the mat and Rhyno is in all sorts of trouble laying between the cage and the ropes. Sandman gets back up and runs towards Rhyno and does a baseball slide right into Rhyno sending his back into the cage. He picks him back up and throws him into the cage as Rhyno bounces off and falls down to the mat hard. Sandman calls for the White Russian Legsweep but Rhyno boucnes up and uses his last amounts of strength to push Sandman into the cage. Rhyno picks up the World title and smashes it right into the face of the dazzed Sandman. Rhyno drops the belt and runs off the ropes. Rhyno hits the Gore and the crowd is going wild as Rhyno goes for the pin.




    The Sandman kicked out and Rhyno is stunned. He gets up slowly and stares a hole threw the referee. The Sandman is up as Rhyno is holding the referee by the coller. Sandman grabs the steel chair and smashes it across the back of Rhyno. Rhyno falls foward as the referee manages a quick side step to avoid the contact and Sandman drops the chair behind him. Sandman gives Rhyno the White Russian Legsweep onto the chair and Rhyno is out. Sandman grabs the Heavyweight Title and raises it into the air as he puts his hand on Rhyno.




    And the Sandman retains as Joey makes a quick sign-off for Extreme TV. Sandman climbs to the top of cage and holds the Extreme Heavyweight Title high in the air as the fans go wild. Extreme TV goes out with Rhyno layed out on the canvas with the TV title drapped across his chest and in the background, The Sandman with his rightfully earned title, high in the air.

    OR: 68

    CR: 79

    MQ: 70


    Overall Show Rating: 72

    (Note: Rhyno vs. Sandman Feud is now over.)

  4. Genius, I am huge fan of this diary now. Same question as the other, When is your first show? I love the other shows and the backstage stuff, but when do we get to see a BCW show?

    Also, hats off to bringing over WEF, as I am a huge fan of that idary as well.

  5. (Sorry for the length, and it ain't getting any better next week, as this week and next week are packed full of ECW/WWE goodness.)

    user posted image

    Extreme TV

    Date: July 23rd, 2005

    Place: MCI Center in Washington DC

    Rating: 4.45

    Attendance: 9,097

    The opening video plays highlights of last week's main event between Rhyno and The Sandman for the Television title before moving on for the normal opening video package. When that finishes, the camera goes around to catch all of the fans chanting E-C-W as we come to the announce table where Joey Styles is mysteriously flying solo.

    Joey Styles: Welcome everyone to this week's Extreme TV and what a show we have planned for you people tonight. Paul Heyman has announced that 6 team tournament has been put together and all three 1st round matches will go down tonight. All the teams dont know who they are facing and neither do we, so tonight will be something special.

    Paul Heyman's theme music begins to play as the crowd gives him a great pop. He has a microphone with him as he stands at the top of the ramp.

    Joey Styles: So that's where he has been, I wonder what else he has to say?

    Heyman is out

    Heyman: And now to start off Extreme TV with yet another huge announcement. The Sandman and Rhyno will not, I repeat will not be the main event at Summerslam for the Extreme Brand. I want this to end and I want to end soon, so I am here to announce that The Sandman & Rhyno will go at one on one tonight and hope that this will end soon enough. Now than, I have set up a 12 man tournament to become the #1 contender to the Extreme Heavyweight Title at Summerslam.

    The crowd pops pretty well here as Heyman continues on.

    Heyman: Now the first round will feature four three way dances, in which the winners will go on to the semifinals. The finals will feature an ECW Style Ladder Match, where you dont have to climb the ladder, but a ladder will start out in the middle of the ring along with 4 others placed at ringside to be used at their own will to beat the living out hell out of their opponent. So, suck on that Mr. Monday Night GM!

    The crowd pops again as Heyman's music kicks up again and moves on to his seat at the announce table as we get set for our first match after the commercial break

    OR: 94

    Paul Heyman gained 4 points of overness from this segment.

    Commercial Break

    We come back to see Charlie Haas & Robert Conway are already in the ring getting ready for their opponents in their upcoming tag team tournament match

    ??? vs. Charlie Haas & Robert Conway - First Round in the #1 Contender Tag Team Title Tournament

    The fans are waiting for Charlie & Robert opponents as the Chair Swinging Freaks come out with their custom spray-painted chairs. The fans pop hard as they coming out holding their chairs high in the air as they walk down towards the ring. Axl starts things off against Robert Conway as the brawling begins as soon as the bell rings. Charlie eventually gets control with a vertical suplex and follows that with a German suplex. Axl starts taking a beating as Charlie tags in Robert and heeling it up begins as Robert takes every shortcut in the book. Low-blows behind the referee's back and choking. He tags Charlie back in as Charlie comes in with stomps before Axl finally starts fighting back with huge right hands and follows it up with a ddt. Axl inches his way over to his corner as he makes the hot tag to Balls. Balls comes in on fire as Robert & Charlie get knocked down with several right hands as the crowd chants "Balls" everytime he connects. A big Explosion Suplex on Charlie tags him out of the match as Axl and Balls use their spray-painted chairs in Con-Chair-Too form. Robert is out as Balls coming flying off the top rope with a big splash and stays on top of it for the 3 count to move on to the next round of the tournament.

    MQ: 63

    CR: 61

    OR: 80

    Winner: The Chair Swinging Freaks

    Charlie Haas lost 2 points of overness from this match.

    Robert Conway lost 2 points of overness from this match.

    Axl Rotten gained 2 points of overness from this match.

    Balls Mahoney gained 1 point of overness from this match.

    Robert Conway is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.

    Styles: What a match-up, I was sure that Conway & Haas were going to take that one until Balls came in and ran them out of the ring.

    Heyman: The Chair Swinging Freaks move on to the finals where we will have all three of the winning teams in that ring next week to decide who will face off against the Tag Team Champions, Doring & Roadkill.

    Styles: And the mystery surrounding the randomly drawn opponents for the matches are driving the teams and the fans nuts. Lets go on to the next match.

    ??? vs. ??? - First Round in the #1 Contender Tag Team Title Tournament

    The Mystery surrounding the next match in the tournament is catching up to the fans. First to come out is Chris Chetti as he waits for his tag team partner to come out. Spike Dudley's music plays as the two come down to the ring together and the fans go wild. About half a minute goes by before the Dudley Boyz music hits and the fans go wild as Joey lets out an "OH MY GOD! THE DUDLEY BOYZ WILL FACE OFF AGAINST THEIR HALF-BROTHER!" Spike and D-Von start things off with the classic brawling around the ring and ringside. Chetti & Bubba Ray climb into the ring and start going at it inside the ring as Spike gets waffled over the head by a huge chair shot from D-Von. Bubba hits the Bubba Bomb and goes for a quick pin only to come away with a 2 count. D-Von goes back to his corner as Spike climbs his way back to his corner. Chetti hits a couple forearms and jumps over to his corner to tag in Spike. Spike comes off the top rope with a missile dropkick that sends Bubba to the mat. Spike tells Chetti to grab a table and gets to work with that as Bubba gets back up and attacks Spike from behind. D-Von comes around and whips Chetti into the steel barricade and hits Chetti over the head with the ring bell. Bubba Ray suplexes Spike down and starts stomping away until D-Von brings the table into the ring. Bubba Ray lifts Spike's legs up as D-Von climbs the top rope. The crowd goes along with the Dudley Boyz as they scream "WAZZZZZZZZ UP!" before D-Von comes of the top with a headbutt to Spike's balls. D-Von gives Spike the last rights as Bubba sets up the table. Bubba sends Spike to the ropes and D-Von jumps in the air... 3-D through the table! The crowd goes wild as Bubba goes for the pin... 1, 2, NO! Chetti makes the save just in time as D-Von slams Chetti hard in the middle of the table rubble. Bubba throws Spike over the top and The Dudley Boyz hit the 3-D on Chetti! D-Von goes for the pin, 1, 2, 3! The Dudley Boyz move on to the finals next week as Extreme TV goes to another commercial break.

    MQ: 68

    CR: 68

    OR: 84

    Winner: The Dudley Boyz

    Chris Chetti is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.

    ~Commerical Break~

    Styles: Welcome back everyone to Extreme TV and our next match is the last in the tournament in this round. I cant wait to see who is going to be in this next match.

    Heyman: Your guess is as good as mine Joey, lets get this match started, I want to see some blood!

    ??? vs. ??? - First Round Match in the #1 Contender Tag Team Title Tournament

    A little while goes by as the b.W.o music plays as Big Pappa Chump & Da Blue Guy come out from the back as Big Pappa grabs a microphone.


    The crowd goes wild as the music cuts off for a little while as Big Pappa Chump & Da Blue Guy wait for their opponents. About 15 seconds of anticipation later, the b.W.o music kicks up again as Hollywood Nova & Big Stevie Cool come out to the surprise of the fans and a stunned Joey Styles as Heyman just laughs in an evil way.

    Hollywood Nova: You wanna know somethin' dudes, the fact that the b.W.o brothers have to wrestle each other tonight dudes, doesn't matter, because the plan is to take over brothers! Tonight, 2 of the 4 b.W.o members will go on to the finals next week brothers and I can tell you dudes that somebody in the b.W.o will have gold come Summerslam!

    The bell rings as the b.W.o members shake hands as Joey Styles is still in shock that the b.W.o is going to go at each other tonight. Big Pappa Chump and Big Stevie Cool start out with you guessed it, brawling. Hollywood throws Stevie a chair who then throws it to Chump which Stevie super kicks back into the face of Chump. Stevie than hits a ddt before tagging out quickly to Nova. Nova comes in with rights and lefts before sending Chump to the ropes to hit a boot to the face. Chump gets up pretty quick and stares down at Nova, who then receives a few rights to the face which is followed up by a suplex. Chump tags out to the Da Blue Guy. Da Blue Guy comes in with a clothesline and than knocks Stevie off the apron. He picks up the chair and smashes it over Nova's head before hitting a big splash. He goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. Da Blue Guy makes another tag as he holds him in place before Chump hits a knee to the gut. We get into another brawling moment with Chump before Nova starts to fight back and manages to tag out to Stevie. Stevie comes in on fire now, beating Chump and Da Blue Guy down. Stevie hits a Stevie Kick on Da Blue Guy and goes for the pin, but Da Blue Guy isn't legal as Chump comes from behind and slaps on the Generic Sofa Recliner. Stevie screams loudly as Nova comes in with another chair and hits a huge shot to the back of Chump's head. Da Blue Guy comes in with a huge clothesline on Nova from behind before hitting a huge big splash on Stevie's back before Chump comes in for the 1,2,3.

    MQ: 61

    CR: 65

    OR: 71

    Winner: Da Blue Guy & Big Pappa Chump

    Styles: What an amazing turn of events in that last match, as Da Blue Guy and Big Pappa Chump are undefeated as a tag team and they just beat a much more experienced tag team in Nova & Stevie.

    Heyman: Well that sets up Da Blue Guy & Big Pappa Chump versus The Dudley Boyz versus the Chair Swinging Freaks in a 3 Way Tag Team Dance to see who will face Doring & Roadkill in 2 weeks for the Extreme Tag Team Titles.

    Styles: Rhyno is standing by in the back for an interview.

    Rhyno Interview

    Rhyno is the back with the TV title wrapped around his waist and microphone in his other hand.

    Rhyno: Well, I have to wrestle The Sandman again... FOR THE THIRD WEEK IN A ROW! And you know something, I am glad. Because every week, my smile grows larger everytime I know I will get a chance to beat the living s*** out of you Sandman. When you took that Extreme Heavyweight Title from me, I lost apart of myself, apart of myself that can only come back when I whoop the living s*** out of you week in and week out. That gore threw the table last week Sandman, felt so good... the pain I have caused for the last 2 weeks has given me a pleasure that I could have never known before I lost my pride and joy, that Extreme Heavyweight Title. So Sandman, tonight after I beat you again, I will be coming after MY Extreme Heavyweight Title, and when I get back, I will make sure that nobody, not even you Sandman, NOT EVEN PAUL (insert f-word here but was bleeped out by Spike TV) HEYMAN WILL BE ABLE TO TAKE THAT DAMN BELT AWAY FROM ME AGAIN!

    Rhyno drops the microphone and storms off screen while Extreme TV takes its finally break.

    OR: 74

    ~Commercial Break~

    Styles: Well, it sounds like Rhyno is ready for tonight and it sounds he wants his belt back Paul

    Paul: Rhyno better watch what he says about me, because Rhyno, I have all the power I need to take that belt away from you and give it to somebody else, you stupid son of a-


    Rhyno vs. Sandman - Non-title

    Rhyno comes running out from the back with the TV Title. He lays it down on the match and starts screaming for The Sandman to come out. The Sandman finally comes out as the crowd goes wild. He steps out with his World title around his waist and a nice cold one (Tonight's Sandman Beer of the Week: Miller Light, ITS MILLER TIME!)in his right hand. He lights up and points towards the ring before taking a nice long puff. He throws it down and puts it out before starting to make his way towards ringside. He goes into the crowd and bashes the beer against his head before spewing it all over the fans. The fans go crazy as the Sandman walks towards the ring before climbing in and bashing the World Title across Rhyno's face as he charged at him. The bell rings as the Sandman starts stomping away before picking Rhyno back up and hitting a ddt. Rhyno rolls to the outside holding his head as the Sandman goes after him in pursuit. Rhyno grabs a chair and smashes it over Sandman's head before going under the ring looking for something. He finds a table and holds it up on its end. He smashes his hand over it, calling for another gore threw this table like he did last week. Rhyno puts it in the ring before picking Sandman back up and running him back first into the ring post. The camera gets a good shot of Sandman, who is now bleeding even more after bashing the beer can againest his forehead. Rhyno sets the table up in the corner before going back outside and starts laying on the punishment with right hands on Sandman's cut from the chair/beer can. Rhyno throws the chair back into the ring and than grabs a trash can from under the ring. He rolls back into the ring and sets the trash can in-between the turnbuckles in another corner. Sandman inches his way back up, using the apron as Rhyno hits a... baseball slide? Something rather uncharacteristic of him as Rhyno rolls Sandman back into the ring and grabs the TV and World Title and sets them side by side on the mat. He slams Sandman down hard on the belts and grabs the chair. Rhyno is waiting for the Sandman to get back up. Sandman gets up slowly and ducks the chair shot before kicking Rhyno in the gut and hitting a ddt onto the belts. Rhyno is now busted open as Sandman sends Rhyno into the trash can who runs into it chest first. Rhyno staggers backwards holding his chest as Sandman brings him over and hits the White Russian Legsweep into the table. Pinfall, 1, 2, NO! Rhyno manages to get the shoulder up and Sandman can't believe it. Rhyno manages to get up while the Sandman complains to the referee. GORE! Sandman is down and Rhyno goes for the pin and comes away with a 2 count! Now Rhyno can't believe it and starts to complain to the referee. Sandman gets up and cracks Rhyno over the head with a steel chair. Rhyno is down and out again it appears as Sandman picks him up and nails the White Russian Legsweep onto the chair! Sandman goes for the pin, 1, 2, 3! Sandman has won and its looks like Rhyno wont get a chance at the World Title anytime soon.

    MQ: 66

    CR: 75

    OR: 75

    Winner: Sandman

    Styles: OH MY GOD! What a match! I can't believe that the Sandman, no matter how much of a beat he would take just wouldn't stay down and he came away with a huge victory over Rhyno.

    Rhyno stumbles his way over to the announce table and takes Joey headset!


    Rhyno throws the headset down into Joey's lap, which just happens to hit him in the balls.

    Paul: Uhhhh.... Well for Joey Styles, I am Paul Heyman and next week Rhyno and The Sandman will go at it inside of 15 foot Steel Cage! Goodbye everyone!

    Overall Show Rating: 70%

  6. Wow, is anybody besides me getting the Revolution? Its backwards compatable and sounds like you get more bang for buck.

    Thought seeing as we are talking about XBOX 360, i will agree with everyone who is saying you should get the more expensive one as for more bang for the buck. PS3 does sound tempting, so the lesson is to wait and see.

    Question thought: What are PS3's scheduled launch titles so far?

  7. I am rather sure this isnt the last sighting of Owen... does anyone smell a blue blazer gimmick? Well, history for the World Title remiand unchanged as Taker went over in both this and real life. I also like that the title matches that I picked were completely opposite. I thought every belt would be changing hands cept for the World and of course... I am wrong.

    Great Show Hewey and cheers for this being back!

  8. World Wrestling Federation Championship

    The Undertaker Vs. Scott Hall©

    First Blood Match

    Shawn Michaels Vs. Cactus Jack

    No Holds Barred, Anything Goes Match

    If Kevin Nash Wins, Then Ric Flair Will No Longer Be The Commissioner, And Nash Will Be The One Who Chooses The Next Commissioner

    If Ric Flair Wins, Kevin Nash Is His Own Personal Servant

    Special Guest Referee- Rowdy Roddy Piper

    Ric Flair Vs. Kevin Nash

    Submission Match

    Loser Leaves The World Wrestling Federation Forever

    Bret Hart Vs. Owen Hart

    World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

    Four Corners Match

    "Stone Cold" Steve Austin© Vs. Al Snow Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Rick Martel

    World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

    Triple Threat Tag Team Match

    Brian Adams and Brian Lee© Vs. British Bulldog and Ron Simmons Vs. Chris Benoit and Brian Pillman

    World Wrestling Federation Light Heavyweight Championship

    Ten Men Battle Royal

    Sean Waltman Vs. Chavo Guerrero Vs. Sho Funaki Vs. Taka Michinoku Vs. Brian Christopher Vs. Billy Kidman Vs. Steve Bradley Vs. Scott Putski Vs. Hakushi Vs. ?

    Ken Shamrock Vs. Goldust

    The Patriot, "Party Boy" Marty Jannetty, Koko B. Party and Van "Party Time" Hammer Vs. Sycho Sid, Duke "The Money Maker" Droese, Johnny Swinger and Simon Diamond

    Tie Breakers

    1. What will be the first match of the night? Lightheavyweight Title Battle Royal

    2. Which match will get the best match quality in EWR? Bret vs. Owen

    3. Which match will get the worst match quality in EWR? Shamrock & Goldust

    4. How many titles will change hands? (titles can't change hands by DQ, No contests, Etc) 2

    5. What's going to be the match before the main event? Nash vs. Flair

    6. Will anyone debut? And if so, Who's debuting? No clue

    7. Who is the mystery entrant in the ten men battle royal? Shadow :)

    8. Who will be the first person eliminated in the ten men battle royal? Billy Kidman

    9. Who will be involved in the deciding fall during the triple threat tag team match? (Post who will get the pin on who) Benoit on Lee

    10. Who will be involved in the deciding fall during the four corners match? (Post who will get the pin on who) Snow pins Austin

    11. Who will be involved in the deciding fall during the eight men tag team match? (Post who will get the pin on who) Sid pins Jannetty

    12. Who will be the final two men in the ten men battle royal? The Mystery Guy and Chavo

  9. I have a real quick question for ya Hewey. What happened to all the prediction contest winner's wrestlers that were created from '96 and put into the development territory?

    And what happened to the Lightheavyweight division push?

    They're still in development, When your guy (or someone else's) is ready to be called up, I'll pm the person and ask them how they'll want the act to be, Like ring attire describtion (sp) and stuff like that. I do mention who's ready to be called up from development in my news report at the beginning of the month.

    The Light Heavyweight champion will be crowned at WM in a ten men battle royal. There's been tag matches with the Light Heavyweight wrestlers on MNR/FNM/RSN along with other matches.

  10. user posted image

    DATE: July 16, 2005

    Place: Baltimore Arena

    Joey Styles: Welcome everybody to the Baltimore Arena where the Extreme Brand is taking Baltimore to the Extreme. Always with me now a days is the man behind it all, Paul Heyman.

    Paul: Hello Joey and hello Extreme fans of the WWE as tonight we take another area of the United States of America to the Extreme and Joey what a show we have for these people here live and for the people at home.

    Joey: That’s right everybody. We have the fallout from last week’s heavyweight title match, the cruiserweights of the Extreme Brand will be in action and the b.W.o will be here live.

    The music of the Sandman begins to play as we go to the ring

    Segment 1: The New Extreme Champion has something to say

    The new Extreme Heavyweight Champion of the World, The Sandman, comes out to a loud ovation as he struts to the ring with his cigarettes, a 12 pack of beer, and the Extreme Heavyweight Title wrapped his waist. He slowly makes his way into the ring as he takes a long swig of beer and begins to bash the can against his head. He than spews it everywhere as the fans go wild.

    Sandman: Well Baltimore, lets go ahead and have a look see at what happened last week.

    The footage is shown of The Sandman giving the White Russian Legsweep to Rhyno threw the table set up in the corner and than of him getting the 1,2,3.

    Sandman: Oh yeah, you people probably loved it, but I tell you, I loved beating the living hell out of Rhyno last week and now tonight, he is probably back there crying his little eyes out because he lost one of his two titles. Well Rhyno, let me tell you something, you can cry about it or you can come down to this ring and you can try to get this belt back.

    Right after the Sandman speaks the last word, Rhyno’s music plays loudly over the P.A as he comes out to a loud amount of boo’s with the Extreme Television Title wrapped around his waist. Rhyno is given a microphone from one of the production crew.

    Rhyno: As much as I would love to gore you right in the middle of that ring tonight and take back what is mine, I have something rather different in mind tonight and it has absolutely nothing to do with your drunk ass.

    The fans begin to chant pussy, which has bleeped out by Spike TV.

    Rhyno: Shut up, you will listen when I speak. You chant that now, but by the end of the night, you will be chanting my name because I am issuing an open challenge to anybody in that locker room who wants to try and take away my Television title and Sandman, I will be taking back my World title when the time is right. You just remember to watch your back or you will find yourself GORED!

    Rhyno’s music plays over the P.A as he heads to the back as Extreme TV heads into it’s first commercial break.

    Rating: 78

    -Commercial Break-

    Joey Styles: Welcome back to Extreme TV ladies and gentlemen, and what about what we just saw Paul, Rhyno issuing an open challenge to for the Television title here tonight.

    Paul: Indeed, this is good TV, better than whatever comes on this network Mondays at around 8, isn't that right Joey?

    Joey: Your damn right Paul and here we go with our first match-up of the evening.

    Segment 2: Akio vs. Tracy Smothers vs. Kid Kash

    Akio comes out first to some boos and some cheers as nobody knows what to expect from him now that he is on the Extreme Brand. Tracy Smothers is the next to come out from behind the curtain to the cheers, as he is a familiar face to the Extreme fans. Kid Kash perhaps gets the largest amount of boo’s as he taunts the crowd. He finally rolls into the ring and we have ourselves a nice triple threat match.

    Akio and Kid Kash start out to team up on Tracy. Akio hits him with a nice suplex as Kid Kash starts stomping away on the downed Tracy. Both men throw him to the ropes as Tracy ducks the double elbow attack and comes back with a huge shoulder block to hit both men. Tracy dumps Kash to the outside and goes to work on Akio by slapping on figure four. Tracy holds the hold on for another minute before Akio reaches the ropes. Kash comes in with a chair and levels Tracy over the head. Kash waits for Akio to get up. Akio uses the ropes to pull himself up as Kash comes charging over with the steel chair in hand. Akio reverses by sending Kash flying over the top rope. Akio walks over and picks Tracy up and throws him to the corner. Akio runs over and does a back flip by walking on him. He than takes the confused Tracy and rolls him in a school boy for a long 2 count. Kash runs back in the with chair and swings wildly, but Akio ducks it and dropkicks it right back in his face. Akio climbs up the top rope and hits a nice moonsault on Kash. Akio managed to stay on for the pin, but Kash yet again kicks out 2. Tracy gets back up and clothesline Akio down and pins Kash, only to get a 2 count. Tracy picks Kash and goes for a suplex, but Kash reverses into the Kashflow. Akio gets up and smashes Kash with the chair that was in the ring. Akio runs over to the ropes and hits Tracy with a Corkscrew Splash for the 1,2,3.

    Match: 79

    Crowd: 54

    Overall: 59 **

    Winner: Akio by pinfall

    Segment 3: b.W.o Reveal

    As the 3 participants from the last match make their way to the back, the music for the b.W.o begins to play as Big Stevie Cool, The Blue Guy, and Hollywood Nova step out from behind the curtain. Stevie has the microphone in his cut off blue jean shorts as all three members pose in the ring to the crowds delight.

    Stevie: Well ladies and gentlemen, the Blue World Order is back and I still have the 3 simple words for the locker room here and that is... WERE TAKING OVER!

    Hollywood Nova: Well you know somethin’ dudes, when we were drafted over to the Extreme Brand dudes, we decided that we need another person to make taking over a reality brothers!

    The Blue Guy: Thats right, so everybody, say hello to... “Big Papa Chump” John Hedienrich!

    The b.W.o music kicks back up as Big Papa Chump steps out in Scott Steiners old double strap white wrestling uniform. He stops just after coming out to flex his muscles, which in no way compare to Scott Steiner’s steroid muscles. He struts down to the ring and the Blue Guy hands him the mic.

    Big Papa Chump: WHERE ARE ALL MY FREAKS?

    The fans cheer loudly while others are laughing out loud, very loud.

    Big Papa Chump: You know when I showed up today, I had my friends come over to my locker room and they said “Hey, why don't you have a tag match with the Blue Guy tonight and see if we can get some gold in the b.W.o.” I said hell yeah, so lets bring out the victims so the Blue Guy and Big Pappa Chump can get on out of here.

    Extreme TV than cuts to a quick commercial break

    Rating: 68

    -Commercial Break-

    Segment 4: b.W.o. IV (Big Papa Chump/The Blue Guy) vs. JT Smith/Robert Conway

    JT Smith walks on down and gets no reaction what so ever. Rob Conway comes out in his old La Resistance trunks, but no French Flag. The fans boo him as he rolls into the ring. The b.W.o wasted no time in attacking both men as Big Papa Chump clotheslined JT Smith over the top rope. The Blue Guy just started throwing punches until Chump came over and hit a double suplex on both. Conway rolls out of the ring as JT runs in and starts attacking the Blue Guy as Chump is forced out of the ring by the referee. Blue Guy reverses an irish whip and hits a shoulder block on JT Smith as Stevie Cool and Hollywood Nova are at ringside cheering them on. Da Blue Guy tags out as Conway appears to have given up and takes a walk to the back. Chump comes in and back JT into the corner and just starts throwing punches that lands right on the mush of JT. Chump brings him back out and slaps the Steiner Recliner! Joey Styles calls it the Generic Sofa Recliner as JT taps out rather quickly

    Match: 67

    Crowd: 59

    Overall: 56 *

    Winners: Big Papa Chump and The Blue Guy

    (Robert Conway is losing overness because of his weak gimmick)

    Segment 5: Chris Benoit interview

    We cut to the back where Chris Benoit is standing by, microphone in hand.

    Benoit: Well it seems like I am back home where I belong and now that I am home, I can release the true wolverine here. Next week, I will be in action, and everybody out their in TV land and the live crowd how truly rabid this wolverine is.

    Rating: 72

    (Chris Benoit lost 2 points of overness from this segment)

    -Commercial Break-

    Segment 6: TV Title match ??? vs. Rhyno

    We return from commercial break with Rhyno coming down to the ring with the Television title in his right hand as he climbs into the ring. He takes the microphone away from the ring announcer and looks around at the crowd before speaking.

    Rhyno: Now the time has come for my challenger to come out here and face the music.

    The Sandman’s music begins to play and Rhyno is livid as Joey lets out his trademarked “OH MY GOD!” The Sandman drops the beer he was holding and rushes to the ring, kendo stick in hand. The Sandman swings widly, but Rhyno ducks and hits the Gore! He goes for the pin but only gets a 2 count. He goes to the outside and grabs and chair and comes back in. He swings widly and misses and Sandman drops down to his knees and hits him low. Sandman picks up the kendo stick and swings for Rhyno’s head. Rhyno ducks and runs to the ropes. Rhyno goes for another Gore, but Sandman moves out of the way and finally smashes Rhyno over the head with his kendo stick. Sandman goes to the outside and grabs a table from under the ring and pushes it into the ring. He climbs in and Rhyno comes at him with a clothesline and connects. Rhyno sets the table up in the corner and grabs the chair. He lands a shot or two to the Sandman’s back and calls for another Gore. Rhyno throws Sandman to the ropes and smashes him with a Gore that goes threw the table. Rhyno recovers quickly and pulls the Sandman back out to the middle of the ring for the 3 count. Rhyno retreats and celebrates with his Television title as the referee checks on the Sandman.

    Match: 74

    Crowd: 74

    Overall: 65 **

    (The ECW Television title has gained in image)

    Joey: What an edition of Extreme TV, I still can’t believe that Rhyno just Gored the Sandman threw that table without decapitating himself.

    Heyman: Just remember fans, you can only catch this kind of Extreme Action on Saturday Nights.

    Joey: What a night folks, we will catch you next week. For Paul Heyman, I am Joey Styles and we will see you next week on Extreme TV!

    Overall show rating: 66

    "We got a 4.45 rating for 'Extreme TV'!

    The attendance level was 8020 people.

    We made $320800 from ticket sales."


    Steve Austin vs Chris Jericho©


    Christian vs Raven© vs Booker T


    Matt Hardy and CM Punk vs Eddie Guerrero and Edge

    Bonus: Who will be the first to go through a table: Eddie Guerrero


    Sinister Creation vs Team Canada vs Jersey Boys vs America's Most Wanted©


    Scott Steiner vs Colt Cabana


    Billy Kidman© vs Ruckus vs Rey Mysterio vs Amazing Red


    Team ROH vs Team WCW

    Bonus: Who will be the 2 of the four partners spanky chooses to make up his team (+1 each):

    1. James Gibson

    2. Low-Ki

  12. If this was truely classic, Schiavone and Brain would be putting over Hogan on Nitro for half of the show, but anywayz.

    Very, very nice Thunder. I think I liked it better than Nitro, but just a smige. Siaki and O'Haire angle was great, as was RoH. I didnt expect AMW and I can say as much I hate Chris Harris, I was still into the angle. So here is 2 things you need.

    1. TV Title

    2. Saturday Night

    keep up the good work.


    Chris Jericho© vs Booker T


    Scott Steiner vs Steve Austin


    Raven vs Christian©


    Whiskey Marc vs Cactus Jack


    Matt Hardy vs Edge


    Rey Mysterio vs Billy Kidman


    Sinister Creation© vs Legion of Doom (As much as I want the Legion of Doom to win, it sounds like Animal will be retiring in-game at the end of the month)


    CM Punk vs Eddie Guerrero


    Who will be the next WCW Commissioner (2 points): The Rock

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