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Posts posted by Hailtothechimp

  1. OH you guys are in for a treat in Rule of Two. The book is truly superior to the first one and... ah jesus I cannot spoil it for you guys.

    On another note, I am awaiting the next Republic Commando book, Order 66. If you haven't read the first three books, you should, they are quite amazing at diving into the real community that is the clone army and how much they have been taught to be "true" Mandolorians. And then the main story continues in December with the next series to take place after Legacy of the Force, quite a good series as well.

  2. I really like the game. It's not perfect in any way. The camera angles and the fact your character seems to weigh more than a planet can ruin it for many players. A lot of new Star Wars padding though, adding more the the universe. Still kind of pissed at the ending though (light side):

    Force Explosion? GAY. And why the hell wasn't there much damage? The Emperor no-sold it like a fucker! I was hoping for a Gray Jedi 'exile' sort of ending with Juno, leaving it open for further projects featuring Starkiller.

    But otherwise, great characters (Proxy is awesome) and it really binds Episode 3 to Episode 4, which they really tried to do in Episodes 2 & 3 but just didn't have enough time to fit in. I really liked how they revealed how the Rebel Alliance was founded, I sat with a goofy smile for about three minutes.

    I can buy the Emperor no selling after Darth Vader sold you whooping the hell out of him to the point of near death. You rip his mask off for god sakes and blow his leg down to the metal prosteic he has! Fighting Vader had to be the best fight in that whole game.

    Maybe I am just a huge nerd, but they run through some of the foundings of the Rebellion in some deleted scenes in the Episode III DVD. But they do a nice job of showing the main founders that would have such a huge impact on the future of the universe.

    I got the Dark side ending myself but gonna play through it again to get the light side

    Plus at least I got a bad ass suit to do it in now though for me highlight of the game was the Darth Maul duel I loved that fight

    The Darth Maul fight was sweet, but annoying at times. That damn unblockable combo of death just got ridicolous after a while.

    And my damned Red Ring of Death has kept me from finishing up to get the Dark Side Ending. Needless to say if I could go to Microsoft right now they would get quite the bitching out...

  3. I enjoyed Season 6 for all that's worth. Yeah it was hit and miss, but it was still pretty damn good. I didn't see much of 7 once I heard it was getting aired out of order and then the writer's strike came upon us. I look forward to that coming out on DVD though and now that I know they are doing 8, I want a bit of closure, but leaving it open enough to keep the mind wondering.

    *tilts head to the left and lets the mind wonder.*

  4. I don't think so. He seems to have a whole other side that she helped unlock simply by fighting him. He's nuts enough without her injecting him with the Black Blood. Shinigami/Asura was a brief taste (although satisfying to me at least) of what we are going to see soon enough. I'm pumped!

    Just finally got around to watching it and I have to wonder if Stein got infected with snakes or something so Madeusa can come and get some sort of revenge. She also said she loved him so I expect some completely fucked up things to happen in between them. Shinigami vs. Asura was taste but I cannot wait to see all the Deathscythes together in 25. That is going to be brillant.
  5. Broncos squeak by... jesus who them going 3-0 at the beginning of this season. I know I didn't and they are my favorite team.

    Skipped out on Fantesy this year... to much work to do but damnit I wish I had Cutler, those two touchdowns would have been sweet.

  6. I bought the game and have played it quite a bit. It's a little glitchy in places and the levels seem a bit repetitive. Fun for a first play through but I'll definitely be getting rid of it after I beat it.


    I ain't sayin the game is the greatest game ever or anything, as it has quite a few problems, but its just great solid fun. I can't stop playing it... don't let the fact that I follow Star Wars religiously have any part in that statement.

    Seriously though, I really wish the damn Force Grab targeting system was better. Pulling down a Star Destroyer and then having to worry about 5 wings of TIE Fighters coming at me to blow me to hell was a bitch. I just ended up pressing the Right Trigger over and over again and had much more success at that than actually trying to aim at them when they flew by.
  7. Amass a 2.5 million gold real estate empire, or be there when another Hero does.

    Jesus... I am seriously going to lose weeks of my life to Fable II. Oh and...

    Commit an act of public indecency, or see another Hero commit one.

    Get five villagers drunk in under three minutes, or see another Hero do so.

    Take part in a debauched bedroom party with several participants.

    I look forward to all of these (Y)

  8. Alright, I have read both of these (both in class and at home now) and while I can easily tell who wrote which one (I am looking at you Sousa!), I liked both of them very much. They both had viable winners to the KOTR, as both men could have easily used the push in the current time frame and both were pretty well booked during it as well as per the rules.

    But, I would have to say #1 is the winner. For one, I like the style it was written in much, much more. But thats more of a personal thing. Secondly, I liked his Corination cermony much more and the winner of the KOTR for that matter. I think it was better written towards the rules where he gets something and then uses it and dosen't really hide it that much, where as to me in #2, I had to read it quite a few times to get what his present was and then how he got the crap beat of him for it (I was really hoping that Matt would have thrown into the throne, but beggers can't be choosers).

    I think Morrison getting the victory in the KOTR would have a been a better use for it as opposed to Matt who is already semi-established and winning the current day KOTR might not help him as much as it would have back in the hayday of the KOTR.

    And to add something to #2, I really, really loved your JBL promo. I think it was perfectly spot on for his character and has to be one of the better promos I have read this year. If we could nominate for the end of the year awards, I totally would put it up next to Sousa's Arn Anderson promo any day of the week.

  9. Really, what were you guys expecting. ZOMG I can play Civ IV in the Civilization's stage? It takes the better parts of certain genres (such as Civilization in the Civilization stage, MMO in Creature, and really fun Space mode that you can spend hours on even if the missions start to get repetative after a while.), adds in a huge amount of user generated content, and happens to be barrels of fun most of the time. If you want to play a game that is based off one of the stages your creature experiences, then go play Civiliazations or some MMO or a much better RTC (as I'll agree that Tribal really is the worst stage of the 5).

    I think it was totally worth the 50 bucks, but thats just me.

  10. Honestly, blame the summer. Its always dry to you get to catch up then.

    Other than that, everything is so much because everybody keeps buying it at 60 to 70 bucks a pop... in massive numbers too. Halo 3 selling a million copies in one day is proof.

    We could all just try to stop buying them... but we all know that isn't going to happen, so set aside 120 to 180 bucks a month and get 3 every two weeks. Course for me, that is my paycheck so I am fucked.

  11. Agreed with waiting for Mass Effect and maybe Rock Band. To be honest, I am quite surprised that the people that have voted don't have a lot of Halo 3 as 1. Shocker for me.

    Seriously though, the end of this year has been amazing. I don't have time to play everything I want, as Mario Galaxies has remained untouched for close to a week now and I am sad.

    I already have the GOTY for next year ready to picked though.


  12. All praises to Bioware for 2 things now. Mass Effect and the deal with LucasArts. The faster they can get a KOTOR III out the better.

    Seriously, I am buying a 360 for this game.... much like I bought an XBOX just to play KOTOR I. The 23rd cannot come soon enough.

    At least I get 10% off. Work at Hollywood Video and Game Crazy is their game store. :wub:

  13. So far only one thing has come to mind about this list to me.

    I fuckin hate emo kids.

    Seriously, how the hell do you get Led Zep in the bottom of the countdown? Seriously! Alice In Chains and Manson should be a bit higher, but I won't complain. Manson is quite the acquired taste.

    If Metallica and Pink Floyd do not break Top 10, this place will be burnt to the ground with flame posts...

  14. I am trying to figure out how guys leave out the Bomberman port to the Genesis? That game was fuckin amazing! Super or Mega Bomberman or something to the extent I believe was the name of the title.

    Anything Disney was amazing for Genesis as has been stated and Captain America & The Avengers is gold.

    Marble Madness anyone? and NHL '96 rules all of the hockey games. period.

    And to note TMNT, so long as it was Turtles In Time, your safe.

  15. For somebody who has already played it and picked up the demo went I went to preorder it, it seems like it could be much better than 07

    But it could just be me waiting to rape Smackdown and RAW in 24/7 GM Mode with ECW, which sadly wasn't apart of the demo :(.

    But the wrestling part is fun, the new submission deal they have could use some balancing, because I have managed to keep my friend and a cpu in the lock for a good minute and a half without them breaking it or tapping out. Kinda of funky, but fun.

    I really hope the CAW is worth it this year as well. 07's CAW kinda sucked to me.

  16. Somebody in the Fallen Son series said that they weren't going to do it and I can't for the life of me remember if it was Falcon or Bucky who said it. Anybody else read the series besides me?

    I still wish it would be The Punisher, him dressed in the red white and blue with the skulls was pretty BAMF in its own right.

    Quick question, has World War Hulk 5 come out yet, I am a bit behind on my comics due to working all the damn time now.

  17. I am quite sure its going to be Winter Soldier, as in Punisher's War Journel's, he tried to take up the mantle of Captain America but I believe he was attacked by both Winter Soldier and Bucky (I think, I hadn't read it in a long time.) So I am pretty sure Punisher said screw this, but I would love it if he really did take up the mantle of Captain America, but I think they should just make a completely new person to do it.

    I think the first issue came out already and it was all about this guy in Afganistan who sees Cap. Cap is alive and hooked up to some life support thing at the end so it could still quite possibly Steve Rogers. Apperantly, Captain America is immune to death. Sweet.
  18. I am quite sure its going to be Winter Soldier, as in Punisher's War Journel's, he tried to take up the mantle of Captain America but I believe he was attacked by both Winter Soldier and Bucky (I think, I hadn't read it in a long time.) So I am pretty sure Punisher said screw this, but I would love it if he really did take up the mantle of Captain America, but I think they should just make a completely new person to do it.

    I think the first issue came out already and it was all about this guy in Afganistan who sees Cap. Cap is alive and hooked up to some life support thing at the end so it could still quite possibly Steve Rogers. Apperantly, Captain America is immune to death. Sweet.
  19. I am going to have to agree with the fact that the Lions cannot and will not get passed the Cowboys. I got them going to the Superbowl, only to get trounced by the Patriots.

    I'll give you a couple of things. 1) The Lions are a lot better this year. Their depth at WR was proven, even againest the Bears 2nd String, that is something because the Bears have a legit defense, no matter who they play. Calvin Johnsen may have been out, but he is amazing. I got him on my Fantasy Team for a reason. 2) Kitna is good, but he could be very suspect to any team with a decent enough defense ie. Cowboys, Most of the AFC teams, and a few other NFC teams that aren't jumping at me.

    That's all I got right now. I would say the Lion's make the playoffs, but with the NFL, anything could happen.

  20. I think I actually still have the disc to the original Civ 2 somewhere around these parts.

    Ahh... the fair memories of being 8 and taking over the world. It gave me hope... and then reality slapped me in the face. Bitches.

    I am down though, I guess I have to download the thing though so whenever this bad johnson gets rolling, put me in.

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