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Posts posted by Hailtothechimp

  1. I love Brad Johnson's approach, lure them into a false sense of security by not completing a pass on your first 14 attempts...then you strike!

    I have a feeling he is getting pulled today for that other kid. Gotta be better then this crap that Johnson is puttin up in the air.

  2. They generally only ask for 20g and then tack on an extra 10g for every kid you two manage to squeeze out. Granted I have had so much unprotected sex in this its amazing I haven't gotten VD or syhilas yet.

    On that note though, I'll be running the Crucible a lot today for all that sweet sweet gold so if anybody wants to tag team it, drop me a message through LIVE if I am on.

  3. I just listened to them blather on until they were done so I could see how the characters reacted more to the story. Plus sometimes you get some bits of comedy gold out of the deal as well so sometimes it worth it to hear them talk about whatever.

    And as for your gold problem timmayy, I set up shop in Bowerstone for a few hours and just did all the jobs that came through. I did blacksmithing first as it was always available to me generally, but bartending is far and away the best way to get some money going. That and investing in real estate. The gypsey camp is all pretty cheap (In the Bower Lake region) and the stalls in Bowerstone Market can help you rake in enough to keep the missus happy for a while.

  4. Mainly went through the storyline my first go around, probably why it didn't take that long to finish. Being a little more thorough this time through.

    I good sir sacrificed my sleep to play the story. I did most of the sidequests as well so I am just rolling on through, trying to buy up all the propertys. Maxed out all the jobs too so Mr. Ruckus, I recommend Bartending to get all that extra money. Long streaks at max job level = shit ton of gold.

    My roommate beat the game day 2.......yes, he is a geek and a virgin.

    He and I are in the same boat good sir. Seriously though, anybody needs any help let me know. Message me on Live or whatever, if I ain't playing Rock Band 2, I am on Fable 2 and would be more than happy to switch. Doing jobs all day and banging my virtual wife for the umptenth time gets old after a while. <_<

  5. Yeah, I didn't try the lightning thing either so Ima have to try that when I get back to playing sometime next year after I beat Fable 2 and Fallout 3 to hell and back. But after the Star Destroyer thing, it gets pretty damn awesome again, so I would at least try to beat it.

    I mean hell, you paid for it didn't you?

  6. Finished the good ending, pretty good stuff even if the end was about as underwhelming as the first one. More than happy to help anybody out with anything. I don't really need that much exp, but the moneys would be nice so if your looking for some help, drop me a message or a pm or something.

    And yes, you should buy this game. Single player is good and multiplayer is fine as well with the exception of the camera not being under your control while it tries to fit both of you on there, but other than that. Good stuff.

  7. I loved the first Fable mostly because I could spend about 20 hours playing it and never ever touch the main story arc for it. It sounds like I could bump that up to 30 hours and never touch the main story for this one...

    Plus the scenes where you over look Bowerstone Lake look absolutely orgasimic and OXM gave it 9.5 out of 10. Can't be all that bad.

  8. As for stuff that didn't make your list of the non-action orientation: Marisama ga miteru (The Virgin Mary is Watching is the title in english) is completely awesome. One of the best story telling animes I have ever seen. Plus the lesiban overtones make it gold.

    "Overtones"? It's a complete full-blown yuri series if ever there was one. ¬_¬

    ... alright, it is. They also have a new season coming out soon that I can't wait to see. I just finished all the OVA's that made up the 3rd season so I eagerly am awaiting that. I got some other new stuff I haven't gotten around to watching yet, but I did just watch the second episode of Gundam 00's second season. Pretty awesome stuff going on over there, but I ain't much into this thread so I don't know how many of you guys watch it...

  9. Happy Lesson OVA. Is it good? Would I like it? Should I look into seeing it?

    EDIT: Reccomendations on Maburaho, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Steel Angel Kurumi (or #2), and Comic Party would also be good. A friend is trying to tell me what I like but I don't trust his judgement.

    EDIT2: Also, Full Metal Alchemist, Full Metal Panic? FUMOFF, Ghost Stories, and Azumanga Daioh were supposedly good. Are these even real things?

    Is there actually a place on the internet that I could watch some of these in english?

    May as well tell me about Bleach and Death Note too.

    If out of all of those you only end up watching Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, then your good to go because that show is amazing, it has a second season gearing up to come out next year, and its quite possibly one of the more addicting animes out there.

    I ain't much into Bleach, but it seems like a fun little action show. I wasn't into Death Note that much, but I hear the ending killed the show, Full Metal Panic is good, Full Metal Alchemist was kinda meh to me but it had its moments.

    As for stuff that didn't make your list of the non-action orientation: Marisama ga miteru (The Virgin Mary is Watching is the title in english) is completely awesome. One of the best story telling animes I have ever seen. Plus the lesiban overtones make it gold.

  10. *sigh* Why don't developers just come out and say it. "PS3 rules Japan, X360 rules America, and i want the money from both please."

    Other than that, I have to add another game to my pre-orderl list now. After 5, I am quite intrested to see where the story goes and the trailer just looked plain tasty.

  11. Wait, people pay attention to review scores? Seriously?

    Yes, because generally they tend to be pretty bang-on. Seriously.

    All depends on the source. IGN, Gamespot, and OXM are my prefered sources for reviews. They are generally pretty spot on about the score they give plus the review's are normally pretty good as well.

  12. I watched the original trilogy for the first time when I was about 5 on the same Black VHS set I believe you are talking about so that would put me at 92-93, so I am right there with you (I also have the new set on DVD). I watched Clone Wars for free over the internet so it didn't cost me anything so maybe thats why I am a little high on it. But you are right, it is very kidy, but the action sequences to me more than make up for it.

    watch-movies.net is where I watched it at if your intrested btw.

  13. Another Clone Wars series? Boooo. There's no way it can live up to Tartakovsky's series. That was and still is one of my all-time favourite Star Wars.. anything.

    I very much agree with you on that issue, but I think what Star Wars is trying to do now is get the next generation into Star Wars and leaving everyone else out to kinda watch it and go "Oh, that's how that happened and that's why this happened in the original trilogy." I was still a kid when the prequel trilogy came out but I had well been into Star Wars already with the original trilogy... so theres that. I know a few kids who say they love Star Wars but won't watch the original trilogy cause Yoda isn't plastered all over the place.

    But I am have a few hopes for the new series. If the action is as big and epic as it was in the movie and I can get some enjoyment out of the storyline, I'll be quite happy.


    I am wondering whether they will kill off Asoka in this whole deal or whether she goes off with some other master or something else... that is what has my intrest. That and Asajj... she's just so angry its awesome.
  14. So as I tried to do in the Sousa vs. iDOL thread, I shall try to do in here.

    I spent a lot of time reading what caught my attention and a lot of time skimming over what really didnt. Some of the entries weren't really set up to my taste (most noteable would have to be 4, I didn't who the match was even between before I got in a bit through.) Others, there concepts were rather to off for me (2 would be my example. The feud was hot but on RAW? I doubt it good sir.)

    So with those two out, I happily sat down to read a few and after I finished Entry #1, I knew I need to go no further. Lets not let my awesome bromance I have with LAW and my general liking of GBW get in the way. The format, the memebers of the teams, the awesome, awesome match that followed it. Hell, he even set up feuds to have a cross promotion war with that just won me over to no end. I couldn't get enough of it and the ending was superb. So I voted for #1 to take the victory.

    My honorable mention would have to go #6. The idea of it for ECW fits, the members all work well and it was pretty damn well written. The all important countdown, the awesome entrance of RVD coming to wreck shop to pretty damn good feel of the WWE verison of ECW. But props to all who took the time to write these as writing a War Games match can't be an easy task.

  15. Ugh, RROD today, then it worked for a few minutes, and then RROD again. Sending it in, hopefully it's a quick turnaround.

    I feel your pain sir... I feel your pain. Lucky for me I am close to Dallas and the Microsoft Repair Center is in Mesquite, Texas which is sorta close. I am praying for mine to be returned sometime next week and then spend the next couple of hours have to get the patch for the new Dashboard... ugh.

  16. So awesome, more Bane makes me happy.

    Also, in most of the paperbooks they have some nice, niffty timeline in the beginning of the book. Normally about 3 or 4 pages in. In my experience, I dived in at the very start of the New Jedi Order and then branched out from there. You'll find that most of the work going on now is either in there or during the Clone Wars where the is just open stories abounding. Sometimes you'll find the rare book that comes out during the movies but that's not very often.

    In the middle of reading the book of the new Animated movie and I must say is quite a bit better. For one, its not as kiddie and I know that is what they were going for in the new movie, but this really puts a better feel to it and makes me a bit more excited for the TV show that is coming out soon.

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